Rating:  Summary: Lessons to be learned... Review: This book opened my eyes. It with other books that I have read on financial matters has helped me to realize that the wealthy are not necessarily those driving the expensive cars and living in the expensive houses. My wife and I can enjoy our humble home and enjoy know that we are financially more secure than 90% of American households.This book help to give perspective on wealth and what it means to be wealthy and live a rich life.
Rating:  Summary: The Millionaire Next Door. Review: The Millionaire Next Door is very informative on the subject of the spending habits of millionaires. The book explains the differences between the two types of millionaires, UAWs and PAWs. I do believe that I gained some understanding of what frugal and spendthrifty lifestyles are like. I don't believe the authors portrayed the average accumulators of wealth enough, and I found there to be an excessive number of statistics. The Millionaire Next Door is fairly easy to read, but is a bit tiring and repetitive.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting tips Review: The Millionaire Next Door was very interesting. The book tells the reader mainly seven tips in becoming a millionaire. I think that these tips really could help you in life in making money, but the reason i gave it only 3 stars was I thought the book over generalized who millionaires really are. I didn't alway agree with how millionaires lived because not all live the way the book says. But some millionaires do and this book gives people good tips and ideas. Some of statistics were surprising. It's a good read.
Rating:  Summary: YOUR NET WORTH COULD BE A MILLION DOLLARS... Review: The implication that authors Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. and William D. Danko, Ph.D. make in The Millionaire Next Door is that anybody with a stable job can become wealthy. Dr. Stanley and Dr. Danko interviewed millionaires (that is people that have a net worth of a million dollars or more- to find out what their lifestyles are like and to see it they play any particular role in their amassing millions of dollars. When reading more into the book the image of the affluent as flaunting their possessions is distorted. One thing that will come as a shock to anyone that reads this book is when one finds out about the number one factor that most of the millionaires interviewed described, as a major reason for being rich. Real millionaires tend to live well under their means. People (such as celebrities or any other high paying profession) that make a good amount of money are not considered rich unless their net worth is a million dollars or more. The media has blinded many into believing that the more possessions one has the more affluent one looks, not is. This particular book is a good read. Although it is long it is very interesting because it gives facts that one might have not even known. I truly recommend this book to anyone that is self-disciplined and that will read the book with an open-mind. Keep in mind that these people are first-generation rich, this means they were once like us. If they made it so can we!
Rating:  Summary: A New Road To follow Review: After reading this book, I have decided that I will put a halt on any unnecessary shopping sprees. Instead of saving to buy the car of my dreams, I will invest that money or most likely put it in the bank, seeing how the economy is not doing too well. The strongest message that I got from the book was to live below your means. Buying used instead of new, timing your showers to exactly three minutes to save money on the water bill...ok maybe that's a little too much but according to the two PhD authors, you need to be frugal. Although the book got really repetitive towards the end and it had a mound of statistics piled up, it was still an overall good read. I would recommend it to anyone that has dreams about becoming a millionaire.
Rating:  Summary: A list of common sense Review: Although the book got really repetitive towards the end and it had a mound of statistics piled up, it was still an overall good read. This book emphasized its main points effectively by creating hypothetical situations. It gave me a better understanding of how millionaires act. Most of the habits that these millionaires follow are common sense but it all comes down to whether or not a person wants to make sacrifices. The book does a really good job of listing these "millioniare habits".
Rating:  Summary: Good motivator, but often too redundant. Review: Overall I thought this book was pretty good in convincing Americans that anyone can be millionaires. Danko and Stanley provided a behind-the-scenes look at the lifestyles of millionaires and the techniques of improving the way we look at money. I thought it was a good book for teenagers to read because it gives early advice in the ways of making smart investments and building money-saving habits for a successful future. It was a good motivator for those who often spend uneccessary amounts of money. However, the book was also a bit too redundant. It kept on talking about the same thing over and over again, which was pretty annoying. I guess it was the author's way of getting the ideas in our head, which became quite bothersome at many times.
Rating:  Summary: Surprising Review: This book was very surprising to read because it contradicts the sterotypical role of the millionaire.
Rating:  Summary: The Millionaire Next Door Review: I would say that this book helped me think of ideas I have never thought about. These ideas and concepts could work with pretty much everybody, or so the book tells you. I even have started to put these concepts into practice, like saving my money from the beginning to reach a higher income and choosing the same quality goods and services for a lower amount of money/price. Stanley and Danko tells the readers that the only way to succeed is to follow the 7 basic principles. It does not apply to everyone, even though this book tells you so. In this way, it is biased. I would only recommend this book to those who truly wants to be a millionaire and who would use the secrets in this book of becoming one.
Rating:  Summary: This book greatly surpassed my expectations. Review: This is a book I would never in my life have wanted to read on my own, but I was forced to for an economics class and ended up enjoying it a great deal. Although the numerous statistics and case studies started to get a little redundant after awhile, I learned a lot about my family's spending habits and what I should do or avoid when I start my own family. I found out that my parents are stereotypical millionaire UAW's (under-accumulators of wealth). I've been brought up a hyperconsumer... I hope that the knowledge I gained from this book will help me to reverse my spending-before-earning habits.