Rating:  Summary: The greatest book ever written for supervisors and managers. Review: As a management consultant, and author of THE EIGHT GREAT PRINCIPLES OF MANAGING, I believe that all beginning supervisors and managers should read this book. I first read it over 30 years ago. And today, I still recommend it to the participant's in all of my seminars and workshops. It holds many great principles for dealing with people and living a successful life.
Rating:  Summary: This Is The One.. Review: that the others try to copy. One afternoon when I was cleaning out my storeroom, I came across a copy of "The Power Of Positive Thinking" in paperback. The edition was from 1956 and had been my father's. I opened the old, yellowed, dog-eared copy and began reading. Before I knew it, I had read the whole book and more than two hours had passed. I then re-read it with a red pen in hand to mark the passages that held special significance to me. This book is life-changing, period. If you read it with an open mind and heart and follow the simple and very practical exercises in its pages, you will be changed forever in a very special way. It has stood the test of time and critics, both from the "anything goes, new age" people who say it is too conservative to the "Bible-pounding fundamentalists" who decry its message as heretical. Peale shows us a God who loves us, who is more than ready to give us "every good thing." Yet, if you are not religious in the conventional sense, you will find a new way of thought that will bring peace and harmony to your life through your greatest gift: the power of your mind. It has now been more than 20 years since I first read this wonderful book and in times of hardship and struggle, I have returned to its pages and been comforted, refreshed, and inspired. More than just a book, it is a guide to living your life with a maximum of joy. I thank Dr. Peale for his wonderful gift to all of us, "The Power Of Positive Thinking."
Rating:  Summary: IF you read it carefuuly! Review: I have read "Power" twice and have had 2 experiences. The best way is to read slowly (!), gleaning what you can and taking careful notes. DON'T try to read "Power" as a novel, as I did the first time. Critics may carp that many of Dr. Peale's ideas appear in other "self help" books and indeed they do. But one would have to digest 4 or 5 of them to get the same amount of "helpful hints" that appear here. It would be wrong to list these "hints" in a review because that would be misleading. "Power" should be treated as a long term project that the reader trying to help her/himself will periodically put aside/refer back to-using those careful notes. "Power" may not change your entire life (few books can) but it change your approach (! )to life. I don'tnow how one could go wrong with such a selection- just remember it's not a novel!
Rating:  Summary: FOR ALL FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS - A MUST! Review: Although I am a Self-Realizationist now (originally an Episcopalian), you are going to have a "troubled existence" as either a "born again Christian" or "Fundamentalist Christian". As the notorious Rush Limbaugh stated, "You can always feel safe when your new neighbors are Christian Republicans." But it is very hard for them. Because of the intellectual elite which know a lot about nothing that matters. Why did an all-forgiving Jesus state that He would return and put all sinners in hell forever? How can God, if He is all-powerful, allow such horrible suffering? His Holiness the Dalai Lama has stated that the "Big Bang" may be the act of a Creator (in Buddhism, there is no creator). He goes on to state that if this is true, then there indeed may be spiritual laws! (Buddhism only believes in cause and effect). So throw out all the intellectualism. It gets vey tiresome. Christianity can only be reached on faith. And if you find yourself arguing about church doctrine, then you are following into their trap (a World of Words). This is one book that will help. ESPECIALLY when your faith begins to fade. Of course, it is no replacement for the Bible. But it is structually sound for all Christians (if you don't get sucked in by, well, people like I used to be!). In Christianity, you won't get by with reason. Only faith. And this is very hard. Not to get lost in words. I believe that you will have to become a "positive thinker" in order to dispell all the curve balls that Satan will pitch at you. It's also an added protection. Let's just not mix this book with the Bible. As a Christian, one is to believe that God and Jesus are synonomous. That non-believers and sinners will go to hell forever. SO BELIEVE IT! Buy this book because it is a really good defense for all Christians not to become sinners. Yes. Reading the Psalms may be the best solution. But this book will help so many Christians. My good friend Sharon is a superb Christian. And she practices the Bible! She's a Baptist and a very good one. She loves Jesus the Lord. THESE ARE NOT AFFIRMATIONS (AS IN "NEW AGE") in this book. It's Christian Psychological Thearapy. I read it when I was 10 and once again when I was 40. Don't pass Peale up. Buy "The Power of Positive Thinking"!
Rating:  Summary: A CLASSIC! Review: This book is the one book I refer to over and over again whenever I need a boost in my thinking and outlook.It is one of the best books ever written and it deserves all the great reviews it has gotten.I would recommend it to anyone in a slump and to today's youth which so desperately needs this material.
Rating:  Summary: One of The Best Review: I heard Norman Vincent Peale speak about five years ago on television. Something about what he said reached me. I never forgot it. I think the book is wonderful. I also received "You Can if You Think You Can" also by Norman Vincent Peale from a neighbor of mine who was 84 years old at the time. I guess she thought I needed it; however, I just put it in my closet and didn't read it. It kept "resurfacing" each time I moved. (Isn't that a coincidence! ) Anyway, I would highly recommend this book. "Thinking positive" and seeing in your mind who you want to be is very powerful. I had never heard this before. I was such a negative person. Thanks for letting me state me feelings.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book now! Review: I am a huge believer in the power of positive thinking and this book is the reason. I like to define the power of positive thinking as "preparing for the worst, while expecting the best." The concept is along the lines of cognitive behavioral therapy and it works! This book changed my life and outlook at a difficult time and I still refer to it year after year. IF YOU ONLY READ ONE MORE BOOK IN YOUR LIFETIME MAKE IT THIS ONE. It could be the best book ever written.
Rating:  Summary: Gospel on tape Review: While he has some good points and positive thinking can be very powerful, some go overboard with it. I was looking for something more along the lines of building self-esteem to help encourage me to pursue my dreams and this is more of a Sunday morning gospel. Not what I had in mind.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Review: I know the author has died and no doubt is enjoying eternal life in heaven, but I would like to thank him in this small way for making me realise that life is nothing without Christ and for putting me back on track. If this book did anything for me, it was that it made me realise that life is great, I am so happy when I think of my wife and kids and thank God for the abilities he has given me.God bless.
Rating:  Summary: Head and shoulders above the others Review: It is the most inspirational book I have ever read; The wonderful thing is that it makes you understand yourself; Why you act the way you act and how to overcome that. It is also practical since you can actually practice it's lessons and see the results within a few days. The chapter discussing relaxing and drawing from the power above worked wonders for me. Everybody was sort of amazed I could actually do things like that .The best part about this book is it put us in touch with God. We begin to realise that God is part of our lives and that if we can live with Him everyday we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.