Rating:  Summary: Adjust Your Attitude To Propel Savings and Investing Review: Stanley and Danko successfully set forth the case for a "frugal" (but not too frugal) lifestyle, and why "living below your means" will lead to long-term financial security. In successive chapters they detail, from the results of their own research, why increases in realized income should not be followed by equal increases in spending, the importance of spending time to plan one's financial future, the need to keep income taxes low when investing and to minimize the costs inherent in trading, the drag on financial plans by purchasing new cars too frequently, and why gifting to children is not always an "act of kindness". Throughout the text their examples and observations are unique, informative, and persuasive.In my practice I have many retiree clients who possess adult children (in their '20s, '30s and '40s) who live beyond, or at, their means. The parents, who often fit the profile of "The Millionaire Next Door", are frustrated with their child's inability to save and invest funds for the future. I often recommend this book - first for the parent to read, then for the parent to send to the child. In return I've received many expressions of gratitude for the simple recommendation of this book, and have actually seen many of those who were "under accumulators of wealth" transform themselves, over time, into persons likely to achieve and maintain financial security. I highly recommend this informative book as an "attitude adjustment" book. This book is about the "WHY", with a fundamental overview of the "HOW", and as such it is the first book a person who is not saving, or saving enough, should read. Other readings can then follow, such as Robert Ortalda Jr.'s books on how to actually plan and budget, and a host of books on sound, low-cost, low-tax investing methods (by John Bogle, Larry Swedroe, William Berstein, and Bruce Temkin, among others). Again, this book is an essential first reading, since the under-accumulator of wealth must first be convinced to change their attitude before they will begin to plan and implement that plan.
Rating:  Summary: Preachy and wordy -- a waste of time Review: This book is wordy and poorly written. It's really a short magazine article padded to make a book. The authors are preachy, and they say the same things over and over and over. Then, in case you didn't get their point the first 3 times, they give you an example or two. And, if that isn't bad enough, they give the impression that they don't really like the people they interviewed. The entire book is mean-spirited. I learned very little from this book.
Rating:  Summary: Lessons for life. Review: Were I to have one book to study when I was a freshman in high school, "The Millionaire Next Door" would be the one. It isn't future millionaires who would benefit most by studying this book. That 2% will get there. It is the other 98 percent of us who could benefit by it's content. Not everyone can become a millionair, however, if you practice what this book preaches, you won't see welfare checks arriving in the mail. The simplicity and common sense written on it's pages, make this book easy to read and understandable to even the most challenged. Through away that Economics 101 book. Read The Millionaire Next Door and you will be further ahead.
Rating:  Summary: Eye-Opening Review: Very much an eye-opening experience of a read. The authors have really told a story about true wealth in America. It made me take a good, hard look at what I have accomplished and re-evaluate my future efforts. What's truly amazing is how the American middle-class is running themselves ragged trying to succeed, but only spinning in circles due to our materialistic society. I now look at those expensive homes on the golf course and wonder how many of those people really have financial freedom. I also wonder how many people have bought this book thinking it was a blueprint for how to make $1mm and then were surprised to find this book teach them a much more valuable lesson in life. I would reccommend this to anyone wanting more out of their life.
Rating:  Summary: A Must- Present from parents to adult kids Review: I finished reading last night, learnt and enjoyed very much. I gave it to my son and asked him read carefully. Everything is so different from what we commonly presume.
Rating:  Summary: A story of the REAL Millionaires in America Review: This is the ultimate textbook on getting rich slow but sure! The authors have spent many years doing research on millionaires throughout the country and in this book they present some very surprising results. Whatever you might think about the 'average' millionaire in the U.S. you are probably wrong. I certainly was. When the word millionaire comes to mind, most people see visions of suntanned people driving fast sprots cars, flying in their private jet to exotic locals... living in a enormous mansion with three pools and a garage for the dog... The hollywood version of wealth. Well, this book dispells all of those crazy ideas and replaces them with pure research and reality. Most millionaires in America achieved their extreme wealth by having their own businesses (plumber, scrap metal, auctioneer are a few very typical examples) and just living a basic, frugal life. Get rich slow...? but how can you argue with it when it works! If you want to throw the dice and try to get rich overnight, go ahead. but If you want a guide book on how to REALLY get rich this is the one to read. Even if you aren't in the pursuit of money, I recommend this book for all of the eye popping stories that will blow away many preconceived notions that you may have.
Rating:  Summary: A blueprint for wealth: live within your means and invest Review: I'm not a fan of "self-help" books. But it seems at last there is a "get rich" book that has answers without the bells and whistles typically seen in this genre. And to its credit, the authors outright state that there is no such thing as "getting rich quickly." Rather they point to late-middle aged people who have made their wealth the old - fashioned way: through hard work, living below their means, saving, planning and wise investing -the sort of thing your parents told you years ago. Its a worthwhile read - especially in this age of easy finacing, superabundandt credit cards and a "buy now, pay later" mentality.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book! Review: This book is certainly an interesting read. It is not a technical analysis nor is it some fancy mumbo jumbo you'd learn in some financial seminar. These are sound,time-proven principles that are based on COMMON SENSE. We are a nation that is drowning in consumer debt because of our constant overspending. The bottom line.........LIVING BELOW YOUR MEANS WILL INCREASE YOUR MEANS!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Read Review: This book is a fascinating read. Before you read this book (or maybe after) - you must ask yourself - why would I want to be a millionaire? I may have missed something - but the only reason the authors seem to stress was that you could survive x number of years without having to draw a paycheck. The higher the value of x - the better. While that maybe a goal for some people, it certainly is not my cup of tea. Also, this book is definitely an afterthought from some research study and hence is chock full of statistics. One of the statistics that the authors tend to dwell on (and on and on) is dollar amount per poundage of car weight. Bizzare. I am not sure what this means, but seems like an interesting byproduct of stastical analysis. So if I buy the heaviest car for the least price - I am ....? Also, as another reviewer correctly points out - it does focus on a specific group of individuals and hence does not address other groups who may aspire to be millionaires someday. But the book through many examples does illustrate the concept of thrift. I just hope everyone does not start practicing thrift - the golf and tennis clubs would go bankrupt and Marshalls and TJ Maxx would rule!!
Rating:  Summary: Wanna get rich? Review: Then read this book. The most important lesson from this book is its dispelling the myth of what 'rich' looks like, and how the rich live. I loved the fact that the authors proved through numerous examples the simple mistakes we each make in allocating our resources, to spend rather than save, and the long-term impact those seemingly small and random decisions make in determining our wealth in the long run. No this book won't make you rich. In fact, its greatest truth is that there is no magic path....however, there are a number of things we can do each day, by living more consciously, that will greatly improve our financial security.