Rating:  Summary: What has happened to Clancy? Review: This book would have to be the most parochial pile of redneck crap I have ever read! I usually can't wait for a Clancy novel but this is badly written, repetitive and full of cartoon Americanisms - "y'know", "whack the bad guys", "been there got the tee shirt", "out in the weeds". At times it goes beyond hard to read, it is nonsensical! What a waste of money. Come on Tom - what happened to the style we are used to!
Rating:  Summary: Bad Review: If this were the first book Tom Clancy wrote there wouldn't be any Tom Clancy empire. He gets away from the techno-military stuff for more ordinary spy games. He retires his two best characters--John Clark and Jack Ryan. And the ending is awful. This is the third book in a row that's not been up to the level that we have come to expect from Clancy. This would've have made a mediocre Op-Center book.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing! Review: Agree with foregoing reviews. Unless one wants to see the phrase "bad guys" used at least 10,000 times in one book, this novel has nothing to offer. I would love to see Clancy return to the originality, interest level, and compelling storytelling of the majority of his his early productions
Rating:  Summary: I so wanted to like this book! (but didn't) Review: I tried, I really did. Like most reviewers, I'm a long-time Clancy fan, so I was anxiously hoping Teeth of the Tiger would be the book that turns around the slump Clancy seems to be in. Unfortunately, it was not to be.The characters are two-dimensional at best, the plotting is lazy, and the writing is tedious and numbing. I'm just flabbergasted this is the same author that put out some of my favorite books: Red Storm Rising, Hunt for Red October, Debt of Honor... Teeth of the Tiger not only feels like it was phoned in by Mr. Clancy, but it was done so on a line with a bad connection. I MAY give Clancy one more chance, but I think I'll try a library copy before I spend the money. My advice: Try Grant Blackwood (The End of Enemies, The Wall of Night, An Echo of War). I've officially put Blackwood ahead of Clancy on my "must read" list.
Rating:  Summary: Toothless Tiger Review: Like all of Clancy's books, this one is dull, and predictable. He puts so much time into his research(though I truly doubt it on this one!) that he forgets he is writing a thriller to entertain his readers. When he started getting paid per word, his quality of writing took a nose dive, to the point where his stories are formulaic, and unimaginative. Read instead; Larry Bond's 1. Red Pheonix(2nd Korean War) 2. Vortex(South Africa) 3. Cauldron(Turmoil in Western Europe) David Hagberg's "By Dawn's Early Light" and "Kilo Option(written under the name of Sean Flannery) Grant Blackwood's "Wall of Night" All of the novels listed above are far Superior to ANYTHING authored by Clancy since his "RED STORM RISING"(co-authored with Larry Bond). Each of these novelists could teach Clancy a lot about writing Techno-THRILLERS.
Rating:  Summary: Did Clancy Kill His Editor? Review: Either Mr. Clancy has performed a hit on his editor, or his status is sufficient that he no longer has to listen to editorial comments. This book is boring, dull, and pointless. I got the feeling that when he had a sufficient pile of paper; he quit writing and declared it a book. Mr. Clancy was in error. It is not possible that this book was written by the same author who wrote Clancy's earlier works. Either he had a good ghost then or a poor one now. Tell us who really wrote the first books so I can wait for a book from him.
Rating:  Summary: TOOTHLESS TIGER Review: Boring,predictable,unimaginative,worse than Red Rabbit(A that if a difficult trick to pull out of your hat). Maybe Clancy died and someone else is writing his novels. We should have the CIA investigate. This is the second Clancy book in a row that I bought and read and was disappointed in. I'd tell you the plot but you would probably falll asleep before you finish.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Horrid! Review: If this were the first Tom Clancy book that I purchased, it would be the last! Having read just about all that Clancy has written, I ordered an advance copy of this book without any fore-knowledge. I had a couple of long plane trips ahead of me and "knew" that Clancy would keep me pleasantly engaged. Hah! Instead of the detailed suspenseful novels of his past, The Teeth of the Tiger was skimpy on details, predictable and flat. The characters were one-dimensional, totally boring and unsympathetic - Jack Jr. constantly referred to his father and mother, but never were these characters re-introduced. The hokey-ness of a rookie "secret" vigilante team coincidentally consisting only of the former president's son and his twins cousins is too much! This book is half the pages of most of Clancy's previous works and sadly appears to be a quick cash-in on the terrorists-aware times in which we are living. I smell a movie deal! Boo! Hiss!
Rating:  Summary: 1 star . . . because I can't pick Zero stars! Review: I am a huge Clancy fan. Like many, I have read and re-read all of his earlier books. After the many well deserved negative reviews of Red Rabbit I was sure that Clancy would respond to his critics by responding with one of his best works yet. With that in mind, I picked up Teeth of the Tiger with great anticipation expecting one of Clancy's best works ever (or at least better than Red Rabbit) . . . I WAS WRONG. I would say this book has NO redeeming qualities. One sure sign of the "rush to print" mentality of this book is the many typos left behind by the haphazard editing. About 1/3 of the way into the book you will realize that you are being set up for a series (like the terrible Op-Center books which were "inspired" by Tom Clancy). If you want to know what's bad about this book, read more of the reviews, there are a lot of them. Most of the reviews add up to the same thing: SAVE YOUR MONEY. If you must read this book, get a library card or borrow it from one of us disgruntled Tom Clancy fans that already wasted our hard-earned money on this pulp.
Rating:  Summary: Oh Tom where did you go? Review: I have been a big Clancy fan since The Hunt for Red October, but this was a major disappointment. This one is as bad as the movie they did for The Sum of All Fears. This books lacks everything a Clancy fan wants. Unless you're a brain dead teen stay clear of this one.