Rating:  Summary: Amm second period class Review: First of all I dont believe this is a childs book to read. there is to much violence in this book, but I really enjoyed the parts I have read so far. I look foward to reading the rest of it. This book is frightening and terrifying for little kids to try and read. I just cant believe that this would happen to someone, a true story that is exillarating.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "it" Review: I have only read the first chapter of this book and i find it very intresting and disturbing. I plan on pursuing a carrer as a kindergarten teacher and i feel that this book will prepare me even more when dealing with children. This book touches on a subject that few people feel comfortable discussing. the book has very vivid details and makes us relize how good our lives really are. For those of you out there who have a soft spot for children this book will really touch you and it may even change your perspective on life
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: I first heard about this book in class when I was introduced to it. Right when I heard the plot I knew that I wanted to read it. The first day I began to read this book I couldn't put it down. Each chapter and each page had a new experience in it. Not knowing what David's mother was going to do next made me want to keep reading. The book was full of true facts about David's childhood and what it was like living with a alcoholic abusive mother. It made you think about how lucky you actually are to live in a safe environment. After you read this book all you can do is fell horrible for this little boy. I definitely recommend this book to anyone you is interested in reading it.
Rating:  Summary: Horrific, Devastating and Inspiring Review: "A Child Called 'It'" was written by David Pelzer, who was the victim of one of the most horrific cases of child abuse in California history. It's the first in an autobiographical trilogy the author wrote, and this first book documents David's life up until the time he was finally rescued from his monstrous, sadistic mother. This book honestly and straightforwardly describes the unspeakable abuse David experienced as a child, but miraculously manages to be not at all self-pitiful or melodramatic. It is truly an inspirational story of survival. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a beating heart.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: A child called it, is one of the most tradgic child abuse cases that i have ever heard about. The way that it was written got me hooked on every word, I couldn't stop reading. This book has opened up my eyes and made me realize that I'm not the only person in this world that has problems, and that some of the problems that dave has faced are alot worse than mines. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone who has witnissed and has taken part in child abuse. I rate this book 5 stars because it has kept me entertained and wanted me to find out more and more about what was happening to "it".
Rating:  Summary: My new fav book Review: My friends had read this this and told me it was EXCELLENT!I finally got hold of it at our library and read it.I couldn't put it down it was so interesting,I had to find out what happened next.I seriously couldn't put it down for more than 10 seconds,even while I was eating.But I thought it was just plain STUPID! that even though plenty of people could obviously tell something was wrong with his skinniness,torn clothes (while siblings were dressed nicely) and just his attitude that they didn't report it at all (especially his own DAD!)!This book has really changed me.I treat people in a more positive way and be a friend to nearly everyone now.And I totally agree with Dave on how we take even the smallest things for granted.Just go through the day and every time you do something think:'I might not even have this tomorrow' even our body movements we take for granted.If you've ever had a bad crik in the neck, you'll be amazed at how many things you CAN'T do because of it.I recomend this book to EVERYONE!Not a single soul wouldn't like this book! I LOVE this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: WHY????? Review: I sat for hours in total silence after reading this book. I looked at my son sleeping and I wondered in silent rage WHY would any mother do this to her child? This book is disturbing, yet it opens your eyes to all the children who are suffering and who need OUR help. I pray for Dave and all the other abused children. I was SOOOOOO angry reading this book. Angry at his stupid, sick mother....and his father....You call a man like that a FATHER? Standing by and watching his child be abused? And the other people in his life? All those years and nothing? I just can't see forgiving anyone for abusing a child this way. I don't know how Dave did it, and I'm glad he has become a man with values and not someone who continues to abuse others. I wish him all the best. If you plan on reading this book, please keep in mind that you will be sick to your stomach---especially if you are a parent--and you will WONDER how something like this was happening for years without anyone coming to this child's rescue.
Rating:  Summary: Why I was blown away! Review: It took me 2 days to read all three of david pelzers books.The first I cried.The second I hope he would find happiness.And the third I was in awe.I hope everyone who reads it can take something from it and be a better parent and be a bit more aware of what goes on around them.Thank you david for having the guts to write your books on your life!
Rating:  Summary: How can someone do this? Review: This is a short book that packs a lot of pain, hope, and survival into only a few hundred pages. I finished the book quickly, but the minute I put it down, I had to ask "Why?"A Child Called It is the true story of Dave Pezler, a child who never did anything wrong in his life, yet his terrifying mother abused him terribly nonetheless. She treated her other children fine, yet she seemed to delight in torturing Dave. Whether it was starving the child for a week or burning him on the stove, Dave's mother was always doing something to the poor child. Dave looks up to his father, who for a while seems to try to help him. In the end, however, Dave's father ignores him, and eventually leaves, leaving Dave alone. Thanks to Dave's courage and a kind teacher, Dave manages to leave his tortorous home. Yet if someone had managed to report Dave's terrible appearance - which no one did - Dave could've been saved half the pain he suffered. A Child Called It touches on a topic that many people choose to ignore or even deny: child abuse. I was once a person who turned away from gruesome topics such as the terrors of child abuse, but A Child Called It has taught me not to turn away. It has taught me to be nice to everyone, and to not look away from abuse of any kind, because turning away was what caused Dave's pain to continue. I recommend this book to anyone who either does not know the true horrors of child abuse, or wants to learn more.
Rating:  Summary: a reader from Fremont, CA Review: I purchased David Pelzer's first book for my 15-year old son (Tony) because I wanted him to read a book while we were on vacation. I saw the title and thought it was a science fiction book. Reading is not one of Tony's favorite pastime. Tony picked the book up and he read it for 3 straight days in the hotel and in the car. Tony told me what the book was about and I decided that I would read it after he was done. I bought Tony the sequel and he began reading it during our flight home. I read Book One on the airplane in 5 hours. Fortunately, I had a face towel with me because I cried as I read the book. I have also read Book Two. Tony is reading Book Two for school. I am now purchasing Book 3. This is a must read book for all parents because the way we choose to discipline our children can have a lifetime impact on our angels. God Bless David Pelzer for what he endured under the hands of his mother.