Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Wonderful!!!! Review: I bought John's tapes about two years ago and I absolutely love them. I meditate daily to one of them and I have seen my intuitive abilities grow accordingly. Not only that, but I also notice that I manage stress in a more effective way. I have now started to do readings for other people and I do follow John's advice on the section "How to do a reading". It is a great thing to have. You will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Developing You Oun Psychic Powers Review: I bought the CD of this book and have really enjoyed it. You are lead through several different meditations and lots of info is given concerning many areas. The only word of caution that I have for you is this...if you already own Understanding Your Angels and Meeting Your Spirit Guides and/or Unleashing Your Psychic Potential...You already have part of the info contained in this book. This book includes both of these and adds only a little extra info. So your best bet would be to just buy this one then you have all three.
Rating:  Summary: Psychic Help Review: I have read all of John Edwards books . Plus listen to his tapes . I have also read many other psychic help books. I like Johns way of talking and writing . He is plain and too the point . Which is what most of us want .The only reason I give this a 4 star rating is because of the set up of the tapes. They have a short first side then you fast forward to get to the end . To go to the second side .This is done because he talks mostly on the first side then takes you through lessons on the second side . He did it I am sure to make it easier for you to go straight to the working lesson if you like .But what it does do it break the flow of the tapes if you are trying to listen to it all in one sitting.John has a very smooth sounding voice when he is taking you through the meditation lessons. If you get nothing else from these tapes they are great for meditation.I think that he is so use to the psychic world and what happens . That he does forget a little about those of us who are beginning. He tends to forget the things that are so natural for him are unknown for others . For instance he does not tell you how to lower your mind levels to get in the basic psychic level to try out what you have learn except when you are in your meditation place. So say you are at work and you want to use your psychic being . You can not go to your basic meditation place. He forgot to tell you how to do a VERY easy open eyes psychic basic level.Say train yourself to count backwards from 5 to put your mind in the state. Then count back up to get out.That is just an example. I am not saying that works. But if you have every watch John on t.v. you notice before he starts on the readings . He will always rub his hands together and be still for a few seconds . And usually he does this with his left leg forward. I don't think that is part of his going to basic the leg or the hands. But his body always does it so it is a signal that his easy basic state has been reach . Then he drops his hands steps forward and starts reading a person. If he is sitting he does it a different way with his body but always the same. So his body it tune to that state .But the question is left for us what does he do in those few minutes to get to his psychic self the short easy way. In over all the tapes are good .
Rating:  Summary: Could it be true? Review: I have read three of John's books. I must explain a bit of back ground before I give a review. I have walked on, lets say, a different path for 10 years now. I am always one to be skeptical when someone claims to have such abilities and is in the public eye. I have watched John's show and was, quite frankly, suprised. His accuracy was great. I decided to buy his book, One last time, in it I found some of his early experiences to be close to my own and was flabbergasted. It is the first time I had ever read opinions and experiences that seemed to hit the mark as they did.I would love to meet John, not for a reading, but to learn some things from him. I would suggest his books and audio tapes to anyone who has shared like experiences or is trying to recover from the loss of a loved one. These books are not just about life after death, they're about being able to bring out your own abilities to do the same as he can. I would find it a great honor to sit and talk to the man about his talents, and you would too if you read these books. I have never disputed the idea of "life after death" or the college of higher learning as I like to call it, for those who do question it, read the books and look inside yourself to see if your opinions have changed. Thank you John for being brave enough to stand up and show the world that these things DO happen!!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Amazing Review: I have to say that John really does have a way with teaching people what they really need to know about meditation and connecting with the otherside. I found this audio set very enlightening(to the point I started crying,lol)and extremely helpful in my journey in the psychic world. If you are in search of who you are and to find out what is truly a part of your life, this is a great start.
Rating:  Summary: One word - "Great!" Review: I purchased these tapes several months ago and have followed them very closely. Not only have I experienced greater relaxation, I have experienced more awareness of myself and my emotions. John's voice is easy to listen to which makes the relaxation techniques very pleasant to follow. It is great to actually to know what he looks like because when you are one on one on the tapes, it is very easy to visualize him walking you through the exercises. John is a gift to this earth and we should appreciate him for how precious his words really are. If you buy these tapes, you will not be disappointed, you'll be enriched for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: This book combined with ?Psychic Gifts? can change your Life Review: I really liked this book. I am an avid reader and would recommend adding this book to your must read list. Another book that really impressed me is Psychic Gifts in the Christian Life - Tools to Connect, by Tiffany Snow, pub. 2003. In this time of increasing awareness for the need to help our relationships, workplace, family, self and environment, these two books are at the forefront of giving us the tools to do so - not only by positive reinforcements, but in the case of "Psychic Gifts," showing we have a Divine birthright to access the supernatural in our lives, and how to tap into that. I encourage you to Keep Reading, apply what you learn, and be a force for good in your part of the world.
Rating:  Summary: Chock full of information Review: I started by watching John while I was off of work for two weeks after having my tonsils out. My husband loves the SciFi channel and I was too lazy and in pain to get up to change the channel. At first I was a little skeptical - come on?! Some guy on the SciFi channel is really talking to deceased love ones? Sure. I'll believe that! *ahem* But soon after I started actually getting into it - he really knows his stuff. If you have ever watched Crossing Over, and enjoyed the way John talks to the people he is reading - straight forward, sarcastic (but in a good, entertaining way)- that is the same way he explains things in this series. He tells you personal anticdotes and asks you to really think things over for yourself. I recieved the CD version so I could just skip to the practical exercises. (My husband gave me it for Xmas!)First you hear some hokey music. I'm sorry; I'm glad that's all there was of that. Then John starts to talk on the topic of what the CD partains to. After he talks about the topic, he starts the exercises. I've only made it through the meditation and I skipped ahead and listened to him talk about all the topics first. It's easy to listen to; no chanting or ritualistic things that I would have to laugh out loud at. The good part about the CDs is that you can just punch in the number track you need to get right to the exercises. Developing your ability takes time and lots of practice (like anything worth doing well) and John helps you with recommendations and helpful hints. I really liked this. It was a GREAT Xmas gift!
Rating:  Summary: John Edward is the Real Deal Review: I was one of the last true skeptics out there. I have always explained away just about everything concerning people who claimed to contact those who have crossed over. After watching John Edward's show "Crossing Over", I am a true believer. I purchased his audio cassettes "Developing your own Psychic Potential". I was extremely pleased with the approaches he takes throughout. His tapes were very informative and projected positivity which this world could use alot more of. Thanks John for another well spent experience!
Rating:  Summary: What a load of cobblers! Review: I was so hopeful about this tape. I really wanted to get something out of it. I did: 1) how to nod off before you even begin and 2) clean your house as soon as you wake up. Heck, I have a husband who nags me about the house, why do I need Mr. Edwards doing the same.