Rating:  Summary: Fascinating, Heartwarming, and Horrific Review: I bought this book because I bought the second one before this one. But I read this book first and it just touched my heart. I felt nauseated by all the descriptions mentioned in this book. This "Mother" of his is just a mental patient. She was so lucky authorities left her alone. I felt a rage towards her and his brothers. I gained strength by reading how young Dave managed to pull through. I would say this is one of the best books I have ever read. No other book beats it to the punch.. No pun intended... I recommend this book to anyone and everyone. Please read it.. grab some kleenex and sit on your bed to read it.. short but detailed...
Rating:  Summary: An inspiration to us all.... Review: I recieved 'A child called it' last Thursday, at about 7.30am. I was so engrossed in the book, I had finished reading it by the evening. I could not put the book down. I was hanging on every word, thinking his mother couldn't get any worse with the abuse she inflicted on Dave. How wrong I would be.... Listening to Dave's story puts everything into perspective, and makes you value what things you have in life. I only hope Dave can now move on from that chapter in his life, and know that he wasn't bad, like his mother made him tell himself all those years ago......
Rating:  Summary: Gruesome but inspirational Review: This is a powerful book: it shocks, it saddens and it angers you, and on more than one occasion you will be moved to tears. I spent a day at work sneaking in a couple of pages whenever I could, on the stairs, between customers or walking to the coffee machine, (something I normally never do), so compelling was Dave's Story.It isn't particularly well written if by well-written you mean 'literature'. Dave and his co-author tried as much as possible to tell this part of his story in a way that an eight year old might do. (And anyway, since when does a book have to be literature in order to be worthy of praise?) I also had the niggling feeling that this was no less seedy than reading The National Enquirer or watching an episode of some nasty Springer-esque talk show: it's obvious that this book will appeal to most people for the scandal and sensation in it. I admit, that I bought it because the story sounded too awful to be true. What makes "A Child Called It" worth reading is the inspiration you can't fail to draw from the little boy who never gave up and always found it in his heart to forgive people, no matter what they did do him, even though he didn't have the ability to see WHY they behaved so horribly towards him. If you find it difficult to face up to how shamefully humans can sometimes conduct themselves (what do humans really have to be proud of when we seem so hell bent on being destructive?), or really cannot cope with images of severe child abuse, then I would recommend that you avoid this book: it's heavy and disturbing stuff, written quite plainly with no metaphor or clever language to sweeten the pill. Otherwise, as a disturbing but inspirational story, this book should be read by as many people as possible. The more we hear the stories of abuse, the less likely we are to doubt that this sort of thing can happen (and that the story tellers are making it up to get attention). And the more we listen and believe, the more hope there is for children like Dave.
Rating:  Summary: A Book for All Ages... Review: I have read this book and I am only 10. And I think every child in the world sould read it to realize how luck they are that they dont have a life like Dave.Anyway,this book makes youre eyes pour; mostly when his alcoholic mother played 'games' on him such as she pours this cheap pink liqued down his throat so his throte is so dry that he cant breath.This is one book u cant put down and also this book makes u feel Love,Fear, and other things.Well people, quite reading and buy the book!
Rating:  Summary: It was Grrrrrrrrrrreat! Review: This book made me cry and brought out emotions I have neverfelt from reading a book before. I am not an avid reader, but Icouldn't put this book down. I sat up one night for 2 1/2 hours so that I could finish it. I still can't believe that this is the biography of a survivor. Dave Pelzer isn't asking you to picture the grotesque things that happened to him, but hopes you can feel the pain he went through and see the courage that he never really knew he had until after he got out.
Rating:  Summary: A touching non-fictional story Review: This book is written by a man who suffered one of the worst cases of recorded child abuse in California and lived to tell the tale. It's a story of the human spririt and one child's will to survive. I don't mean to be cliche, but A Child Called It will move you, horrify you, and ultimately open your eyes to the monstrositys that can occur behind the doors of any house in any town or city. A Child Called It is really enlightening and after reading this first novel, I plan to read the sequel and the final novel which came out recently.
Rating:  Summary: A Chid Called 'It' Review: Absolutely wonderful. I couldn't put it down, but at the same time could hardly stand to continue. To feel the pain that he felt was incredible. I have also read the other 2 books in his triolgy and they are just as good. It is truely a miracle that David survived.
Rating:  Summary: ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL ! Review: I must first say that I have hated to read my whole life. I am a soon-to-be teacher and this book was recommended by a fellow teacher. I have never read a book more astounding than this. i got this book in the mail on a Tuesday and I was done with it by Thursday. I will read the other two books in the trilogy. Dave Peltzer is a HERO. He should be awarded for his outstanding acomplishments. He gets you in his state of mind during his childhood. This is an awesome book which an teacher, principal, or child care provider should read.
Rating:  Summary: The best book in the world , can't wait for the Sequal ! Review: This book is the most dramatic thing I've ever read. This book is the best and nothing but the best. The way that Dave Pelzer express's hate , pain , and hope where just incredible. I rate this book a 6 star if they had. I personally thought it was going to be boring but once your up to the 3 page , your hooked. I am going to get the sequal soon so I can writte a book report to my English teacher. I am in 7th grade and this book has had a great impact on my life. This book told me that I should cherish the meals , the love , and the happiness I have right now because there are other people who arent as lucky as we are to have all the accomodations that we have. Well , that's it Thank You ! (Amazon.com is the best book-store in the world ! )
Rating:  Summary: A victim of severe child abuse lived to tell his story.... Review: I fully intend to read the other two novels in this trilogy by Dave Pelzer. He is truly an amazing man and a skilled author. This firt book in the series is told through Dave's memories of what it was like to be an abused child, mentally and physically. The reader learns not only of the horrific feats Dave's mother put him through, but also of the mental trauma he suffered as he slowly lost the support of his father. He was the scapegoat of his family (he had several brothers who were not abused at all). But one day the teachers at his school decided to put their jobs on the line to save Dave and put an end to his suffering. A gripping sometimes disturbing novel. You won't put it down....