Rating:  Summary: An excellent sequel to "The Carniverous Carnival" Review: When the last book in the Series of Unfortunate Events left off, Sunny had been taken away by Count Olaf and his troupe, while Klaus and Violet were going down the mountain at a rapid speed in a caravan, trying to chase after Sunny and Count Olaf's troupe. When Violet, like always, finally devises a plan to get the caravan to stop moving, she and Klaus take the things that would seem the most important, and set out to find their sister. After walking around a while, they encounter the Snow Scouts, whom one of the members offer to help them search for Sunny and to get to Count Olaf. Imagine Violet and Klaus' surprise when they discover that this member is really Quigley Quagmire, brother of the two triplets Isadora and Duncan, and who also was believed to have died in the fire that the parents of the triplets also died in. As Quigley, Klaus, and Violet share all they know about VFD to one another and devise a plan to get Sunny back, they also find out many more secrets about VFD along the way. The tenth book in the Series of Unfortunate Events has it all- mystery, action, suspense, and humor. One minute you'll be laughing at Lemony Snicket's witty humor, and the next, you'll be wondering if Sunny really will return to her siblings. I was so engrossed in this story, I finished it in two hours. It's an excellent addemum to the Series of Unfortunate Events. Hope you like the book!
Rating:  Summary: The Misery and Misfortune Continues Review: In the Slippery Slope you're filled with misery and misfortune as you follow the sorrowful tale of the characters in this book. Speaking of characters, I'll tell you about the unfortunate people in this book. Violet Baudelaire,14, is an inventor and always ties her hair up with a ribbon when she's thinking. Klaus Baudelaire, 13, is very smart and has read tons of books. Sunny Baudelaire, the youngest of the orphans likes to bite things with her sharp teeth. Quigley Quagmire, a friend of the Baudelaire's is on a mission to find his brother and sister. Count Olaf is a treacherous villain out to steal the Baudelaires fortune. Finally is Esme Squalor, Count Olaf's stylish girlfriend. Next I'll tell you about the setting. This story takes place in the Mortmain Mountains by the ugly- colored Stricken Stream. Now for the theme which is obviously misery. The Baudelaires run out of luck and face misfortune at every turn. Despair and depression is basically what this story is about. In this tale of woe Violet and Klaus nearly run off of a cliff, get attacked by snow gnats, find Quigley Quagmire and the burned V.F.D head quarters, neraly trap Esme Squalor, and come face to face with their kidnapped sister. Overall this is a great book I give it four stars.
Rating:  Summary: The Slippery Slope Review: The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket is the l0th installment of the story of the three orphans Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire. The Baudelaire children lost their parents in a terrible fire, and have been struggling against the evil Count Olaf ever since. In this book, Snicket has the orphans climbing up the Mortmain Mountains where they believe they will find the answer to the question "What is V.F.D. ?" The two eldest Baudelaires, (Violet and Klaus) have been separated from their young sister Sunny. Sunny has been taken by Count Olaf and is now his cooking slave. The orphans meet up with Quigley Quagmire, who is the missing third in a set of triplets. Quigley is also looking for answers. He is trying to find his siblings, his parents and the answer to V.F.D. I enjoy the writing style of Lemony Snicket. He is very tongue-in-cheek in his descriptions of people and events. For instance, when he describes Esme Squalor, he always has her talk about what is fashionable, even when being fashionable would be the least of your problems. When Esme Squalor is planning to burn down the V.F.D. headquarters, she worries about what is "in" to wear. I like the way Snicket explains his vocabulary in the middle of the story. If he includes a word not commonly used, he explains right in the story what the word actually means. When a character uses a word like xenial, Snicket goes on to explain that xenial refers to giving gifts to strangers. I also enjoy Sunny Baudelaire's language. Since she is still a baby in the stories, she is just learning to talk and sometimes her wording is amusing. My only dislike about this particular book, is that the story line is becoming too predictable. I have read the other nine books, and it is my feeling that the story should come to a conclusion. I hope that the 11th book will wrap up the story. It would be my recommendation to read this book, if you are a Lemony Snicket fan. It would be wise to start with the first book and read through to this installment. Without the background of the other books, you would not have enough information to enjoy The Slippery Slope fully. The entire series of Snicket books called "A Series of Unfortunate Events" are entertaining, vocabulary -expanding, journeys in literature. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Beyond Belief Review: In my perspective,Lemony Snikett is the most brilliant children's book writer in the history of literature. His unusual yet darkly funny sense of humor keeps children (and adults) of all ages mezmerized. His sense of timing and suspense is genius level. I gave my middle-grade nieces his boxed set, and for their 6,7 and 8 year old cousins I discovered an adventurous and fun bilingual picture book (written in Spanish and in English), DRUM,CHAVI,DRUM!/TOCA,CHAVI, TOCA! It is set in Little Havana's largest Latino fextival. The little girl teaches the adults a big lesson. It is filled wth drum sounds that kids will repeat and love to mimick. These books are driving the whole family wild wth joy. Kids that read don't get into trouble. Snickett did it again!!!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, utterly amazing!! Review: This book is amazing because there are surprises everywhere!When Quigley comes and meet the two older Baudelaires it just took me by surprise. I can't wait to read the 11th book. I hope that whoever reads that book will love it as much as I did.
Rating:  Summary: SNICKET DID IT AGAIN!!!!!! Review: Can the Baudelaires find Sunny? Is there a survivor the fire which destroyed the Baudelaires lives? Will they finally solve the mystery of V.F.D? Everything is revealded in this Brilliant Snicket Sequel. A must-read if you love the others as much as i do!
Rating:  Summary: The Slippery Slope Review: This book is amazing! I couldn't put it down along with the other 9 books! What I want to know is, when's the next one coming out?
Rating:  Summary: The Slippery Slope Review: The Slippery Slope Written by: Lemony Snicket This is the tenth book in "A Series of Unfortunate Events". The main characters include the Baudelaire children, Count Olaf, and Esme Squalor. Sunny is the youngest of the three Baudelaire orphans. She is only two years old but is courageous and demands independence from her siblings. Sunny has sharp teeth, a very limited vocabulary, and a strong will. Klaus is the middle child. He is 12 years old, loves to read, and is very intelligent. Violet is the eldest of the siblings and is 15 years old. She is imaginative and loves to invent things. Violet's inventions are well known among her admirers. Count Olaf is a wicked old villain who is out to get the Baudelaire's fortune. Esme is the evil girlfriend of Count Olaf. She is the "in and out girl". This means if it is in-style she'll embrace it, but if it is out she'll despise it. The plot of the book is about the adventures of the Baudelaire children as they try to find out if one of their parents is still alive and try to find their kidnapped sister, Sunny. They encounter many obstacles and disappointments in their journey. The setting takes place on the slippery slope of Mortmain Mountains. The mountains are freezing and are infested with evil insects called snow gnats. These insects will sting anything and everyone. It is a miserable place to be. The theme of the book is about realistic trials and their outcomes. Unlike many stories this story does not have a happy ending. I liked this book because it has unpredictable twists and turns. The author has a very unique style of writing! It will most definitely capture your attention.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST OF THEM ALL! Review: This book is the best one of them all. It is full of suspense and excitement. The problems the Baudelairs face, and the things the reader learns are tremendous. Snicket is the best and I can't wait until books 11-13 come out!
Rating:  Summary: unfortunate political science Review: The Series of Unfortunate Events Series is wonderful. Anybody of any age can enjoy these and laugh. And as ridiculous as the stories are, I've actually started to care about these kids, which surprises me, actually. It will be very interesting by volume 13 to see how Mr. Snicket reconciles the cynicism with the end of the series. I mean, Count Olaf can't actually win in the end, can he? One reviewer didn't like a comment made in this volume about our current president....Well, you could look at it like this: Count Olaf and his henchmen and women are like George W. Bush and his administration. All the ineffectual or responsibility-shirking people who should help the orphans but don't are the democrats and the liberals. And who gets to be the Baudelaire orphans? You & me, baby, that's who: us working class people and we're just slippin' down that slippery slope faster and faster all the time. Does that help?