Rating:  Summary: Reads like a recipe for steamed lettuce Review: I was amazed by Clancy's ability to write over 400 pages on spycraft without ushering in a single moment of suspense. At no point did I care for any of the protagonists that are the so-called "teeth" that bite back at the generic Muslim terrorists that try to kick the American "tiger" in the rear end. Actually, the terrorists, mostly portrayed as international playboys and/or perverts, display more depth than the hero types, who spend more time deliberating the state of their old running shoes than they do on their roles as blacker-than-black ops assassins.
Rating:  Summary: Breathtakingly repetitive. Preachy... nooo fun. Review: I am a huge Tom Clancy fan, but this book was just painful to read. I cannot think of another book I've read which is so breathtakingly repetitive. The dialogue is canned, and is practicly recycled every few chapters. There is an immensely preachy edge to this book, and I don't know if it reflects Clancy's beliefs (I hope not), or is meant to engage us in the utterly shallow characters. This book might have made a decent short story of around 30 or 40 pages, but as a full length novel it is boring and trite. With this following on the heels of Red Rabbit (which was like a watered down recyling of cardinal of the kremlin) I have to wonder if Clancy is even writing these books anymore. they are just that poor.
Rating:  Summary: You're, like, kidding. Aren't you?? Review: The former master of the techno-thriller has totally lost his touch. "Teeth of the Tiger" is a huge waste of paper and ink, worse even than "Red Rabbit".Dull. Boring. Long-winded. Repetitive Predictable. Unbelievable. And those are the GOOD points. Clancy's earlier efforts had the reader spell-bound, waiting to see what the next turn of the page would bring. I had the plot figured out about 50 pages into this, NOTHING surprised me except the ending & that was only because Clancy took the story (what little there was of it...) to a certain point and then - just - stopped - writing. I have been a huge Clancy fan from the first but it's probably obvious to everyone by now that I'm highly disappointed with "Teeth of the Tiger". Not every book can be a "Red Storm Rising", that's too much to expect from any writer. But when your initial offerings are all 8's or 9's or even a 10 & then the last couple of books are lucky to rate a "2", well, maybe Mr. Clancy should seriously consider pursuing another hobby . . . . . If you are a die-hard Clancy fan & feel you MUST read this book then walk, don't run, to the nearest free public library. It'll be worth every penny you spend there.
Rating:  Summary: Pass it by... Review: It's time for Mr. Clancy to hang it up. With a story line as unbelievable as this, he surely must have better things to do. The book starts off with a bang and ends up with a whimper. As a female reader of thrillers, espionage and spy novels I found the three main characters of this book, Ryan, and the Caruso twins, to be spectacularly shallow and uninteresting. Are we really to believe that it's this easy to recruit nice young men to be assassins? If so, we are in big trouble. Clancy's use of language such as "the bad guys" and "pukes" reminds me of something I would have read in high school. I must remember when his next novel appears, probably a sequel to this one since he very slyly left that door open, to just pass it by!!
Rating:  Summary: Clancy's Most Disappointing Effort To Date Review: Upon finishing the book I wanted to exchange it because it thought hundreds of pages were missing at the end. It seems like Clancy got bored with the story after 400+ pages and thought, "might as well finish it here". All in all, the story is extremely anti-climactic and greatly lacks the political and military intrigue that have become Clancy's trademark over the years. I think it's time to put the Ryan's on the shelf. I get the impression that Clancy is trying to squeeze everything out of them that he possibly can because he has had so much success in the past. Those of us who have read most of his previous novels know that he is extremely creative, it is now time the he tries a new main character instead of a Ryan. Until he does that, I don't think I'll pick up another Clancy novel for a while.
Rating:  Summary: I enjoyed the newest generation of Ryans Review: Unlike several of the other reviewers, I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was timely and had an extremely scary premise; indeed, I've found it hard to shop in malls since I read it! I liked the idea of Jack Ryan's son walking in his father's footsteps, and I liked the interaction with the cousins.
Rating:  Summary: Only if you like vengenance Review: If you like to have people's deaths described in detail and if you like your vengance, you may like this novel. Otherwise skip it. Also, Clancy is not consistent. The first time he mentions the four terrorist targets he mentions Sacramento. The next he mentions them, Sacramento is replaced by Provo, Utah.
Rating:  Summary: I liked the prologue better than the book Review: The prologue was more suspensful than the entie book all together and the prologue was only 20 pgs long. Every single mission went without a hitch in this book ceating no suspense or tension. Eventhough there was no suspence it was on the whole an okay book.
Rating:  Summary: Completely lacking in suspense or character development Review: First things first, I've read most everything by Clancy up to this point. Teeth of the Tiger is miserable compared to any of his earlier works. The main failing was that there was zero suspense. NO mission went wrong, nothing bad happened to the main characters, nothing happened period. At no point did I feel anything for the characters, nor did I feel they were in any kind of danger. Instead, I felt as if this was some sort of cheerleading book for the War on Terror. The whole attitude was one of "look at our unstoppable assassins - they can kill you terrorists and you won't even know what happened." Rating - 1 star. Clacy will get one more chance. If the next is this bad, that'll be the last for me. I will probably borrow the next one before buying, something I almost never do with an author I like.
Rating:  Summary: Bad!!! Review: In the past I have loved Tom Clancy's books. This is one of the worst books I have ever read. It's hard for me to believe this boring book without an engaging plot was written by Clancy. I listened to the CD version. The reader made it even more boring and evident to me that the many sarcastic comments in the text were in poor taste.