Rating:  Summary: TUCK!! Review: I love this book. I find this book interesting and facinating. The concept of never getting older. Plus, the fact that Winnie has a choice to either be normal or never get old. A choice. What would you do? This book shows you so much about life and all of it's wonderful miracles. You should learn to appreciate each day. Because one day it will be your last. But in this book..there is no last day...
Rating:  Summary: mediokre book Review: The author of this book is a genius. This was a boring book, yet she kept me reading. I have absolutley no clue how she did it, but when I finished, I realized this was actually a pretty good book. So if you're thinking about reading this book, I would be forced to recommend it. CAUTION: Think about this, because it might be extremely boring.
Rating:  Summary: a great book Review: this book was [really] good i think the people that dont think this book is good and give it a one or two stars are very [uneducated]. they dont know what a good book is when they read it this book was overall a great book i gave this book a 4 stars because some parts were boring and other parts were very intersting
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Tuck Everlasting is an amazing book. When I read this book I got so into it I didn't want to stop. This book is about a girl named Winnie Foster, and her life is very restricted and her family have lived in this wood in a very beautiful house for her whole life. She ran away from her home because she wanted to be looked at as more than just a girl and wants to be looked at as a wonderful, beautiful person. So she runs away and went so far in the woods that she comes upon a fountain. When she comes upon the fountain she saw a man drinking from it. When she appered herself to the man the mans family came and kidnapped her. When she went to the peoples house she found that there names were the Tucks. Winnie asked the Tucks why she couldn't drink from the fountain. At first They dind't tell her, but after a while they told her that it was a fountain of youth. After a while when Winnie was living with the Tucks she started to like them because they appresiated her for what she was and they haven't saw a real person that couldn't die in a long time. While she was at the Tucks, her family was looking for her. When Winnie's familiy was looking for her they came apon a min in a yellow suit. That man was looking for the Tucks. When the man in the yellow suit had mentioned that, the father of Winnie asked if he knows where his daughter was. He said yes he knows. The man in the yellow suit said I would get your daughter if you give me the woods. So the father said yes and signed a contract. The man in the yellow suit was going to get Winnie alone. When he came to the Tucks house he grabbed Winnie and told the tucks that he was going to kill her if they don't tell him where the fountain of youth is. Well, Angus ( the mother of the Tucks) snuck up behind the man in the yellow suit and wacked him with a large piece of wood and it killed him.
Rating:  Summary: Um... Review: I didn't really like this book. It was just boring. There was pretty much no action at all. If you want immortality, read The Immortals series by Tamora Pierce.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book for children, a good book for adults Review: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt is an enchanting children's short novel about the value of life in the context of obtaining immortality. Both the writing and plot are aimed at children and may seem simple to adults, but the themes and characterization of this classic are as meaningful for adults as they are children.The story is about a young girl named Winnie Foster who has been kept at home under the strict observation of her mother and grandmother. In her first true attempt to attain freedom from what she deems is their oppression, Winnie runs away into the wood next to her home. She soon meets a family called the Tucks who have been granted immortality by a magic spring in the wood. The story follows the events as the Tucks try to convince Winnie to keep the secret of the spring. But complications arise when a greedy man who has been searching for the spring practically his entire life overhears the Tucks explaining the secret to Winnie. The majority of the events take place over the course of a couple of days, and the plot doesn't get to develop much during that time. It is mostly a chain of simple events, which is perfect for children, but may leave some adults bored. However, the simplicity of the story is interwoven with themes such as what the purpose of life is, how sacred life is, and what actions of ours truly have value. These themes keep the story interesting, but what's even more powerful is the characterization that Babbitt manages to write so well. The reader truly empathizes with Winnie and ends up caring deeply about the Tucks. Even the villain and most of the minor characters are flushed out well so that what they do matters. The description is fairly simple, but Babbitt manages to create a vivid image anyway. At times it feels a little repetitive, but the few details she gives allows the reader to fill in the blanks sufficiently. The dialogue is equally simple, but it fits the characters and works to bring the personalities to life. Tuck Everlasting is an enchanting little book that may be simple, but is written with expertise and holds deeper meanings that make it more than worthwhile. For the child it will be excellent, and for the adult who can suspend adulthood, it will be almost as enchanting. It is a children's tale that will remain loved for many years and won't tarnish with age.
Rating:  Summary: If You Could Live Forever - Review by Kimber Patton Review: Tuck Everlasting is a fantastic fantasy written by Natalie Babbitt. Tuck Everlasting is about a girl named Winnie who runs away from home and meets the Tucks. But soon she finds out that the Tucks are immortal. Then the man in the yellow suit tries to kidnap Winnie against her will. Mae Tuck kills the man in the yellow suit and goes to jail. Winnie then switches places with Mae Tuck and at the end Winnie goes to the next life. I think Natalie Babbit called the story Tuck Everlasting because the Tucks are immortal and immortal means everlasting. I think that she wrote Tuck Everlasting to inspire children to read more. The conflict is what made the story frustrating and interesting to read at the same time. The conflict is a choice and that the Tucks are immortal. The choice is Winnie's. She could choose to drink the immortal water and become immortal or not drink the immortal water and go on to the next life. The characters are Winnie, Jesse, Miles, Mae, Tuck, the man in the yellow suit, and Winnie's family. They have roles in the story. Winnie's role in the story is a girl who runs away from home and meets the Tucks. The Tucks' role in the story is to meet Winnie and that they are immortal. The man in the yellow suit's role is to be the villain or the evildoer of the story. The solution to the story, Tuck Everlasting, is that Winnie makes her choice. Her choice is not to drink the immortal water and become immortal. If she did drink the immortal spring water, she would be seeing her friends and family dying and she would be miserable. What was good about this book was when Winnie meets the Tucks and finally gets to roam free without having people watch over her all the time. What I didn't like about this book is at the ending the Tucks will never get to see Winnie again. I give this book a 20 in stars because it has danger, suspense, and fantasy in the story.
Rating:  Summary: READ ME!! Review: I read the book "Tuck Everlasting". It is a great book and every one should read this book. The book is about a young girl named Winnie, who meets a wierd man in a yellow suit who wants to know if anyone wierd lives around there.Then she meets a boy named Jesse who's family has a "BIG" secret. Winnie finds that out when she sees him doing something wierd. After they get to know each other Winnie gets kidnapped by his family. When they get to a stream Winnie asks what did they do that for. then all the book starts to un fold. READ IT its a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best book ever Review: Tuck Everlasting Natalie Babbitt's pourpos for wrighting was great! I think her porpoise for writing Tuck Everlasting was that the best things in life may seem important might not be as important as you think. They thought that living forever would be great but it ended up being a curse. I do agree with the Authors porpoise. I think the Author did a great job on the characters. They really had a great personality. Also she described what the characters looked like. You could almost tell that they were thinking. The story was both Belleville and unbelievable parts. The most believe part was when the mother and the grandmother clean the house. I think this because that is usually what people do. The most uncivilly part was when Winnie gave the water to the toad because where the story was going you would have thought she would have used it for her-self. There were ways this book was less than perfect. One what is they don't give much detail on how Winnie got out of jail that morning. That the book is less than perfect. The book tuck us an ok book. I would give this book 3 of 10 stars. This book is not the best if all but that is my onion.
Rating:  Summary: check this out!! its Tuck Everlasting Book Review Review: Tuck Everlasting an 9 year old from Kerby Elementary!! I think Natalie Babbit had a purpose for writing Tuck Everlasting. I think the purpose was to show people things you might want might not turn out the best. For example, some people might want to live forever... but it turns out that no one would want to live forever! I do agree with the purpose because when I first started the book I did want to live forever but now I don't! There were many literary elements handled in the book Tuck Everlasting, although I think the resolution was handled the best. I think this because Winnie shouldn't have drunk the water even though Jesse loved her, and she loved Jesse. I also liked the part were the Tucks found the frog and said "darn fool thinking he's gonna live forever." It was funny. There were some believable and unbelievable parts in Tuck Everlasting. I thought 1 of the believable parts was when Winnie snuck out of her house at midnight. I think the most unbelievable thing was that the Tucks lived forever. Even though this was a great book some changes could be made. I think the changes are when the constable finds Winnie. She needs to tell more. If I was the author I would change that part where Winnie tells the constable that they made her come here, and that she thought they where her friends. And the Tucks would be long gone! This book was a good book. From a 1 to 5, 5 being the highest I would rate this book a 4. The reasons it's a 4 is because some parts were great but other parts could have been better. I would recommend this book to someone who either has a good imagination or someone who would want to live forever... ENJOY!