Rating:  Summary: Tuesdays with Morrie Review: It was a good good that sad towards the end. I wouldnt have read the book if it wasnt for my Marriage and Family class at Cypress College. The book makes you want to visit people you care about that you have forgotten about. I would recommend this book to others if they like emotional stories. It makes you appreciate people you could lose someday a little more.
Rating:  Summary: A book about life, love, compassion and death. Review: To be quite honest, I have never liked reading. Whether it is for school or for "pleasure", reading has always been a chore to me. However,Tuesdays with Morrie completely changed my view on reading. For the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed reading. The book made me feel like I was actually in the room with Morrie and Mitch during their Tuesday meetings having a conversation with them. The book not only inspired a love of reading within me once again, but also taught me so many lessons that I know I can apply to my own life. These are lessons that I will take with me and cherish forever. This book really inspired me to live my life to the fullest. It'll enlighten and give me insights on dealing with life. This book motivates and somehow changes my perspectives in life.
Rating:  Summary: Would recommend to others Review: I was first introduced to this book in my sociology class at college. At first I wasn't too interested in reading the book but I wanted to give it a try. I started to read the book and was amazed how interesting it was. I couldn't put the book down. I had started reading the book at work and finished it later that evening. The best part of the book was that it is a true story. I think for me knowing this I found the book wonderfull. Morrie's views on life and death gave me a postive outlook. I wish everyone could read this book just to get an optomistic view in life, for everyone to take the time out to find the simple things in life important. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others. It may help a lot of people deal with death in their personal lives as well as addressing lifes complexities.
Rating:  Summary: Tuesday People Review: I thought that Tuesdays with Morrie was a beautiful book. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy a sweet, happy feel good book, or to someone who has lost someone in their life or is in the process of losing a loved one.
Rating:  Summary: Your Last Breath Review: This book was pretty cool. It was tight! I mean TIGHT! It shows you how you should look at every situation in your life. There are two ways you can look at things - positive or negative. Morrie lived on the positive side, which kept him happy. The best thing I like about this book is how Morrie put family and friends above the worldly clamors that are so easy to fall into. I would recommend this book to anyone that can read. It's a definite spirit lifter!
Rating:  Summary: Sarah's Thougts on Morrie Review: I thought at times was to sappy and not enough insight what mitch ablom was going though losing his professor. He didnot say how morrie changed the way saw his career as sports writer. Morrie was to sweet and didnot show enough of his faults. The best part of the book the important of family and friends.
Rating:  Summary: a teacher, a student, and a philosophy of life. Review: This wonderful, if sad, book about Morrie Schwartz is a story of two men, one young, one old, and about the lessons of life as passed from one generation to the next. Mr. Schwartz's philosophy of life, passed on each Tuesday, to his former student, Mr. Ablom, can be a philosophy for us all. This man, Mr. Schwartz, and his ability to deal with ALS in such a way as most of us could never imagine, is a great example of courage. Where we might feel sorry for ourselves (which he does, but only a little) and leave it at that, Mr. Schwartz moves on, dealing with his affliction (ALS). His views of life, love, relationships, and the things people value: love, money, sex, and so on, may seem naive to some, simplistic to many, but in the end, there is a lot of truth to what he said. I have no doubt Mr. Ablom came away from his "lessons" with his former professor a (hopefully) better person and I believe we could all come away better if we would read and adopt the late Mr. Schwartz's views. It's a wonderful book, a bit sad, as I stated at the beginning but I'd highly recommend it to anyone who (when they feel overshadowed by life's trials and tribulations) sees how one man dealt with them. May the late Mr. Schwartz be eternally blessed.
Rating:  Summary: Love is the only rational act!!! Review: This book was one of the only book that I had a hard time reading. I was such an emotional book that I found myself crying and wishing that Morrie would live forever. I found this book to be very inspirational. It allowed me to reflect upon my life and see that living my life in the fast line was not allowing me to enjoy live. I found myself don't being about to put down the book. As well as long to hear every drop of wisdom and every philosophical point of view that Morrie had. I want to be a Tuesday person just like more. This is one book that anyone who has lose someone in there lives and relate to. Its a self help book with a plot.
Rating:  Summary: Create Your Own Subculture Review: I recommend that everyone read this book at least once. If you are a teacher I recommend that you assign this book to your students because they will learn a great deal about life. Fortunatly, my sociology instructor assigned this book as a mandatory read for a critical analysis paper. Otherwise, I may not have read this life-changing book. Morrie was a sociology professor, but he taught his students a lot more than how to observe social situations. He taught his students how to be human and that is the most important lesson in life. Too many people miss the point in life and persue the wrong things that only lead them down the road to unhappiness. Morrie is absolutly right in that most people feel unfullfilled in life because they have bought into the fallacy of the American culture. Our culture conditions us to believe that money is everything in life and that the more money and the more success we have the happier we will be. This is a lie. Morrie encourages us to create our own subculture by placing love at the top of our list. It is critical to the success of society that we learn how to be human by being compassionate, sincere, forgiving, and giving and accepting love. We must look inward to our hearts for fullfillment instead of outward for material gain to provide us with a false sense of security and happiness. Few people in life have the insight and wisdom of Morrie. His philosphy is simply to let love rule in your life. Many people go through life never realizing what is truely important. Family and friends are the true treasures in life, not financial success or anything else. Thanks to Morrie many of us can realize the secret of life before it is too late. Our lives and the lives of our loved ones can be greatly enriched by the wisdome of Morrie.
Rating:  Summary: Reflections on Morrie's Philosophy of Life and Death Review: I recommend that everyone read this book at least once in their life. If you are a teacher, then I recommend that you assign this book to your students as a mandatory read. I feel fortunate that my sociology instructor assigned this book for a critical analysis paper because otherwise I might not have read it, and that would have been a great lose. Morrie was a sociology professor, but he taught his students more about how to be human than to just merely make social observations. I have to agree with the author in that the knowledge contributed to many people by Morrie was probably the most important information they could attain in college or in life. Many people are unhappy and feel unfulfilled because they buy into the fallacy of the American culture. Contrary to popular belief, the aquisition of wealth and power are not the most important things in life. We have taken the gift of life for granted, and sadly many of us never realize this sad fact. Morrie's philosophy concerning life include learning to love, being able to accept love, and living life in a way as to avoid future regrets by learning to forgive yourself and others. Fortunatly, there are beautiful souls in the world like Morrie who touch our lives and add richness to it through their wisdom. Morrie advises us to make our own culture by being compassionate, helping out in our communities, and most importantly loveing one another. The success of society depends on people learning what it means to be human. The true treasures in life are family and friends, and the person who dies with the most "toys" wins nothing.