Rating:  Summary: Not My Kind Of Book Review: I read this book and i thought that it was really boring. I thought it was boring because i like books with a lot of action in them. Another thing is i really don't like to read books i consider them a waste of time. I would say the book was a waste of my time and I wouldn't ever read it again. i did think it was sad that the kid got beat even though i didn't like the book. Kid's getting beat and being starved is wrong for parents to do to their child. I hope the people who did this get back what they to their kid. Parents shouldn't play deadly games with their child either and they should call the kid by his name not It.
Rating:  Summary: A must read Non-Fiction Review: If you like non-fiction books you will like this book, A Child Called "it". I could not put this book down,thats how much I liked this book. It was so sad it grabbed my heart. I recommend this book to any person[s] who like non-fiction books. This book changed my life and the way I will think of how people live. This book tells about how a child's mom beats him. A scene I like is how his mom sticks him on a stove. She also makes him drink pneumonia. That could have killed him. The reason I like this book is because it had so much details. Also it grabbed my heart because it's so sad. It made me not want to put it down.If you read A Child Called "It", it will also grab your heart.
Rating:  Summary: "Child Called It" Review: The book "Child Called It" was one of the most dramatic books I have ever read. Dave Pelzer was the auther and also the main character. During the book Dave is at his childhood, but instead of playing like the other 7 year old boys he has to do many chores. Not only that he does an intensive amount of chores he gets beat by his mother daily. If dave was lucky he would get to eat scraps from the bottom of the garbage can, but usually he would go for a matter of days with not eating any food. He would have to go to school and steal the other kid's lunches during free time. Dave was not wanted in his house by anyone in his faimly exept his father. Sometimes his father would put some of the left-over dinner in a bag for Dave to eat, but he knew not to do that to much because Daves mother would find out and beat him for what his father did. When Dave went to school nobody would like him or do anything with him beacuse his mother wouldn't let him change his clothes of take a bath. He would have to wear the some shirt and pants the whole school year. Although Dave wanted to tell somone like his teacher or another person not in his faimly that this was happening to him, he wouldn't because he knew his mother would find out and beat him more the she already does. If you like this kind of books witch i don't know you couldn't. Plus if you got to the second page you would have to read it cover to cover
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: This was a great book and i think that anybody of all ages can read it. The book was very adventurouse and could teach people a good lesson. Sad books are usually really good and this happens to be one of them. A Child Called it is very inspireing and could help many people through some of their difficulties. This book is impossible to dislike! This book had a good message in it and i think people will learn from it. It expresses Davids feelings greatly and has really good discription. It also is a true story wich makes it even mor exciteing!
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: Have you ever thought that you have been mistreated? Well Dave has in A Child Called It. Why I liked the book is because it has a lot of conflicts and flash backs to describe what had happened through his life. If you like interesting stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat then you will like this book. It is really sad when his mother locks him in the bathroom with a mixture fo Clorox and ammonia. There are plenty of times when she abused him and he nearly died. It's a true story and the main characters are Dave, his brothers, his dad, and his mother that is really mena. So if you like books that are realistic then you would like this book.
Rating:  Summary: It makes you wonder why! Review: A Child Child Called "It" is one of those books that if they are sad, they are good. I am one of those people who think a sad book is a good book. It makes you just want to jump into the book and just go at her! It really does make you very mad though. Only people who beat a child for no apparent reason at all is an absolute freak who has major issues! I can understand something like a spanken or one smack on the face for doing something bad, but not being beat up. this book is based on a true story. It is one of the top three most abusive life stories in the world. If I knew anybody that has a life like that, I would do something about it. Nobody ever deserves to be treated the way this little helpless boy was. What this woman did is terrifying.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It" Review: Ths book was good becauseit was full of emotion and suspense. I couldn't put the book down. I highly reccomend this book to anybody who likes reading books that bring tears to your eyes. The book is about a very young boy named Dave Pelzer. Dave lives with his mother who is an alcoholic child abuser. Dave was only in first grade when the abuse started and it continued for a long time. I liked this book because there was always something happening wether it be bad or good. The book actually brought tears to my eyes and filled me with emotions. I couldn't put the book down for a very long time. What also makes it a good book is that it is a true story about a man named Dave Pelzer. A Child Called "It" changed the way I look at other kids and child abuse itself. This was the best book I read so far and I think everybody should read it.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: A Child Called It is full of action and drama and its fiction. It is about an alcoholic mom who abuses her son Dave. Dave is only 10 years old who does whatever his mom tells him to do but it's still not good enough. Sometimes Dave has to dig for food out of the garbage . His punishments are really bad. At school one day he got so hungry he stole frozen hot dogs from the cafeteria and when he got home his mom made him stick his down his thoart so he will puke it up. Then she made him eat it. Dave shows courage and stength to make it through his mom's "games". I really dont like reading much but I colud not put this book down.
Rating:  Summary: the child not called Review: well the book that I read was really sad. I can not believe that his mom treated him like that. I think that she was treated like that and this is why she treated him like that. I think he had to be an angel to go through all of the stuff he went through. Unfortunately this is reality. Many people say they would never forgive their mom if they did that to him, but you never know until your in that situation. It is a thrilling book and I could not put it down.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: "Gripping my arm, mother held it in the orange-blue flame. My skin seemed to explode from the heat." A Child Called It is a true story about a seemingly perfect family and their hellish twisted secrets, a father who is scared, a mother with no heart, and a child in pain. This is a book that all should know of because this stuff still happens today. At the age of 17 this is the best book I have ever read; you would be stupid not to get this one. "You've made my life a living hell!" she sneered. " Now its time I showed you what hell is like."