Rating:  Summary: Interesting and worth wild Review: I'll make this simple for those who are thinking about buying this.IF you believe in such things it will be a wonderful and empowering experience, if you do not, you might as well not waste your money. If your not sure but are opened to the idea, then this may or may not be a good buy. No amount of training can teach someone to be "psychic" or anything else if they are against the idea to begin with. IF they are not against the idea and if in fact they have a desire to learn about such things, this tape set can provide a powerful experience. Let me explain. I for one believe in psychic powers. I got the tapes. I had a powerful experience on the first and third tapes (and those are the only one's I've listened to so far, as I try to listen to one a day and have only had the set for three days). The first meditational experience I saw a bright light flash. I may have just been imaging it, but for me it was one of those things that made me go WOW!! The third tape had me in tears by the end of the second exercise on the back. I won't give away what exactly happened, because it was a very personal experience, but I will say it was powerful for me. I am a guy and I was crying. Call me weak, call me vulnerable, call me what you want, but as a student, and I do stress student as I'm not a professional anything, of psychology I can tell you I believe more now then what I ever did. I've NEVER wrote a review before and I don't plan on writing many more, but John Edward, fake or not, has made me feel 100% better and more alive in 3 days then anyone else ever has. I will probably listen to these tapes over and over and continue to do the meditation exercises night after night on the tapes.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining, But Meaningless Review: I'm disappointed in John Edward in "Developing Your Own Psychic Powers." He flirts with deep thinking, but gets caught in the net of commercial psychic tripe. Edward has great television charisma, and here, presents his ideas as smoothly as a MLM seminar leader, but none of this lends true credibility to his thoughts on psychic powers. He sounds just a step away from chasing comets and space ships in a pair of Nikes. Cynical am I? You betcha. I was expecting a more serious, scientific look at mystical psychic powers, when instead I experienced something closer to meaningless drabble. His discussion of auras and psychics powers, and how we can use them to protect us and help us is not only unfounded, but refutable in every aspect. Edward here is appealing to the gut instinct we all have for spirituality. We want to know the depths of the mind, especially as it relates to a diety, whether internal or external. That gut instinct is where he makes his sale, akin to snake oil. We want the spiritual cure for our broken souls, and will drink anything articulately declared to be that cure. In an age dismissing traditional religions, Edward comes along feeding oil to those who need nutrition. I applaud Edward for pursuing the supernatural psychic realm, but I think he is teasing his audience into thinking he is delivering facts and meat. He has categorically rejected the deep meditative spirituality, for example, of the Middle Ages Christian thought. He seems to be close minded about other religions. I do not recommend "Developing Your Own Psychic Powers." Save some money and, for the open-minded, buy something by Thomas a' Kempis, or Oswald Chambers. Anthony Trendl
Rating:  Summary: SAVING DESSERT FOR LAST! Review: If you have ever had psychic experiences (I've had them constantly since I was a kid with no idea what was going on) and want to develop them further, look no further, these are the tapes for you. John does an excellent job of teaching you how to prepare your physical body to relax so that the inner workings of your mind or soul, can develop. I truly wish I would have gotten these tapes when he first made them available. How many other true mediums are willing to help others develop what we are starting to recognize? In educating us, John also answers numerous questions we all have, including things that religion teaches us is "taboo" simply because we don't understand what they really are, such as psychic tools. If it weren't for John, I wouldn't be inviting those back whom I turned away years ago (begging them to leave me alone, because I was scared) and didn't know what was happening to me. Now thanks to him and his tapes, I am educated on what's going on and what my choices are. Since you're probably wondering about the title of this rating, here's your answer: I get stressed alot, have a lot of responsibility with my job and my family and I know when I get really stressed out, instead of promising myself a rich dessert once I get through this or that, I look forward to rewarding myself with listening to one of my favorite tapes in this series, or if you will, my "dessert". I always fall asleep and when I wake up (hearing John count me back), I feel so good! I'm ready to go again. If you think you're going to purchase them then make yourself copies and put the originals on an auction site--think again, you won't want to let these tapes go, trust me! I highly recommend these tapes. Buy them, you will be glad you did. Take care everyone & be good to each other.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of Great tips rushed into a 6 Tape series Review: If you haven't done ANYTHING to increace psychic awareness as of yet, you don't have to start here. Seems like another way John can make a few bucks. It isn't bad, but his speaking is rushed, and the meditations are rushed. If anyone understatnds "beginners" (whom he is trying to reach with this series) they would have gone slower with the mediatations giving time to visualize the images he guides you to. However this wasn't the case. I've been mediating and working with metaphysical for some time now, and I still felt rushed. If you like John Edward, this just seems like another medium besides books that he is utilizing. It could have been done WAY better, but if you want everything with his name on it, go right ahead and pay the forty some odd dollars. I think it's a waste. See if your library has it instead.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of Great tips rushed into a 6 Tape series Review: If you haven't done ANYTHING to increace psychic awareness as of yet, you don't have to start here. Seems like another way John can make a few bucks. It isn't bad, but his speaking is rushed, and the meditations are rushed. If anyone understatnds "beginners" (whom he is trying to reach with this series) they would have gone slower with the mediatations giving time to visualize the images he guides you to. However this wasn't the case. I've been mediating and working with metaphysical for some time now, and I still felt rushed. If you like John Edward, this just seems like another medium besides books that he is utilizing. It could have been done WAY better, but if you want everything with his name on it, go right ahead and pay the forty some odd dollars. I think it's a waste. See if your library has it instead.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent meditation exercises and instruction Review: If you're a fan of "Crossing Over" with John Edward on the Sci-Fi channel, you'll certainly be interested in this tape set. The six audio cassettes come packaged in a durable plastic binder from Hay House audio. These tapes are definitely for those who are already exploring their spiritual and metaphysical path - skeptics would probably not gain much from listening to these tapes. On the tapes, Edward makes no promises that you will develop psychic powers overnight and be able to do psychic readings with your friends. He does, however, point out that listening to the tapes will aid in your hightened awareness of the metaphysical world and that your intuitive perceptions may increase over time. I agree. We all learn at a pace and level that is right for us. Many of us who are on the spiritual path via a metaphysical or new age approach often find that the books and tapes we choose are very serious and deep. While Edward approaches his topics as a true professional, he also sprinkles some humor into his lessons, which is very welcome. In this set, side 1 of the tape is Edward dicussing his perspective on the topic and side 2 includes visualization and meditation exercises. I have hundreds of meditation and visualization tapes and would consider Edward's among some of the best. Topics covered in this tape set: Meditation - how to relax your body and meditate so you can open up your intuitive side; discussion of the seven chakras in the etheric body. Psychic Self Defense - techniques for protecting yourself so you can avoid the energy drain that others can place in our auric field. Angels and Guides - Edward discusses the difference between angels and spirit guides - angels being our protectors and guides being our teachers. He presents very useful visualization meditations for making contact with your guide. Unleashing your Psychic Potential - understanding and accepting that each of us has a psychic gift - it's just a matter of learning how to access it. Psychic Tools in the Workplace - Discussion of spiritual ethics, as well as tools such as I Ching, tarot, runes and psychometry. How to Conduct a Psychic Session - learning to be both psychic and spiritual with the goal of helping others when doing readings. I've listened to most of the tapes in the set several times already - the set is well worth the cost.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent meditation exercises and instruction Review: If you're a fan of "Crossing Over" with John Edward on the Sci-Fi channel, you'll certainly be interested in this tape set. The six audio cassettes come packaged in a durable plastic binder from Hay House audio. These tapes are definitely for those who are already exploring their spiritual and metaphysical path - skeptics would probably not gain much from listening to these tapes. On the tapes, Edward makes no promises that you will develop psychic powers overnight and be able to do psychic readings with your friends. He does, however, point out that listening to the tapes will aid in your hightened awareness of the metaphysical world and that your intuitive perceptions may increase over time. I agree. We all learn at a pace and level that is right for us. Many of us who are on the spiritual path via a metaphysical or new age approach often find that the books and tapes we choose are very serious and deep. While Edward approaches his topics as a true professional, he also sprinkles some humor into his lessons, which is very welcome. In this set, side 1 of the tape is Edward dicussing his perspective on the topic and side 2 includes visualization and meditation exercises. I have hundreds of meditation and visualization tapes and would consider Edward's among some of the best. Topics covered in this tape set: Meditation - how to relax your body and meditate so you can open up your intuitive side; discussion of the seven chakras in the etheric body. Psychic Self Defense - techniques for protecting yourself so you can avoid the energy drain that others can place in our auric field. Angels and Guides - Edward discusses the difference between angels and spirit guides - angels being our protectors and guides being our teachers. He presents very useful visualization meditations for making contact with your guide. Unleashing your Psychic Potential - understanding and accepting that each of us has a psychic gift - it's just a matter of learning how to access it. Psychic Tools in the Workplace - Discussion of spiritual ethics, as well as tools such as I Ching, tarot, runes and psychometry. How to Conduct a Psychic Session - learning to be both psychic and spiritual with the goal of helping others when doing readings. I've listened to most of the tapes in the set several times already - the set is well worth the cost.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous! Review: It's like he's right there with you! Teaching and helping you along. He not only gives you the tools and guides you through various meditations, but also suggestions for further study to help you find your "nich". I purchased the CD's and have listened to them again and again, there is so much to comprehend and absorb! I found my teacher! Thanks John!!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! They WILL change your life. Review: It's like John Edward has turned the light on for me. Prior to having the tapes, I was not aware of my spirit. I never took time for myself. I never rested my physical body. I never took the time to be quiet.... and just listen. I let the outside world decide what kind of a day I would have. Not anymore. I can't put into words how wonderful the tapes are. They touched me in a place where words simply don't matter. It goes beyond that. I have found out that there is more to me than just my physical self. Much more and I have only begun on the journey that John Edward has shared on these tapes. Much of what I have gained is intangible, yet it is definitely there. No words can give them the justice they deserve. I feel awake. Protected. Safe. I highly recommend that you get them. Treasure them. What is so wonderful is that when you listen to them once, you can go back and gleam something new again. Each time you listen, you are in a different place, so you hear the words on a different level. Again, these words don't express what I really want to say. Get the tapes. You will see what I mean. Thank you John for sharing these with us.
Rating:  Summary: For those who feel they are intuitive/psychic Review: MMmmm, more comments to add. Since the beginning of John Edwards series, Crossing Over, the emails and calls at our office have become astounding with letters from people interested in developing their intuitive skills. Often the person writing the letter or phoning is a bit out of sorts. Trying to figure out and deal with symptoms of being "psychic". Unfortunatly there is no way that we can help each and every person in need of guidance on a personal level...we now send a link to this page to every letter we receive on the topic. I was lucky enough to have a teacher to help me on my path. That is hard to find. Someone that will walk you through different concepts and theories. My training period, was over 3 years! And in all honesty, I still learn to this day. There are several signs of sensitivity (being psychic) as I see it. If you feel you are experiencing them without aid or assistance from someone more vested in knowledge of the psychic arts, it can become agonizing. This tape set gives you extraordinary amounts of information on how to handle, exercise, and enhance your psychic powers! Actually there is a good 2 years worth of one on one training in this formatted set. Now not everyone is gonna run out and set up a table somewhere, providing psychic readings. But even if you have precognitive dreams, occasional premonitions, if you seem to pick up on other peoples energies, or moods...this tape set is still well worth the investment. John offers great techniques in the tapes, he keeps the info easy to understand, whether you are 12 or 90.