Rating:  Summary: Tying up loose ends... Review: I'm glad I figured out I can sort the ratings of books here or I would have missed this one based on the bad reviews of some readers. The 3rd person present tense was hard to get into at first since all of the previous books were in first person, but it helped in the end to get inside the other people.I think this book finally ties up all of the loose ends from Kay's former life and will allow the author to find a new direction for her characters...can't wait until the next one.
Rating:  Summary: She had to write this book Review: First let me say I enjoyed this book very much and I have read all of the Kay Scarpetta books. Patricia Cornwell had to write this book in order to tie up a bunch of loose ends. Kays life in Virginia is over and destroyed by Bentons death. Lucy is not much better, Morreno...ditto, etc. Patricia could not have written another who done it, autopsy stuff, good old fashion murder without giving some closure to the last couple of books. Now we have things back in order enough for her to continue on with Kay Scarpetta and friends. It will be interesting, however, to see which way she goes with this. Will Kay and Benton get back together. Will everyone start working for Lucy at The Last Presinct or will Patricia go in a totally different direction. As you can see, she needed to write this book. Looking forward to the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Well ... Review: This one definitely isn't the best of the bunch, but it's still readable. I had been a bit put off with the fact that the previous book in this series was written in present tense (I can't stand that), and when I saw that this one was also written in present tense, I cringed again. Not only that, but it's written in 3rd person, which initially I didn't understand, but now realize was necessary for the story. It's not as fast-paced or exciting as the previous books, but it will definitely be necessary to have read it in order to keep up with the storyline of the next book (which I hope will be much better, in first person again, and written in past tense). I adore Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta series and am looking forward to the next one.
Rating:  Summary: my thoughts Review: I was surprised the ending wasn't more detailed, as I have read by several others who gave their view of the book. But, I like that it leaves room for more. I would like to see the record set straight with her career, I've never liked politics and they demonstrated why very well with how poeple are treated, after years of great service. Yes Lucy does some shady things but don't think our real gov't doesnt' do the same. I would have liked to see more of a showdown in the end so that people knew it was Benton that brought them down but I look forward to a showdown with Jean baptiste.
Rating:  Summary: what happened? Review: What happened here? This book felt forced from the very beginning. If I was reminded of all the past plots for the main characters one more time I may have screamed. New characters were never fully developed and the old characters droned on and on. And then when you could maybe feel some building up of the book's finale, Cornwell wrapped it all up in about 3 pages. It's as if she said - well I can't think of anymore so - boom - I'm done. Sadly disappointing - it will be a long time before I pick up another of Patricia Cornwell's books.
Rating:  Summary: Blow Fly Review: I was thoroughly disappointed with the new Scarpetta novel. The length of the chapters were far too short to fully explore the characters, the narrative style did not work and the twist in the tail was simply ridiculous. It seemed like she had severe writers block and had to come up with an audacious storyline to bring out the much anticipated novel. The characters were also not explored in any depth. I am a huge Patricia Cornwell fan and bought this book and waited until Christmas day to read it so I could sit down and fully enjoy it. I finished it the same day, but only because I wanted the nightmare to be over. It was terribly written, incomparable to The Last Precint. I hope Patricia Cornwell gets her act together as it was a terrible follow up.
Rating:  Summary: What Happened??? Review: I scanned the existing customer reviews, surprised and dismayed at the overall low rating and negative comments. However, I purchased and read the book, hoping the ratings were off the mark. Unfortunately, they weren't. This is definitely the low end of the series, and at this point I can't help wondering if the series should end before it continues on a downward spiral. There were three basic things wrong: 1), Ms. Cornwell changed the narrative style from the first person to the third person, clearly to allow exploration of the other main characters. Unfortunately again, the shift in perception failed since the first person alacrity and thread present in the other books was no longer present to glue the plot and dialogue together. Issue #2: the third person exploration of the other characters (Lucy, Benton, Marino) seemed to go on ad infinitum, until the reader found herself praying the chapter and scene would end. And the third and most problematic matter: not one of the characters was even mildly likeable or sympathetic. This, coupled with the extensive neverending 'action' and dialogue, was the death knell to any hope or interest. I found myself finishing the book because I had to, not because I wanted to. The experience doesn't make me want to go through it again... Especially when there are such interesting and vital new authors out there like Reichs, Gerritsen and Scottoline.
Rating:  Summary: Pitiful effort Review: I was so excited that there was finally a new Kay Scarpetta book by Patricia Cornwell, but after reading it the only word that comes to mind is "pitiful". What a waste of talent. This book was leaden. The well-known and normally well-drawn characters were twisted and contorted beyond recongnition. The new characters got no development, and therefore I could not have cared less if they lived or died. And the "surprise" was stupid and ill-conceived. So sad, so bad.
Rating:  Summary: The worst Cornwell ever Review: I, too, am a long time Scarpetta fan who was terribly disappointed in this book. The build up was fine, and I was expecting a great showdown between Scarpetta, and Jean-Baptiste, with the aid of Lucy, Marino, Nic & Rudy, and the final twist being the revelation that Benton is alive. Instead, the Jean-Baptiste escape went nowhere except to leave open the possibility of a sequel. Scarpetta's discovery of Benton was so bland as to be ridiculous. The showdown with Lucy, Marino & the others was a complete letdown. I too feel as if Cornwell just got tired of the book and decided to quit writing. I had read that this book was bad, so I borrowed it from the library. As I read, I started to feel that it wasn't so bad, but then the ending just completely ruined it. I felt duped! I wasted so much time reading the build up, and the climax was non-existent.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: With 20 pages to go in the book, I was sick to think that this must just be part one of a long, confusing, annoying 2-book sequence. Then, boom, it was over. The auhor must have hit her editor's deadline or she, too, was so sick of the book that she just wanted to end it as quickly as possible. All action takes place "off screen". 9 out of 10 plot twists lead nowhere. WAY too much time is spent finding out what a psychopath is thinking. This was the WORST book I have read in years. I cannot convey how bad this one is. Avoid... Or, just read the last 10 pages - the first 400 don't have anything to do with them anyway.