Rating:  Summary: One of my favortes for years... Review: When I was about 8 or nine I fell in love with this book for the first time. I have seen the movie and read the book countless times since then (I am 25 now). I believe that the book is baout not jumping into things that you may not be aware of the consequences. They drink from the "fountain of youth", but they do not realize that they will watch everything and everyone they love grow old and die. Although this book may not be for everyone, the characters are wonderfully described and loveable and the story is one to tear the heart in pieces. A favorite forever!
Rating:  Summary: Should Be On Every Reader's Book Shelf Review: Tuck Everlasting is the story of the Tuck family. However, no ordinary family are the Tucks. The Tucks don't age. Once upon a time they accidentally drank from a well which made them immortal. Because the Tucks don't age like normal people, they have had to split up in order to keep people from noticing. Every hundred years or so the Tucks gather for a family reunion. During their most recent family reunion the Tuck's secret is discovered by a little girl named Winnie. The choice Winnie must make when offered immortality by the Tucks makes Tuck Everlasting both a moving and emotionally rich story about children coming to grips with the realization of mortality. The story is simply written and full of profound truths. A glorious work.Preston McClear, author The Boy Under the Bed
Rating:  Summary: BOOOOORING!!! Review: This is, by far, the most tedious and boring book I have ever read. I could have wrapped up everything that happens in this book in about 30 pages. Instead, the author, Natalie Babitt, has to SSSSTTTTRRREEECCCHHH this book to about 100 pages more. Probably, the only reason that Ms. Babitt wrote this book is to convince "wittle kids" that they shouldn't want to live forever. Great message, Mrs.B. I'll be blamin' you when the suicide rate goes up.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Do you wish you could live forever? In Natalie Babbitt's novel Tuck Everlasting the Tuck's don't wish,... they do live forever. The fountain of youth is hidden in Tree Gap. That's how the gloomy Tuck's live forever. If you take one drink you live forever. Winnie Foster is like any ten year old girl, she want's to make a diference. Her family won't even let her out of the front yard, since Winnie is an only child. They watch her and nothing else. "If only I had a sister or a brother, there'd be someone else for them to watch." One morning Winnie made up her mind, "I am going to make a difference." she started in the family woods. "Why it's nice!"she said. Then she saw something move,"she saw a wonderful boy."He moved pebble by pebble, after every pebble was moved a fountain came up. He drank and ...he saw Winnie, she saw him. "Is that good to drink, I'm dry as dust."she said. She wanted to drink from the fountain of Youth, but she didn't know it... not yet. The symbolism in Tuck Everlasting is light. A day is wonderful and filled with fun, not for the Tuck's. One day is just another day for the Tuck's. "The sky was a ragged blaze of red, and pink, and orange, and it's double trembled on the surface of the pond like color spilled from a paint box." To anyone else that would be wonderful, but to the Tuck's, they don't care. I would recommend this book to someone who likes adventure. If you want to know if Winnie drank from the fountain of youth read the book.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Have you ever thought about living forever? I did when I read Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit. It is about a girl named Winnie Foster; a 10 year old girl who has never left her own yard before, Mae Tuck; the mother of the Tucks, who never leaves without her music box, Jesse Tuck; the first Tuck Winnie ever met, (he is the youngest brother too), Miles Tuck; Mae Tuck's oldest son, Angus Tuck; the father of the Tucks, (he is also Mae Tuck's husband), and last but not least, the man in the yellow suit, (he never tells his name.) It all starts with a small spring in the wood. No one ever goes there except the Tucks. "That water stops you right were you are, "said Mae, "If you had a drink from it today, you'd stay a little girl forever. "Then someone else finds out. The man in the yellow suit! Then he tells them right on, "I'm going to sell the water, you see. "He said. Will he sell it or will they stop him?! You have to read the book to find out! There are 3 symboles thoughout the book. One symbole is the man in the yellow suit, who stands for light. Another is the fountain. The fountain stands for life,everlasting life! And last there is the river.The river stands for the life cycle, going and changing. I recomend this book for people who wonder about living forever and girls and boys who love a good adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: What would it be like if you were taken away by strangers that would live forever? In Natalie Babbitt's "Tuck Everlasting" that is what happens to Winnie. Winnie is a little girl about 11 years old, and lives with her family by their wood. Another main character is the man in the yellow suit. He wears a yellow suit, and has a sorry excuse for a beard. There is also the Tucks. They are Winnie's friends, and they will never die! The wood that Winnie lives by is described as "mossy green" and full of light. In the wood is a spring, but if you drink from it you would live forever. That is how the Tucks are able to live forever. One day Winnie was out in the woods running away, and she saw a boy. He was drinking from a hole in the ground covered with pebbles. Then she asked if she could have some, but he wouldn't let her. Later the boy's mother came, saw Winnie asking for a drink, and said, "Well boys, the worst is happening at last." In the book there are four things that sybolize how everything is changing, but I'm going to tell you about one. The one I'm going to tell you about is the river. The river symbolizes how everything is changing, and that almost everyting has a begining and an end. I think "Tuck Everlasting" is a good book. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: In the book Tuck Everlasting there was a spring and if you drank from it you would live forever. Would you drink from it? Well I wouldn't because it's part of the wheel of life, but the Tuck's drank from the spring. They didn't know that the spring would make you live forever. Winnie the rich girl in Tuck Everlasting doesn't want to die,"I don't want to die," Winnie yelled at the top of her lungs. The Tucks who drank from the spring at the Fosters woods, live forever ,"Jesse fell right out of a tree and landed plum on his head, and we thought he broke his neck but it didn't even hurt him,"said Mae. Then there's the man in the yellow suit who wants the Fosters woods,"Well I'll make you a deal I'll find Winnie if you give me your woods,"said the man in the yellow suit. The setting of Tuck Everlasting takes place in the Fosters woods in the 1880's. Winnie gets kidnapped by the Tuck's because the Tuck's don't want Winnie to know about what the spring would do to you. The man in the yellow suit tries to recue her, but I can't tell you if she makes it back to her house because this is a really good book and if you want to know if she makes it back home you have to read the book. The light in Tuck Everlasting that Natalie Babbitt talks about symbolizes night and day and also time which the Tucks don't have to worry about because they live forever. Time doesn't come to mind to the Tucks. The light also symbolizes the wheel of life which the Tucks are out of. Tuck Everlasting is a good book and I think you should read it.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Ever wish you could live forever and always stay the same age? Then you should read Tuck Everlasting. It is mostly an adventure and a mystery novel. Winnie Forster is one of the characters in the book. Before Winnie lived with the Tuck's she lived with her parents and then the Tuck's. Winnie is a very curious person and sometimes never listens to her mother. The Tuck's have a son whose name is Jesse, who Winnie meets in the woods. During the book Winnie sees a man in a yellow suit. This man is very talkative and blends in with most of the surroundings. The plot of the novel was how the Tuck's stay out of the circle of life and time because these things don't really affect them. They try to keep the spring water from being found out. The book helps me visualize light, "the ceiling swam with bright reflections,and sunlight streamed across the dusty floor. I would recommed this book to people of all ages because I want them to know how important it is to have gifts like this to be in the circle of life.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Tuck Everlasting is a good book by Natalie Babbitt. It is about a girl who meets a family who changes her forever. I really liked this book because it has a new and diffrent ending to it, its not like most book were the main chater finds his/her love and they live happily ever after. Whinnie finds her first love, but then lets him go so he can be with his family for a little while. I was really suprised when Whinnie gave the water to the frog and then didn't go back to the spring for more. My favorite part of the book was when Jess comes down stairs to talk to Whinnie and he ask her to drink the water when she turns 17 so they can run off and get married. I think that Whinnie made the right decision in not drinking the water because 3/4 of the Tucks were not happy, and therefore Whinnie probley would have regretted drinking the water and would just want a normal life like she did have. By: Nikki
Rating:  Summary: tuck everlasting reveiws Review: If you want a good fantasy book to read I recomend this book.I think It was one of the best fantasy books I have ever read and it is very exciting.It is about a girl who doesn't have a very good life so one day she runs deep into her woods and she gets kidnaped but she is glad she got kidnapped because the people who get her are very nice and they have a better life.And they do not want her to tell anybody about the water they drink every ten years.whoever reads this should go get the book and read it it is very good.