Rating:  Summary: please HELP!! Review: We are trying to get hold of the book Buffetts Way in South Africa. Apparently it has been out of print for a long time and we are desperate to get hold of a copy. Sorry to use this space for our enquiry!
Rating:  Summary: A detailed history of Warren Buffett's investing life Review: From this book, you can understand how Warren Buffett established his Kingdom of Investing - Berkshire Hathaway. His philosophy is very simple and understandable - 1.) Great potential in business 2.) Responsible management team 3.) Continuous growth rate
Rating:  Summary: interesting overview, easy to read Review: showed how common stocks made a lot of money- feel i missed the boat on simple winners
Rating:  Summary: Easy read, nice references, and some fluff Review: I have read so much technical trading stuff lately that I have lost perspective. This book brought some fundamental perspective back. I makes the claim that Mr. Buffet ignores the market, the FED and other distractions; instead he focuses on the underlying business structure. The business cases in this book stress this point with 20/20 hindsight purely in hand. A few chapters of this book summarize the philosophies described in other books. A few chapters in this book describe moves that Mr Buffett can make but are not useful to a single investor such as myself. I think that this would be much nicer with some insight into the information that led to finding his great (12?) investments and how he personally determined that the were worthwhile...let's get some input from THE MAN. I rated this a 3-star. A 3-star is worthwhile to read, but do not save shelf space; give it to a friend. There are three uses for this book: first for a novice-intermediate investor to get some religion in fundamentals, second is to find some of the writings that helped Mr Buffet form his tacts and finally to have fun.
Rating:  Summary: Read Another Book Review: As part of my senior level college investment project, my professor recommended that I read some books on Warren Buffett and his investment strategies. At the bottom of the list he put "The Warren Buffett Way" by Hagstrom and after reading it, I now know why. I have read his yearly BH letters, and they are a much better method of devising Buffett's strategy then this book. It is good if you know nothing about Buffett as a simple intro course, perhaps its one redeeming factor.
Rating:  Summary: A good book that should be part of any Buffett library Review: Hagstrom's book is a good, if wordy, summation of thetechniques of Warren Buffett. It is true he gives a few too manyexamples, and there are some very key questions about Buffett's investments he does not answer (for example, a section dealing with See's Candies, and how WB knew that paying $30 million for a company with a book value of $8 million was too much, but $25 million was acceptable), but overall this is a good book. Yes, you can learn many of the same things from Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letters--nowhere does Hagstrom discourage the reader from also seeking these out. As for the claim by some here that Hagstrom has never even met Buffett, he says right at the beginning of the book that he has (page 1...how could you miss that?), and describes the relationship with WB in some detail.
Rating:  Summary: It did it for me. Review: Well, this may not be the best book on Buffet out there, but it did it for me. Tables and comments were helpfull enough. I don't want to compare it to other books out there or Buffet's own reports; I don't care. All I am interested is how to invest my money. And boy I did! Three years ago when I read the book I was looking for ways to invest my $130000. After I had red the book I did the homework and put all I had on just five companies. I still own those companies and I did only one rotation since then. My account now is $450000 and I am telling the truth. I have never lost sleep over my investments. Occasionaly I would check to see how I was doing, but that was all! In the meanwhile I was occupied with things I chose to do in my life and even obtained a Ph.D. I knew that since I was in there for the long term with good companies I would be winning. Along the way market helped me exactly in the way it helped Buffet, by bringing prices of good companies down and meking it possible for me to buy at good prices. After all, the best investment decision I consider is buying this book. Not because it is that good, but because it was good enough to teach me how to disregard what the speculators in the market were doing.
Rating:  Summary: Great book that should be on every investor's bookshelf. Review: This is one of the most helpful books on investing that I have ever read. I have only one suggestion for the author - Please add more details on the "Residual Value" calculations on Pages 291 thru 298.
Rating:  Summary: This book is crap! Review: The author of this book, Robert Hagstrom, has never spoken to Mr. Buffett about investing. Yet for some strange reason Hagstrom feels qualified to write about Buffett's investment methods. After the book came out Hagstrom started a mutual fund to exploit his readers' trust, Hagstom claimed that he was going to use Buffett's methods as outlined in this book. But Hagstrom's mutual fund turned in such poor results he had to close it down. If you use the investment methodology found in this book you too will get the same poor results that Hagstrom did. If you want to know how Buffett did it, you should look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: A poorly written precise of Buffett's annual reports. Review: Far from giving the reader an insight into the investment strategies of the world's greatest investor this book simply summarises selected comments from Buffett in his annual reports of Berkshire Hathaway. Having read the book and the annual reports I can honestly say that Warren Buffett does it better! You can download the reports free of charge from the Berkshire Hathaway web site. Don't waste your time with this book.