Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everelasting Super Review Review: Tuck Everlastin The author had a message and a purpose in this book. They are the same thing though. I think the message an purpose is to show people that you may really want something but when you have it, it may not turn out that amusing. The author does a good job enforcing this message. It's like the saying the grass is greener on the other side. That is the purpose in the book Tuck Everlasting. The author does a wonderful job with the setting. First of all I could always picture what was going on and where they were. Also because whenever there was a new setting Natalie Babbitt took about a page to describe it. The author also picked some of the most interesting settings. I think the setting was awesome. The book had some believable an unbelievable parts to it. The thing that is most unbelievable is how the spring brought eternal life. The most believable part of the story is how the mom and the grandma always wanted a clean house. There are believable and unbelievable parts in it. The book was kind of less than perfect in a couple of ways. There are ways to fix those flaws though. The main thing is the book barley had any action in it. The author can fix this buy somehow adding action in it. That is one thing that is less than perfect. The book Tuck Everlasting gets a fair grade from me. I think this because Winnie shouldn't die, an it doesn't have any action. She has to make it more interesting somehow. That is why I think the book is fair. In general the book was good.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: I believe this book has a purpose of this book is not to listen to every one. Yes I agree because if some one told you to jump off a cliff. So you won't jump off a cliff. This is my result of what the author did best on. The thing she did best on was the characters. The reason is because she described them to the reader well. There is a believable and unbelievable part in the book. The believable was when the yellow man got hit in the head. The most unbelievable part in the book was when Mr. Tuck shot him self and he didn't die. There is a part in the book that is "less than perfect." The part in the book was when Jesse is with Winne a lone. I would always make somebody by them at all time. The book was poor and fair at the same time. The entertainment wasn't all that good. The reason it wasn't to active is because it didn't have any fighting. It would have been better if it had more fighting.
Rating:  Summary: A ten-year old's review Review: Tuck Review You may think there are many purposes for this book, but I think that there is only one purpose for this book. The one purpose that she is trying to tell us is that if you believe in a dream it will come true. I do not agree with this message because I think it is very annoying. Well I hope that you think of other messages. I think that the author handled the climaxes the best. When they were getting someone out of jail, and it was very exciting. I thought, "What was going to happen next"? Another climax is when someone hits someone with the butt of a shotgun. Without the climaxes the book would be a total disaster. There were believable parts and unbelievable parts and unbelievable parts to the story. An unbelievable part is when Winnie gives magical spring water to a toad! A believable part is when Winnie's grandma and mom were so concerned about lady ness. This book is more realistic than unrealistic. I hope that you can find believable parts and unbelievable parts. I think that the book was really slow in the beginning. Another thing was there was a part where there was not much detail in the beginning. I would put more entertainment into the book. Hope you can fix those flaws. I thought the book was good. I thought it was good because it has a lot of description. I hope I could make a book like this. I'm so glad this book existed because it was entertaining. I hope a sequal comes out for this book. I hope you get to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Best book Everlasting! Review: Tuck Everlasting Review! I think that the author "Natalie Babbitt" had a good purpose for writing this book. Can you think of one reason the author may have written this book? After all she does not have a dedication page in any place in the book, so she may not have a particular reason for the book. I think that Natalie Babbitt's reason for writing "Tuck Everlasting" is to show you meaning in life. She also may have written this book to tell you that some people want to live forever because they don't want to die, but if someone did live forever they want to go to heaven! Natalie Babbitt had many good elements in her book, "Tuck Everlasting." Well it was hard for me to choose one element I enjoyed best. The element I enjoyed best was all the similes and metaphors, and personification she put into the book. They were great! Natalie Babbitt had really believable and unbelievable parts in the book. I have found a part that is believable in Tuck Everlasting. When Winnie found the Tucks. The most unbelievable parts for me was when she gave the toad the spring water! After I read this book I decided that if I could change one thing about this book is that, I would probably have Winnie marry Jesse Tuck in the end! Then maybe make a part 2. That is what I would do to change this book. For entertainment value I would probably rate this book 100 *'s because it is just a great book to read! If I did not have so many other books I was reading now I would maybe read it again! That is my Tuck everlasting summery! Hope you enjoyed it!
Rating:  Summary: READ THIS BOOK !!! Review: TUCK EVERLASTING I think the author Natalie Babbitt had a reason for writing the book "Tuck Everlasting." The reason was to tell the reader that you should treat people nicely, even if they are very different from you. The way people were treating the Tuck's unfairly was when Miles got married. His wife realized he was not getting any older. So she left and told every one in town he was a Devil. I agree with the author's purpose for writing the book. I think Natalie Babbitt wrote the book well. The think she wrote the best about was the characters. I like their personalities, because their personalities matched the kind of person they are. I liked Winnie's personality the best because her way of thinking is a way that most kids her age. In the book Tuck Everlasting there were believable parts and unbelievable parts. The most believable part is when Winnie ran away. Kids run away all the time. The most unbelievable part of the book was when Winnie found out that the Tuck's live forever. In real life, there is no magic water that makes you live forever. In some ways, the book Tuck Everlasting was less than perfect. I thought the book was because of Angus Tuck's personality. He's personality was not like Mae, Miles, or Jesse. I thought that because he was always quieter than the rest of his family. Another way the book was less than perfect was that I thought that Jesse and Winnie should have got married. However Winnie never drank the water. If I had to rate the book Tuck Everlasting for entertainment I would say that it was a good book for all ages. I thought it was good because it was interesting and exciding and it always want you to read more.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great book Review: Tuck Everlasting I think the author had a purpose for this book. I think the purpose was to do what you want to do and not do what other people tell you to do. I agree with the author because if someone told you to do something and you didn't want to what would you do. So that's what I think the purpose is. I think that the author was focused mainly on some literary elements. One of the literary elements the author focused on was climax because in some of the parts you just wanted to read on and on to find out what's going to happen next. So that's what I think the author handled best. I think there were some really unbelievable and some really believable parts in the book. One of the really believable parts was when Mae went to jail for murder. One of the unbelievable parts was when Winnie gave the water to the toad. So that's some of the parts that I thought was either most believable or unbelievable. I think this book could be better. I think this book could be better if it told more about when Winnie got out of jail. I would help by telling more about what the constable did when he found Winnie and what he said. So that's what I would do to make it better. Here's what I thought about the book. I think you should read this book because it's a great book. I gave it 3 out of 4 stars. So that's what I think about Tuck Everlasting.
Rating:  Summary: Dude this is a great reveiw Im a 11 year old person Review: Tuck Everlasting Review By: Alexander I think Natalie Babbit had a great purpose for writing this book. I think it was that living forever isn't the best. You'd be good in the army but all your friends would die and you would be alive. Your family would die to. That's what I think the author's message is. Out of all the literary elements I think the author handled the plot the best. I liked it because I liked how Miles broke the jail bars and he was a carpenter. They also used other great ideas. I think the most believable part was that there weren't any cars because it was so long ago. The most unbelievable part was when I found out that the water made you live forever. Those were the most believable and unbelievable parts. I think the book was less than perfect where Winnie died. When Winnie died I think that she should have survived and married Miles. She shouldn't have let the toad have the water. If she drank the water she could have had a family and it would have been great to see it. I think this was a good book. A 4 out of 5, because it got too boring at the end. I would recommend this book to a lot of people. People who have good imaginations. It was an ok book except for the end.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Big Fat Book Review Review: In the book Tuck Everlasting, the author had a great purpose and message. Her purpose was enjoyment, and the moral of the book. There was a great message to the story. After I read it, I thought of quite a few more negative thoughts of living an eternity. Natalie handled the book's writing very skillfully. There were a lot of description, including many similes, metaphors, and some personification. Babbit's style was great. The book also had a great plot, and many climaxes to keep me from putting the book down. In some ways I can also relate to this book in real life. It was very believable how Winnie's mother was obsessed with cleaning the house to make it spotless. Also, how her mother was very strict about manners. Of course, there were a lot of unbelievable parts in Tuck Everlasting. The fantasy of living forever, not to mention a toad who understands people! The book was great, but still had some flaws. Having enough action was one. There could have been more towards the end of the book, where the resolution was near. These flaws probably could have been fixed by adding some more action in some parts. I still can't believe the book could have been better than it already is! This was an overall great book. I'd give it 3 out of 4 stars as a bottom line grade. Some parts really told me to keep reading. It was a very interesting book. I could really picture some of the settings, and the personalities of the characters. I would recommend this book to almost everyone who loves reading!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: This book a young girl Winnie Foster and her metting an acguaintance with a family that shares an important secret. Winnie is so tired of being so cooped up in her house so she runs away. She comes to a boy leaning aganst a tree and she ask him what his name is and all of a sudden jesse and his mother mea kidnapped her. They bring her back to their home and they explain to her why they kidnapped her. I thought this book was was very well written and it is a great advetorous. In this book it made winnie think differently about life and to cherish it alot more.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Imagine you met a family that could live forever. Would you be able to believe them? For Winnie Foster this was a reality. In the fiction novel Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt, ten-year-old Winnie Foster is captured by the Tuck family when she stumbles onto their secret. Although never dying sounds like a great idea it is not as great as it seems. To people who know that they will not live forever, never dying may sound like a great idea. However, when someone actually experiences it, it turns out to be not as good as it seems. Although Winnie has trouble believing the Tucks she still thinks that never dying is a great idea. To the Tuck family, it has been a nightmare. The Tucks try to explain to Winnie that all the people would be like rocks beside the road. Little ones would stay little and the old people staying old it would be terrible. Children would never get the pleasure of growing up to be adults. The book was about a girl named Winnie. When she was walking along the woods she met a boy who was about 17, he was drinking water from the spring. When Winnie asked for a sip of it, he immediditely said no. He knew that if she drank from the spring she would stay ten forever. Then his mother saw that she wanted some and she said the worst has come at last. Now the Tuck family has to explain to Winnie that she could not drink the water and why she cannot let annyone else know about it. This book was awesome. I really enjoyed it and I think that this is a book for someone who likes intriguing stories. Winnie learns that dying is just a part of the cycle of life. She had a great adventure and I think she learned some valuable lessons.