Rating:  Summary: How the wealthy limit expenses and invest wisely Review: An excellent book on how the wealthy live frugally,
invest wisely, and struggle with the merits of
leaving a large inheritance to their children. Why
struggle? Once you've accumulated enough capital -
why not Retire Early? Read my complete review of this
outstanding volume at:
Rating:  Summary: Starting a second month as a New York Times Best-Seller! Review: We wish to thank all of our patrons for the success the book has achieved! As of 3/2/97, it will have been on the New York Times' Best-Sellers list for six consecutive weeks. Currently, it is also #6 on Business Week's Best-Sellers list. THE AMERICAN DREAM LIVES!!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent for young couples interested in achieving wealth. Review: This is a practical approach to accumulate wealth as well as making many excellent suggestions in regards to raising children as it relates to finances and responsibility. Self control is emphasized
Rating:  Summary: This is an outstanding book. I highly recommend it. Review: This is an outstanding book. I highly recommend it
Rating:  Summary: Very good book--A classic that still rocks! Review: With great authors like Dave Bach who has written an excellent book "The Automatic Millionaire", sometimes classics like The Millionaire Next Door get shoved aside and forgotten. The Millionaire Next Door should be read in addition to The Automatic Millionaire. I also recommend More Wealth Without Risk by the late, great Charles Givens.The Millionaire Next Door shows how the wealthy became wealthy. It wasn't due to luck, politics, inheriting a fortune or help from the government. It was by developing and applying a few simple disciplines. This book will show you how too.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting insights into wealth behaviour Review: I love wealth creation books, and character improvement books.
This one explores the common misconceptions about the habits of wealthy persons, mainly self-made millionares and business people.
The book also gives results of interviews with some of these waelthy people answering questions like " How much did you pay for your most expensive watch, suit, car etc"
It also offers a fascinating insight into how many business people accumulated their wealth.
A real thought provoking book!
Rating:  Summary: Stanley proves of what we already know: Review: Quiet capitalism provides a more effective and stronger foundation for society than unrealistic communist idealogy.
This book points out the truth that is so often overlooked in today's society: you can indeed live a comfortable retirement on your wage; your financial security is largely based on your ambition, determination, and discipline. The book in question puts this in terms that a "peasant" can understand. A "peasant-class" individual could gain security, afford to educate his children, and thus benefit society in general by following the guidelines in this book.
M. Veiluva "sputnik99", author of the review "The Capitalist Exploiter Leech Next Door" of this book on 2/18/05 would have you feel guilty for realizing the full potential that was intended for ambitious, ordinary workers in a free market society. I am a "cog in the machine" of capitalism; I worked hard in your beloved academia and then put those skills to work in the real world. In the end, this Stanley capitalism minimizes my drain to society and maximizes my contributions, financial and otherwise.
In fact, it is those that neglect the basics Stanley illustrates in his book who end up being "leeches." One person's fiscal irresponsibility costs the next man, indirectly or directly. Consider how we are required to pay for "uninsured motorist coverage" because of those who will not pay auto insurance, frivolous lawsuits, exploitation of government programs, etc. These things all have a negative effect on the cost of goods, services, and the overall quality of life.
The self-titled "academician" would have you believe that his long hours of reading Marxist history and his pompous use of large words make him something of an authority, better equipped than you to judge the effectiveness of this book. In a sense, he who speaks out against a "class system" is perpetuating an invisible, sub-concious class system where he can feel superior to the average Amazon.com customer.
You see, in the Soviet Union, a peasant was just a peasant. He may eat, he may have health care, he may retire, or he may be murdered by Stalin. The author of this book intends to encourage the "peasant" (and yes, M. Veiluva intends to put you down with that term) to find his financial potential through basic and prudent fiscal decisions.
By the way, if Stanley is so wrong, and the book is exploitative propaganda, why has classic Marxism failed so miserably when put into practice in the real world with the imperfections intrinsic to humans? Veiluva himself proves that even a socialist desires to be better than the next man. This book can truly help you find a mindset for fiscal responsibility that will reduce stress in the later years of your life.
Rating:  Summary: A Book People in Today's Society Definitely Need to Read Review: This book is an excellent book and definitely not deserving of the review it received entitled "The Capitalist Exploiter Leech Next Door". Of course books like this one irritate communist so-called intellectuals like the self-described "academician" who authored that review, and has undoubtedly spent his whole grown up life on a college campus, brainwashing students, while making no useful contributions to society. I must confess that I too am an "academia" type, but my degrees are real degrees, in Electrical Engineering, where through pain-staking hard work, you are trained to actually do something meaningful and constructive, as opposed to coasting through your college career spewing intellectual nonsense, in order to ultimately be able to spend your time indoctrinating captive audiences of impressionable students with propaganda. So I suggest that maybe the author of that review is not qualified to be the judge of what does and does not constitute hard work.
As is stated in "The Millionaire Next Door," it is in fact through hard work and saving that you can become rich in this country. People like the previous reviewer, who are of the communist/socialist inclination, are just envious when they see people reaping the benefits of freedom and making themselves wealthy. They think that wealthy people are exploiting the working "class", but what they do not understand is that since we are in fact a free society, we have the right to run our businesses and conduct ourselves in a fashion that we see fit, which includes being benevolent to those less fortunate. Except, we do it as individuals; we do not rely on the government to do it for us, and we certainly do it much more efficiently (and honestly) than government.
You want to talk about oppression, how about the way anti-freedom governments oppress their people? The individual that wrote that review sees "classes," but in America, we see everybody as God's people, with all the potential that has been given to them by God. But of course, we have the freedom to believe in God. Communist doctrine shuns the belief in God, as it is a danger to people having complete reliance on government.
If you follow the advice provided in "The Millionaire Next Door," you have the definite potential to get wealthy. The book points out some genuine misconceptions about what constitutes wealth, including some that I admittedly had for some time. But to benefit from this book, you have to be willing to make your own path, and not necessarily go with the crowd. Being wealthy is not about flash and glamour. It is about achieving real security, and through careful planning and diligent efforts, not having to work the rest of your life. If you think wealth is all about flash and impressing people, you need to get yourself a copy of this book and read it before it is to late.
Rating:  Summary: Should be required reading Review: This look into America's wealthy is enlightening and motivating in ways I did not anticipate. The authors point out that your neighbor who drives a Lexus and lives in a large home in a high priced neighborhood is likely to be house poor and as poor a manager of money as someone who can't afford to buy a home.
This book stresses the importance of frugality and instilling strong money management in your children instead of providing high priced items and homes for them. More importantly, it stresses that it is possible to change the way you spend and save money and that you can change your economic future.
This book gives hope to the everyday person and illustrates that it is not essential to make over six figures in order to retire as a wealthy person. The little guy can make it and retire a millionaire. This book should be required reading for every college student and young adult.
Rating:  Summary: The Capitalist Exploiter Leech Next Door Review: I travel a great deal as an academician, and am constantly fascinated by the choices of books that are to be found at airport bookstores. Of course, these sell mostly magazines, but always there are a selection of what I understand are known in the West as "self-help management books" by wealthy bourgeois business men who are either nefarious corporate leaders or so-called self-made "entrepreneurs." These books beckon to grey-suited passers-by like Odysseyan Sirens, "Buy me, and you too can be an obscenely wealthy exploiter of the working class" or "Buy me, and you too can be a greedy Kulak leech without contributing a kopeck of labour value!" These books seemingly do very well, especially judging their inflated price.
So it is with this text, "The Millionaire Next Door." Given the present exuberant and wasteful excess of the Western consumer markets, this book appears at first glance to swim against the river by counseling the reader to save and live within means, an old fashion idea not inconsistent with S. N. Narpov's influential text, "Pig Iron Production in the Ural District Under the Fourth Five Year Plan." This book directly lead to the creation of the impeccable modern Soviet pension program for iron workers which was, tragically, allowed to be case aside by the Menshevik roader Gorbachev. But I digress...
The error of "Millionaire" is, like most books of its ilk, it refuses all recognition of the class problem. You Americans are absorbed with the great capitalist myth, "Every man a king." You seem to believe that by dint of hard work and thrift, the golden road is open to anyone for entry into the exalted money class. An example should suffice. Several years ago I attended a conference in your Dallas, Texas, sponsored by a local college and entitled, "Marxian Inerrancy - Problem or Panacea?" I was invited by several colleagues to attend - what you call it - a cowboy bar. We began there a lively discussion of class-consciousness among the American working class.
To prove a point, I approached a large gentleman standing near a pool table, who was large (almost two meters, and over 110 kilograms), with a beard, long hair and some tattoos including an American flag. To me, there was no question as to his class. I told him, "You, sir, are clearly a Peasant. Why do you and your friends not identify with the interests of the Peasant class?" Unfortunately, he indicated he was unwilling to engage in an academic discussion of this important question, instead threatening me with a pool cue while suggesting that either I perform unnatural acts with relatives, or that I was the product of one. My friends quickly hustled me away from the establishment and cautioned me against unauthorized and unchaparoned discussions with ordinary American workers...
The mind set of American peasants and workers is indeed hard to penetrate. So too, the attraction of such illusory fluff as "Millionaire" and its fetishist devotion to a gospel of moral wealth. While you are pinching pennies, corporate giants are looting your labour value. Save, and the banks earn interest off the sweat of your hard work. These ideas were false in 1905 when enunciated by aristocratic apologists such as the railroad theoretician Sporov, and are just as false today. Do not be deceived. This is the false path to workers paradise.