Rating:  Summary: simply cannot be unmoved! Review: This is a TRUE story of a little boy being abused by his mother without any clear reason. The mother did thousands of curel things to the little boy, David, which makes me chilled and also makes me feel how lucky I am. I just cannot imagine how hard that kind of life would be. In the begining, i just kept thinking " why not he just kill himself and ends all these nightmares?", however, after I finished this book, I can see that huge braveness David has to survive and how stupid I am always thinking about killing yourself. I am deeply moved by this book and I cried serveral time when I was reading it. I cried for the greatness of David and also cried for the weakness of me.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: My friend reccommended the book, A Child Called It, to me saying it was a great book. At first i though I wouldn't like this book, but that feeling soon faded. The story flows and you cannot believe some of the horrible things that are happening to this innocent boy. I had to keep reading to find out what would happen next. the unbelievable strength and courage of this young boy are inspirational to all. It is a real eye opener to some of the awful things that is going on in our own communities. It really makes you wonder what is going on in the minds of people like david pelzer's mother. this is a very touching novel that i thoroughly enjoyed.
Rating:  Summary: the most insirational book ever Review: When I got this book I almost did not finish it. Why because it was so depressing. As I reading this I just kept wondering how could a mother do this to her own child. My heart goes out tho the author of this book and all of the people that helped save him from the abuse he had been living through. This book teaches us so much about how precious life is and that somtimes we need to fight for it. I highly recommend this book and the rest of the three part series for any person that believes that good will pervail
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It" review Review: Title of Book: A Child Called "It" Author: David Pelzer # of Pages: 184 Date Started: April 22, 2002 Date Finished: April 29, 2002 Category: Non-fiction Annotation: A Child Called "It" is a true story told in first person by a young boy who has been severely abused throughout his childhood. David Pelzer tells about his experiences through his eyes, and he describes the treatment he received from his mother. After fighting for so many years, and nearing death, David is finally rescued by the school liaison officer.Author Bio: David Pelzer has one child, Stephen, and he lives on the Russian River in Guerneville, California. He is a retired Air Force crewmember, where he played a major role in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. While in the Air Force David also worked in a juvenile hall and other programs involving "youth at risk" throughout California. David's many accomplishments include personal recognition from former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush. In 1990 he was a recipient of the J.C. Penney Golden Rule Award, and was the California Volunteer of the Year. In 1994 Dave was the only American to be selected as an Outstanding Young Person of the World for his involvements in child abuse awareness and prevention. Evaluation: After reading A Child Called "It" I appreciate my upbringing much more. As a child Dave was nearly put to death by his sick mother. When I first started to read the book I wasn't aware that it was a true story. After reading a couple chapters I was told that this was a true story. I almost didn't believe it. I couldn't comprehend how someone could be so cruel to a supposed love one. I commend David very much for his strength and determination to get through his tough times as a child. About half way through the book I almost had tears in my eyes, and I was sick to my stomach. The thought of making your own child eat out of the diaper of one of his siblings is sick and twisted. I really believe that God was by David's side throughout every day of his young years. This book touches the lives of anyone who reads it. It really made me evaluate my own life and upbringing. Some of the things that I complain about are not even an issue in David's life. He never had any food to be able to say he didn't like dinner. He never had any new clothes to not like. I recommend this book to everyone, and I plan to read the other two sequels: The Lost Boy, and A Man Named Dave.
Rating:  Summary: Lu He p.3 Review: This book is about a boy named Dave Pelzer and his mother always abuses him. One day at school, the nurse saw all the bruises on his body and called the police. The police took Dave away and told him that he will be safe now, no more getting hurt from his mother. Dave remembered in the past that his mother was nice, pretty, and lovely. But now, she changed, when Dave's father is gone to work, his mother would make him do dishes and be her slave. Later, Dave had to sleep in the basement. David only gets to have some leftovers when his mother is really really happy. david's father couldn't handled it anymore so he left the family. Now, Dave fell free, he doesn't get beat up or bossed around anymore. I liked this book because I learned that never give up on your hope and always stay strong. I also learned that I am very lucky to have a mother that love me so much and take care of me. Dave had to suffer a lot in his childhood and he is aslo very lucky to be alive right now because his mother made him eat poop, eat his own vomit, and many other nasty things. This book is very emotional and painful. It is not like a fairy tale but instead it is a violent story. If I was Dave, I would not have the courage to stay alive. The reason that I chose this book is because the cover of the book. On the cover of the book, it has a picture of a little boy looking up at somebody and there is a hand holding his chin up. there is a purpleish background. It looks like that there are clouds. The little boy in the picture is very cute. On the front cover it also said that this book is an inspirational story.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most amazing books I've ever read Review: The very day I bought this book, I went back to the store to purchase the second and third book in this series--even though I still wasn't finished with the first one! I just couldn't put it down. I've thought about each and every word he wrote since the day I finished the book. What an unbelievable story about malicious and repeated abuse and a young childs power to survive. I can only hope that someday I'd be able to meet Dave in person so I can throw my arms around him and tell him how amazing he is and thank him for touching my heart so deeply.
Rating:  Summary: Saddest part is......this is a true story of his life Review: AUTHOR BIO: Out of all of the authors that I have either read or heard about, David Pelzer is my all time favorite author. The way he wrote all of his books makes you feel like you are right there. Also in his books it makes you realize how bad it is for a child to have to go through child abuse in there life. This book and the other series that he wrote of this book makes you realize also that there are people out in this world who abuse there children like Davids mom did to him. I thik it is amazing on how well David turned out to be after the drama life he had as a child. IF it were me that it happened to I either would not be alive or in a mental place because my mother beat me so bad as a child. EVALUATION: This was one of my all time favorite books that I have ever read in my life time. The other books that I consider to be my favorite are the books that follow this one by David Pelzer. My friend recommended this book to me when she found out I had to pick a book for my 1st hour to read. Once I started to read this it was so hard to put the book down when i needed to do something else. I would sit at work when my kids were sleeping or when I got home from work and just sit and read the book until I was finished with it. The book took about a 1 week if that probably about 3 days to finish it because it grabs your attention. The way it grabbed my attention is the way he wrote his book. He wrote it so you could visualize the whole intire book as you were reading it. Yes it is a sad book and all but it really makes you sit and think how right now in our life time that there are kids out there that are getting the same abuse if not worse. I think David was a brave and strong man to make it through what his mother put him throuhg and how he lived to be such a normal man with a family of his own who he loves so dearly.
Rating:  Summary: The Boy Called IT Review: This true story book was a very special one. It showed how not every mother loves their child. This boy was tourtured by his own mother. He was not able to eat but scraps from the table. He was the outkast of his family because of his mother. David was the second born of the five children his mother had, but he was the one his mother hated and was digusted by. This book will make you cry and feel grateful for the love of your family. The part i hated in this book was how his father would not take his side when being stabbed, starved, or tourtured by his mother. Thankfully this boy was saved by some caring teachers at his school. He had a record of stealing food from his classmates and the local grocery store because his mother would not feed him. This boys mother should have been put in jail for the things she did to her boy. The amonia in the bathroom and making him eat his own throw-up when she found out he had eaten food. I highly recommend this book to everyone. There is so much more to Davids real life story in the tow sequels he has written.
Rating:  Summary: The story was believable enough until.... Review: The story seemed real but then he mentions having being stuck in the bathroom with the mixture of amonia and clorox. That would have killed him let alone what would happen after he drink the amonia. So since that part i wasn't sure I believe the rest of the story or not
Rating:  Summary: One big point is missed .... Review: This is a remarkable story in it's depiction of a boys survival and of a mother's pathology acted out with a horrifying savagery. What is not pointed out much as a factor in his suvival is that the first few years of his life were quite good. At just what age his mom turned on him is unclear but it is very clear that his early childhood was free of her "games". That is very significant because it allowed the development of a stable self image and gave him a backdrop of normalcy for him to judge his later 'hell' against. There are those for whom such horrors began in the crib, and for whom there is no rescue as he describes (around age 11). They have a much harder time of it than this author, since they lack ANY stable self image and have almost nothing good to compare the abuse with. I room with a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called "Multiple Personality Disorder") now in recovery. Her effort is to get to the point of health he enjoyed before his hell began! Added in for her is that the very system which 'rescued' David Pelzer in 5th grade did just the opposite for her. When her father died at age 13 the school psychologist who came to "help" her with grief counseling instead routinely abused her, sexually and mentally, for over a year (before he became suspect and was shuffled to a different district). David Pelzer's abuse was horrid and his spirit is an inspiration. AND this story needs to be understood in a proper context. In ways the author was very fortunate. I hope he understands that. I would have liked to see him comment on it.