Rating:  Summary: Leaves me empty. Not recommened for new spiritualists, Review: I admire the effort but it leaves you empty.
It touches on many theological concepts which are quite common but it effectively nullifies them without intending to.
It provides no solid basis for any of its arguments.
It presents a concept which is interesting and then fails to follow through on delivering a satisfactory and convincing explanation.
There were several points where ideas could have been tied together between science and this new theology...but he missed the boat.
Rating:  Summary: Marrion Review: I have not read this book yet but will deffinitely read it WITH AN OPEN MIND after reading the review dated January 19, from Texas. I found all of Donald Walsch's other books very inspiring and spiritually uplifting. It's closed-mindedness like "Texas" that causes our wars.
Rating:  Summary: I am enlightened as declared by... Review: I have read all Neale Walsch books & what is new in this one is the biographical part about est by Erhard Werner which Neale took in the late 1980's & explaining more clearly sharing of all earth resources, such as no need to own vacuum cleaner. etc... I would have loved it if Neale has asked more question concerning possible earth changes and recognition of the poor and the changing state of farmers of earth and how are the rich going to share without a revolution or earth change to remind us all that we chose the wrong path, namely the path of greed and exploitation of both mother nature and human beings. We, Americans, can't even car pool! I was notified by Amazon that the book is not published yet & I received my copy in the last week of February 2004. So it's very funny that we see reviews dated before that time.
Rating:  Summary: I am enlightened as declared by... Review: I have read all Neale Walsch books & what is new in this one is the biographical part about est by Erhard Werner which Neale took in the late 1980's & explaining more clearly sharing of all earth resources, such as no need to own vacuum cleaner. etc... I would have loved it if Neale has asked more question concerning possible earth changes and recognition of the poor and the changing state of farmers of earth and how are the rich going to share without a revolution or earth change to remind us all that we chose the wrong path, namely the path of greed and exploitation of both mother nature and human beings. We, Americans, can't even car pool! I was notified by Amazon that the book is not published yet & I received my copy in the last week of February 2004. So it's very funny that we see reviews dated before that time.
Rating:  Summary: Sweeeet Review: I haven't gotten this pumped up from reading a book since, well, ever. Heyward Boyce
Rating:  Summary: Tomorrow's God Review: I haven't read this yet...just wanted to comment to the reader in TX. I'm thankful for you. You make all of us grow. I attempt to be more tolerant and accepting after reading your views. And the best part is: God loves you AND God loves me EVEN THOUGH OUR VIEWS ARE VERY DIFFERENT! Peace be with you!
Rating:  Summary: The Shape of Future Spirituality and Religion Review: I read Neale Donald Walsch's Tomorrow's God with amazement. It develops the ideas in the Conversations With God series, but applies them to our understanding of God and how that will evolve in the next generation of human thinking. How will humankind conceive of God as our species evolve, and as religions grapple with the entirely new problems of the coming century. Tomorrow's God provides intriguing answers. The book also presents many practical ideas, including a meditation, the "blue flame" meditation, that I have been using, that while very simple, has a powerful effect. This book is essential reading for anyone who has been touched by the power, eloquence and simplicity of the Conversations With God series.
Rating:  Summary: A Lovely Approach Review: I'm not entirely astonished that this book would get such bi-polar reviews. Except that I am.
To call this book dangerous, Socialist or postmodern is not only to have completely filtered this book through erroneous beliefs, but also mis-use the true definition of any those words.
I'm not even sure you need an open mind to read this book, or an open-heart, or open anything, because I have found absolutely nothing disconcerting or even dangerous about any of the material contained in any of Mr. Walsch's books. Quite on the contrary, they fill you with such an ease of spirit, as if they were something you already knew before so much fear-based ideology was taught to you. That's the best summation I can provide about these books. They confirmed what I as a child believed about God before hell and vengeance and judgment came into the picture.
On one thing we can all agree: the state of this world, and not just the U.S. and The Middle East, is downright horrifying. I will add that this horror is a result of primitvely long-held beliefs. Everyone is clinging steadfast to their ideologies without seeing that these ugly, human characteristics we place unto God are simply creating more and more detriment. Why are we so hard-pressed to try a different approach?
This book advocates nothing but peace, unity and love for one another in very simple and personal ways. You can disregard it and label it New- Age, hippie, veganism blah blah blah. More labels. But if anyone ever tried anything mentioned in it, nothing but evolution would spring forth.
Rating:  Summary: If we are to be a successful species. Review: I've read many books pertaining to our need to change the way we go about doing things if we are to succeed as a species on this planet. Many have outlined the necessary steps that we must make in order to do so and none have done it more succinctly and beautifully as this book from Neale Donald Walsch. Recognizing the duality that exists within us as our ego and our true self, and that the true self is currently overshadowed by the ego, cuts to the very nature of our current world situation and all its attending war, strife and suffering. Only the ego uses tools of fear to try to bring about solutions to all the problems we see. Walsch's book brings this duality to the forefront using a very unique literary vehicle and whether you choose to believe that he actually converses with God is irrelevant. His word's ring so true that if read without blinders and preconceptions they touch our very core, our true selves,love. When we finally realize that all our travails are rooted in ego manifesting our reality we'll know that we aren't separate, but one, and that the belief in separateness is killing us at an ever increasing pace. Our problems are spiritual in nature as expressed through our misguided and misunderstood teachings of our religions. Walsch clearly shows how the dogmatic aspects of those religious beliefs have lead us very close to the brink of our own self destruction. All our religions at their foundation teach that love is the only answer. Unfortunately, misinterpretations of our religions are what the ego uses to have us believe that our's is the only way to salvation, and our way is the only way. Using all aspects of fear it manipulates us to the point that we no longer know who we really are and we cave into the fear. And knowing who we really are will be our only true salvation and it will only come once we embrace fully that love is the only answer. Unless that thought can be fully realized we are doomed to repeating the same pitiful attempts of answering our problems using the tools of fear so readily supplied by our egos. Walsch, or God speaking through him, gives us the basic tools to begin a transformation in our belief structure about who we are and who God is. This will lead to a new world, one based on love, not fear. One based on the knowledge that we all have at our core the one and only thing that can rejoin us as one, love. There are many good books finding there way into our hands giving us the guidance and opportunity we need to proceed into the 21st century successfully. Its up to us to finally say, we've had enough, there's got to be a better way.. I believe that way is outlined clearly in this book. If this book were to be read by everyone, I believe the world would see a profound move towards what we all profess to want, peace and love mainfested between all people. For yourself, your family, the family of man, and the future of the world, get this book and read it and then take action... do it today.
Rating:  Summary: Walsch Offers Nothing New Review: In "Tomorrow's God," Walsch warns us early in his Introduction that "You will find information in this book that is not new to you." Indeed, very little, if anything, in this book is new to anyone who has read the Conversations with God books or any of Walsch's other books. Unfortunately, "Tomorrow's God" is nothing more than a rehashing of his other works. The only things that Walsch does differently here is promote other authors books (p.230) and provide a blue print for Socialism disguised as spirituality (p. 265-275). Walsch would do well to study modern history as such ideas have been attempted in some form or another and have all resulted in disaster. Save your money.