Rating:  Summary: Walsch Offers Nothing New Review: In "Tomorrow's God," Walsch warns us early in his Introduction that "You will find information in this book that is not new to you." Indeed, very little, if anything, in this book is new to anyone who has read the Conversations with God books or any of Walsch's other books. Unfortunately, "Tomorrow's God" is nothing more than a rehashing of his other works.The only things that Walsch does differently here is promote other authors books (p.230) and provide a blue print for Socialism disguised as spirituality (p. 265-275). Walsch would do well to study modern history as such ideas have been attempted in some form or another and have all resulted in disaster. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Sacred Scriptures All Same Meaning Review: In this Book, Neale Walsch says `The message of all the sacred scriptures is the same. What different is how human beings have been interpreting them' Neale perceives human race to be prone to self destruction. He tells to embrace changing own way of thinking to bring about change. This book reflects mysteries of life, changing attitudes and addresses age old taboos. The book is all about changing thoughts about everything from living to ways of living and dealing with self and people. Second half of the book deals with 'chunk the old, Accept the new' - the new revelations of how to create a new person in 'you', overshadowing the inner ego and get ready for spiritual challenge. The world is on a brink of extinction with sins galore and the Author presents an opportunity closer to god, to create a new kind of spirituality to tackle with the worldly disasters like the spiritual, political, economic, relationship changes. Neale Walsch guides as a mentor and human counsellor with 'faith' in whoever is your belief 'God' to build life with renewed hope to attain peace. Converse with God, Be ready to face newer challenges - Good Pick.
Rating:  Summary: God, I Love Life - and I envision a much Grander version !!! Review: Once again Neale and God challenge us to challenge our notions of God. Each time I think Neale and God have said all there is to say, another set of nuances become present. This is evolution in action!
Before Neale's books, I had only found a couple books that *truly* struck a chord in my heart. Then the CWG series struck a chord so resounding that it was almost overwhelming. This is TRUTH, my heart said. Not just part of this, but every bit of it gave sound to the harmony I was seeking. It revealed the meaning I knew had to be at the root of our existence. And finally, the truth had been revealed. And each time I thought Neale had taken the revelation as far as possible, he has come back with another awesome addition.
Seek your own heart's truth. There is none else. The God revealed in Neale's books gives us that freedom.
Many people would have us believe that God requires much of us, but Tommorrow's God requires nothing specific of us. For some that is heresy. For some, that means that humanity will destroy itself with inappropriate behaviours.
For me, and for my vision of my fellow man, the ultimate requirement God has for us, is simply that we take full responsibility for all of our actions, and that we truly USE the complete freedom of choice which God has so wonderfully bestowed upon us all.
My vision of God is exactly that revealed so beautifully in all of Neale's books. Before these books, I had the beginnings off such a vision of God, but I could not complete the vision myself. I searched everywhere for the truth. It must be here somewhere, no? But I only found bits and pieces of divine truth, which were often intertwined with other bits of *human* truths which did not resonate in my soul.
Why would God punish us? No, God has *never* punished us. We've been punishing ourselves. We are at cause here. That is the sign of the ultimate freedom which God has bestowed upon us. God allows us to think anything, say anything, do anything, believe ANYTHING. This is too much responsibility for most people today, but it is the key to the next stage in our evolution.
I've always been spiritually oriented, but religion has not provided satisfying food for my hungry soul. Neale's books have provided that nourishment. They accelerated my personal process of unfolding. I feel so much more complete thanks to all of Neale's books.
Thank you Neale and THANK YOU God.
Now back to the wonderfully hard work of living, made easier by these revelations. And back to creating my grandest vision of the world we all live in, one interaction at a time.
Rating:  Summary: Seek the Truth and Act on it. Review: The message of this book is about us humans realizing that we are all connected to One God, One Life Force that includes all of Life itself, and therefore requires us to respect all things Created, each other and our ecosystems. I love Jesus Christ because of the WAY He lived; he would agree that we are of One Body. This book is blasphemy only if we hold onto the words rather than see beyond the words to truth. If we recognize and respond to our unity that includes the Love of God there will be more compassion, more responsible action; even the selfish will realize that to hurt another hurts oneself. Anger burns the angry the most. The author is right in saying that we need to change our negative behavior patterns. I ask, Has Money become God? Is the Almighty Dollar worth more than our own well being as seen in the consequences of the loss of the forests, lands turning to desert, lack of attention paid to human impact on the greater whole? Must some of us stuff ourselves to obesity while so many starve? Must we give into the media telling us we have to look a certain way or buy certain things to be happy? Is this the Way? Who is really running our lives? Why are we so freely giving away our freedom? What are we afraid of? There should be no fear in a state of Grace. Religion has helped to do much good such as charitable relief organizations that give over 80% of their collected funds to help the poor & hungry. We've created and we can end this hunger by giving to or working with these kinds of groups. This author rightly also suggests that the man made aspect of religion is loaded with man made self interests and bias and as such can bring about separation. See this happening in this day and age with the extreme acts of violence in the name of God! The Truth should only serve to strengthen your Love of God. Realize that you are the Light of the World; every day is judgment day or otherwise said, Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Read and Act and still go to church and worship. The only threat herein is one for those who want to sleepwalk their way through life; this book will wake you up! We create the future by our actions today. This is what I think free will means. What do you think?
Rating:  Summary: Needs to Be Said Review: The reviewer from Chicago "Nothing New" is a bit off-base. My contact with the CwG books isn't hardcore, as I've only read them as sloppy seconds to my friend who's in a special-interest group, so he had "someone" to read with... I've only hit the majors of the series, not the cash-cow Q&A/meditation/etc books... I think the reviewer might have been talking about The New Revelations, which has been hailed as a miserable rehashing for a purely political point and purpose. I'd have to say if anything's genuine in this series besides the original trilogy (of which some people even have doubts) it's this book, because the information in it (aside from the this-is-the-way-to-do-things methodologies) is either an EXPANSION upon existing CwG material from that trilogy or brand new (to the SERIES that is) altogether...that you might take your foundation in Walschism and sprinkle this new stuff on to round out the 'cosmology' as they call it..
Rating:  Summary: A Book to Expand the Mind and Heart Review: This book is based on truths presented in the Conversations with God trilogy. It helps us integrate them into our understanding of politics, economics, religion and spirituality and expand our awareness of God. For example, oneness of all life is a basic truth that God says will cause a radical shift in our feelings toward other nations and people, as well as our relationship with God and the environment. Our relationship with God will evolve from one of seeing ourselves as unworthy servants of God -- a God of separation and requirements -- to oneness and friendship with God -- a God of unity and freedom. We will see ourselves as part of God, and, as such, seek freedom for our brothers and sisters around the world, who are one with us and one with God. This shift in awareness will bring peace on earth and keep us from destroying ourselves if it comes soon enough. Another new book, Messages from Jesus, discusses oneness in great detail. It is comforting to see God and Jesus both bringing much-needed messages of truth to humanity at this time. We desperately need, with open minds guided by love, to expand our awareness of truth and love.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Reaffirmation Review: This book treads on new, as well as older ground, if you've read the previous "Conversations with God" books. Walsch always has something new to say, and rather accidentally shows his own spiritual evolution through this recent conversation. Departing from the simplicity of earlier books, Walsch explains things in more complex terms, and even tackles enlightenment, a rather long and detailed (and immensly enjoyable)section at the end of the book. Whether you believe that its an actual "Conversation with God" or not, Walsch does not require you to. This book is a MUST read for any spiritual, political, or religious person.
Rating:  Summary: Tomorrow's God is coming in 10,000 years Review: This is a great book by a great visionary, and more power to him and those who understand his writings. Walsh is correct, the old God of the past, who came out of the feverish Dark Ages of the Middles East and Asia, is being transformed into a new kind of God who loves all people, all races, all colors, all religions, and who is in fact beyond religion, beyond organized religion. This book paves the way for this new God to come into human conciousness, and I applaud it was five stars, but to be honest, we still have a long way to go. About 10,000 more years before Walsh's ideas become common ground. Keep this book by your side at all times. This is the future. And we are making it happen, all of us, despite the dark times we are living in now. Yes, it's never too late to begin again. I believe Walsh is one of the most perceptive men on the planet today. Godspeed! And Godbless!
Rating:  Summary: Walsch does it again!!! Review: This latest book of Neale Walsch is another gem in the series. I found the chapter entitled: "The End of the Single Source" to be particularly powerful and enlightening. In it, we find the amazing statement..."Your Holy Source lies in one place, and one place only...Within YOU."
Rating:  Summary: Won't Buy It Review: This will be the first in the CWG series that I will not purchase. I enjoyed the first group of CWG books, found 98% of the contents refreshing and challenging. But as some of the reviews suggest, as well as some of the author's own words, this book does not really break any new ground. And that, I think, reflects the state of mind of the author. He showed a lot of courage publishing the first books - they were truly a first of their kind. Now he is essentially forced to reassert what he has already written and continues to seek out only those audiences that will readily agree with him. Betraying the smugness that has come with success, he seriously admonishes (in less public forums) those "primitive/childish minds" that haven't achieved his level of enlightenment, yet does he take significant personal risks, in the mode of a Christ, Luther or Niemöller to challenge or enlighten those he disagrees with? No, for he has found his comfortable niche, an adoring and essentially uncritical audience and, possibly, his perpetual source of financial sustenance...as Christ said (Matthew 5:46) "For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Are not even the tax collectors doing the same?"