Rating:  Summary: from a 12 year-old boy Review: Tuck Everlasting is full of action and excitement. The story starts out as just Winnie Foster running away from home but it turns out to be much more. When Winnie goes into the wood she finds out about the spring and gets kidnapped by the Tucks. Once they tell Winnie about the spring a stranger takes the Tuck's horse! Will the stranger tell people about the spring? You will have to find out yourself. I would recommend this book to people of all ages. Natalie Babbitt described everything in Tuck Everlasting beautifully. It's a book that no one could forget about because it's so interesting. This is one of my favorite books because I enjoyed it so much. I hope more people would read this and learn a lesson in life.
Rating:  Summary: Amanda Review: Tuck Everlasting is about a girl named Winnie who runs away from home and sees this boy by the spring in her family's woods . The boy and his family drank the magical spring. It makes them live forever and never die or age. My opinion of the book Tuck Everlasting is I think the book is great. I encourage you to read this book . You will like this book it is very interesting.
Rating:  Summary: review from an 11 year old girl Review: I give Tuck Everlasting a 10, because it shows how much I like the book. I think that Tuck Everlasting is a great book for all ages. The book brings everyone together in the book. Some people don't think that the book reaches out to them, but to me it does. Tuck Everlasting was a great book. I think Tuck Everlasting is a great book because I like Winnie Foster. I like her because she was a little out going about herself. Jesse Tuck should have a girlfriend because the way Winnie describes him. Mae sounded as if she needs a friend but didn't need one. Tuck Everlasting is a great book. Tuck Everlasting is a great book because the Tuck's house seems to like people coming in and being welcome. I think that others will like the book.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: At the start of the book a little girl named Winnie Foster came outside to play. Then a man in a yellow suit came and talked to her. Then the next day Winnie saw a boy named Jessie Tuck drinking water from the wood. Winnie was starting to get mad at him because he would not let her get a drink from the water. Then all the Tucks came and took Winnie with them. Near the end of the book the man in the yellow suit took Winnie. Then Mae Tuck hit him in the head with a gun. Then Mae got caught by the constable. Then Winnie was going to take Mae's spot in jail. Then the Tucks got away.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: This story is about a girl who is scared to leave the yard. She met a toad at the end of the gate. The toad then jump in the wood. The girl decided to go in the wood the next day. When she went to the wood she met a young man in the wood. They heard some elf music coming to them. The lady took the girl to there cabin, the cabin was a mess. Now you can find out the ending This is a very good book for your children. They probably would like this book, you might too. I liked the part when they jumped in the lake. This is why you should buy this book. I now I liked this book.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Tuck Everlasting Book review When my teacher first said we were going to read the book Tuck Everlasting, I didn't want to read it because it did not look like a very good book, but you should never tell a book by its cover. The book is about a family named the Tuck's and they are Everlasting! One day when they were moving to a farm they drank from a spring that is magic. The spring is what gives them the power to be everlasting. After we got finished reading the book, I found that is a very good book. I'm really glad we read Tuck Everlasting. I think it was the best book I have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: I want to tell you about the book I just read called Tuck Everlasting. The authors name is Natalie Babbitt. In the story the main characters are Winifred Foster (Winnie), Mae Tuck, Angus Tuck(Tuck),Miles Tuck, Jessie Tuck. Something happened to the Tucks. They looked the same for many years. In the story the little girl named Winnie gets kidnapped. If you want to now more about the book read the book. The book Tuck Everlasting is a great book. It is a fiction novel. I liked it so much I could read this book again. I will tell anyone who has not read this book before to read it .On a scale of 1-10, I rate this book a 10.The book put all kinds of thoughts in your mind when you are reading. I told my sister to read it and she is. She liked to. Thank you for reading this and if you have not read this book yet try to!
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: The book Tuck Everlasting is a very good book. It is about a girl in a touch-me-not cottage. It's all dirty, stinky, nasty, and has a tough pillow on the couch. Her name is Winnie Foster. She goes in to her grandma's woods. She find's this boy named Jesse Tuck. She gets kidnapped by them but they are good kidnappers. They aren't mean. She feels like they are her actually her family, but before she gets kidnapped, she sees this water coming out of the spring. Jesse tells her not to drink the water after he just drank from it. It is a spring in the wood. It makes you live forever. Jesse is 104 yrs old. Winnie didn't believe him. I think that book is so good I think if the rating is 100%. This book has classical writing and correctly written sentences. Natalie Babbitt is a great author, one of the best. She has great talent for writing books. Our school even has it in our library. Everyone should read Tuck Everlasting at least try it.
Rating:  Summary: review from a 12 yr. old Review: I gave Tuck Everlasting a five star rating. It's about this girl named Winnie Foster and this strange family the Tucks. They supposedly drank from this spring of eternal life. Winnie found out so the Tucks kidnapped her. To find out more you could read the book. I think that Tuck Everlasting is a really good book. If you like suspense stories this book is for you. The thing I enjoyed most about this book was that it made me want to read more. We read this book in class. I couldn't stand just reading two to three chapters a day. I just couldn't stand it. I encourage you to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Tuck Everlasting was an excellent book. It was an assignment for our class to read it. At first I didn't want to read it. I'm glad I did though because I loved the book. I really don't read a lot of books but I really enjoyed it. I loved the way that Natalie Babbitt made you think about what Tuck looked like. She let you use your own imagination on what you thought he looked like or should've looked like. I used to feel like Winnie. All locked up like I wasn't aloud to go anywhere but now that I'm older I can do a lot more things. If you haven't read this book yet you need to. I loved it, maybe you will too.