Rating:  Summary: The Best Book, A Chiled Called It Review: A Child Called ItA Child Called It is really touching. It will make you cry, mad, surprised, and maybe laugh about a boy that been abused by his mother. This book is so good, it would make you feel like you are actually in the story. It makes you want to jump right into the book and help David out. You just want to send his mother to jail for all the horrible things she has done and just protect the little boy. You should read this book. By James M.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Inspirational Story. MUST READ Review: Hi, I have not read a book outside of school or finished one in five years. I picked this book up it took me an afternoon to read it, it was the best book that I have ever read, also the saddest, the book was a inspirtational one that lead the message that you have controll over you, no matter how hard you had it, its up too you to make the best out of what you have, and that you are you and you make who you are. He taught me that you have to be spiritauly motivated and that its okay not to always belive, and its okay sometimes your going to lose faith but in the end you control you destiny and taught me not to let in to stuff, I loved his tone in the book it couldn't have been better!!!
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Review: Dave describes unimaginable treatment at the hands of his mother. It is a miracle that this man survived his horrendous childhood. You would think that Dave would have tuned into an axe murderer, but no! He turned tremendous negative into positive, and seems to have turned out to be a really cool guy! I've read all four of Dave's books and I highly recommend all of them. My suggestion would be that you start with "A Child Called It" first and move through the rest of the books in order. His is an incredible journey.
Rating:  Summary: My Thoughts Review: My thoughts about this book were good because this book grabbed my attention and the book was based on someone's childhood growing up. "Character's": I didn't like the mother she didn't treat her children equally and the father was always busy working, he was stupid to let his wife be in charge and not to stick up for son, especially when he knew what was going on. The reason I like this book was because when I read this story he makes you feel like you were in his shoes. It's also based on something true and you get disappointed about the things his mother would do when (no one) especially his father wasn't around at first.
Rating:  Summary: This Book is "It" Review: A Child Called "It" is an awesome book. Its shows you how Child Abuse was kept in secret and not mentioned. However it happened so often and every one at least had an idea, but they ignored their gut feeling, not realizing that David Pelzer's life was at the mercy of his mother. She was a sick lady and seeing her son suffer because of her fulfilled her sick pleasures. However, although so many sad events happened in David's life, he remained hopeful and it worked out for the better eventually. I guess the moral in the story is that when you believe in yourself, it doesn't matter who doesn't believe in you, you can do whatever you want to do.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book! Review: A Child Called "It" is an intense book. It brings on a lot of emotion and thought and even disbelief. If you thought other real life stories were good wait until you read A Child Called "It". This four year old boy is amazing to live the life he had. With his mother constantly manipulating him telling him he is "nothing", merely a boy she wished she'd never had. When his mother gets carried away with her cruel "punishments" will he survive? Will he have the physical but most importantly mental strength to go through with it? Find out in this amazing story of David Pelzer once known as the child called "It"
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Review: ''A Child Called It'' was a great book that covered the abuse of a young California boy. I think that it is a great book that is for the mature teen audience. I think that while you read the book you will grow to feel for Davod and grow angry with his mother after every page. I love the book because it shows how bad a child could really be beaten and abused compared to the life of a normal child. It is emotional, and now for the kid to be living, a grown man with a son! This book is the truth behind child abuse in it's worst. I don't think it could get any worse than that abuse covered in ''A Child Called It''. This is a must read book so get the chance and read it!
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It" Review: I would recommend this book to people bacause it teaches you a lot of things, to me it taught me how to be a good parent bacause after you read this book it would probably affect you like it has affected me, when you read page after page and if your a parent or soon to be parent your going to see the cruelty in this family how the mother of this boy abuses him hits him makes him do chores doesn't let him eat food she does give him foo but leftovers stuff that a person would give their dog your a going to automatically think that this lady is really sick in the book she never showed love for him you never read the words "I Love You" in this book but the thing this sick lady doesn't see that kids need extended love someone that would care about them as i write more and more you can see how this book has affected me in so many ways the only thing is when i have my children im going to give them all the LOVE they need love that no one would ever see.
Rating:  Summary: The Review you must read. Review: I remember when I read this book called The Child called "IT", it was for one of my classes in New Britian High school. I must say that this book is really good, I really enjoyed it. The book is about a young boy named David Pelzer that went throught child abuse. He had brothers and they were not abused so it was not a fair thing, there was just something about him that his mom did not like. The book will shock people, but people need to know about whats going on in this world. Well to me, I think that everyone should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Idiots in San Jose CA Review: ... This book is moving and truer words were never spoken by the reviewer that stated the book will stay with you forever. To imagine one human being going through so many atrocities at the hands of the one person that they should be able to count on in life (their mother) is unbelievable and I marvel at the strength of David Pelzer. Highly recommended read.