Rating:  Summary: A book about what is important in life.. Review: This is a wonderful, simply written book. Buy this book to bring comfort to the dying and to those tending to them. It's about an inspirational man who has ALS. He shares the experience of dying to prepare us all for it, so that we can go through it with as much grace as he does, and so that we live our lives more fully while we still have our health.
Rating:  Summary: What an uplifting reading experience! Review: I passed this on to my son immediately upon finishing it. There is a tremendous amount of wisdom packed into this small book.
Rating:  Summary: Humanity 101 Review: Tuesdays with Morrie an old man, a young man, and the last great lesson. A book you'll read over and over again. This is one book that should be required reading for the entire human race. A small, easy book that is so profound, so introspective it's just incredible. The person who would not like this book can't possibly exist. Most of you will love it and come to cherish it as a favorite.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable, but I wish Morrie had lived one more chapter Review: My sister died when she was 20 and I was 16. She did not get any time to prepare for the end. It came instantly and left those that love her wondering why she had to die. Her death sent me into a tailspin that took over 5 years to recover from. In that time, I spent many hours pondering the very issues Morrie trumpets. I have read many "carpe diem" stories as well as many books on grieving. Yet none of them could fill the void nor lessen the pain. Only my faith has given me some measure of understanding. So, I read this book looking for a new perspective on the process of dying and grieving. Or at least be inspired by a new seize-the-day victory. I do not feel I received either to the level I expected. When you put this story under the tacky, over-saturated lights of Ted Koppel's Nightline, it loses something. It becomes a spectacle instead of a testimony. I would have rather felt that Morrie spent his days enlightening all who would venture into his home. The fact that it became a big "story" bothered me. Though I know that his being on Nightline inspired many, I still wish he could have had the same impact far from the bleached-out glow of the media. But beyond the lights, I kept waiting for Morrie to say that there was a reason for his horrible circumstances. He decided to make the best of it, which is an inspiration to us all. But what about the reason for it? I wanted to share with Morrie what I have learned over the past 14 years. Not that I am an authority on the subject, but to simply discuss with him the idea that there was a greater reason for his suffering than just helping others not fear death. There is a greater plan than our own. A plan we may not even be able to comprehend. We can curl up into a ball and hide, or we can shout from the highest rooftop. Morrie chose to shout from the Nightline rooftop, a very high one indeed. But what he was shouting lacked the power, the hope beyond this world. Morrie died not knowing what would be next. Instead of finding comfort in the end, he busied his mind with helping others to ease the pain of leaving. I applaud his bravery and his selflessness. I only wish that as he stopped to help others on his journey, he hadn't forgotten to ask where the journey was ultimately taking him. Please do not misunderstand me. I am no judge as to whether or not Morrie went to Heaven or Hell. It is not my place to determine. But, I believe we can know for ourselves. I wish Morrie had the reassurance that he was not only sharing this experience to help others, but to find peace in knowing that there is something greater beyond this life. Obviously, Morrie had different beliefs than my own. And I guess what I am saying is that I wish he had the hope I have. Some may call me arrogant and judgemental. But you see, mcuh the same as Morrie, I too want to tell the world that death is not the monster we make it out to be. Read this book. Though I feel Morrie's journey ended a chapter early, I cannot speak enough of his decision to do everything he could to help others live their lives to the fullest. Each of us is appointed a time to die, and we should live our lives and love those around us as if that time were three months from now, or even tomorrow. Morrie was a brave and wise man. We should all face death with such bravery. As I step closer to the day of my own death, it is my hope that I will not only have helped those I'll be leaving behind, but I pray that I will have done everything I could for the One that I am going to soon see.
Rating:  Summary: A good reason for being a bestseller Review: There's a really good reason this book has been a best seller for as long as it has: it's a true story that teaches us the basic things in life to make us happy. The truth is that the majority of the people want the kind of advice that Morrie offers here. Those who don't either live by it already or are afraid to take it. This is not a touchy-feely book, although it is emotional. It is an enjoyable story and a book that can be used as a self-help book for anyone in need of a little stability.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutley Inspirational Review: Tuesday"s With Morrie is a great book. I really enjoyed reading it although it made me cry. I think that Morrie is such an admirable character & really helps you see just what is truely important in life. I also think that many of us can relate to Mitch, we often get so caught up in things that we often forget what is reaaly important. There are many important lessons that can be learned from this book, one of which is that we all need the help of others at some point in our life & that is nothing to be ashamed of. Anyone can relate to this book, it deals with issues that a majority of us will experience in our lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant!! Review: If this is your thing, you will absolutely love 'Tuesday with Morrie'. Even if it isn't, it is almost impossible to ignore this simplistic and short book. The lessons given by the author's mentor, the slowly dying and former favourite unviersity professor Morrie are both relevant to modern life, as well as inspiring and heartwarming. I believe the world would be a kinder more loving place if we were required to read this beautiful novel, for even the most disbelieving and cynical of individuals will come to find themselves slowly taken in by Morrie's captivating messages. Brilliant, a self help at it's finest, a short and interesting read and wonderfully entertaining and well-written.
Rating:  Summary: Only because 5 stars is all I can give Review: Honestly, I would have given it ten if I could. I'll be brief and to the point. Everyone who gripes and whines and complains about the little things that go wrong in life should read this book. If you know of someone like that, make them read this. I know it really made me think. Mitch Albom has captured a life on paper better than no other that I have seen. "Tuesdays with Morrie" is heartwarming and memorable. You will read it more than once...I guarantee it.
Rating:  Summary: Tuesdays with Morrie Review: This is a wonderful book!! My bookclub read it and everyone gave it rave reviews. It's a must read!! If you're looking for a good quick read, look no further. WARNING: You may want to have a box of tissues on hand.
Rating:  Summary: The truth . . . as only the dying can tell it . . . Review: A refreshing, enlightening experience! During those Tuesday visits with Morrie, Mitch Albom becomes the beneficiary of a wealth of wisdom shared by his former sociology professor and life long friend. From his deathbed, Morrie is able to reflect on his life's experiences with a clarity that only death can provide. Morries' truths are revealed with such simplicity and sincerity that it's hard to believe we've forgotten them. This story serves as a reminder to us all of the really important things in life. Intellectually we understand that the material things of life will not sustain us; however so many of us find ourselves struggling through the daily quagmire of a culture that places too much emphasis on acquiring things, instead of inspiring people. Morrie teaches us that love is truly the greatest inspiration. Give it, receive it, but most importantly pass it on. I am forever thankful to Morrie for passing on the truth and am grateful for an eternity to Mich Albom for recording it.