Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: I think the ppl that didn't lyk the book have their own reasons. They can be good reasons too, because i both lyked the book, yet i didn't lyk sum parts. I lyked the book MORE then I dislyked it! I have my reasons! But I think if u haven't read the book u shuld. I don't think it was a waste of tym...nd those of u who did think it was a waste of tym, i think it was jus a waste of tym for u 2 tell us, because not evry1 thinks that. Peaches 'n' Cream
Rating:  Summary: a good book tuck everlasting Review: i liked the book tuck everlasting becuase it was cool to see a 10 year old girl in a story, and her freinds the tucks and there long!!!! lifes and there crasey secret
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: This book was very good when I started reading it. When I got toward the middle it got worse. Man it started to taste bad like rotten mashed potatoes. And the ending well that was the [worst] ending in the whole universe ....When they read the gravestone man was I mad cause Winnie made the stupidest choice ever. If I was her I would have got the water from the sping and drank it when I was 17. Well I want to see the movie but The ending is going to stink. ...
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: I think this book was Kool! Although it was boring at some times. My fav. character was (Tuck) because He tried to shoot himself with a shot gun! Fred
Rating:  Summary: fred Review: I think this book was Kool! Although it was boring at some times. My fav. character was (Tuck) because He tried to shoot himself with a shot gun!
Rating:  Summary: What a Touching book Review: Tuck Everlasting is a great book. I liked it because it put me on the edge of my seat and always kept me wondering what would happen next. This book made me feel like I was right there with Winnie. If you haven't read this book you must must must must must it is the best and it put a smile on my face!
Rating:  Summary: a good book Review: I like this book because it was a good book and it had some unreal things in it.I also liked the way people in the story were and the parts they played.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: This book is great, sure it's really really long but its a exciting book it makes you never want to put it down. All ecxsept the ending of coarse! She never marries Jesse and she never drinks the water! So oveusly she dies and Tuck and Mae find her grave and she marries some other dude. So I'm rating this book a 4 because the ending stunk like cheese.No,no,no let me rephrase that it stunk like chicken. ya, you know I right. Because I think you read it.I'm the best at this review thing can't you tell.well I hope you like the book ecxsept the ending.
Rating:  Summary: dakota's Review: This a rell oak book . But I liked it it was really interasting I mean it was cool . the tuck are really nice pepole.I liked the book becuse it was interesting.....
Rating:  Summary: 11 year old boy Review: Tuck Everlasting was one of the best book I ever read in my life. My favorite caracters was Jesse and Tuck. My favorite part in the book was when Mae hit the man in the yellow suit with a shotgun.This book is very adventureous.I think it would not be good to live for ever because then the earth would be over populated. I thought it would very discustingwhen Jesse porposed to Winnie.If you are board all the timeyou could try to find this book somewhereand read it.