Rating:  Summary: its running out of steam Review: the series started running out of steam at The Assasins. an urgent request please for authors la haye and jenkins...there are three and a half years to go before the end of the tribulation. please speed it up. if your batting average proves right, there will be another eight books until we get there. at the assasins, the scenes and dialogues are long-drawn and verbose. here, at The Mark, the trend continues. with the scheduling of the releases of the books, we might just catch up with the tribulation itself if the plots are overwritten and overdeveloped. i read books 1-7 in seven days. its that easy to read. but i'm getting quite bored with the overdevelopment of the characters and the proselytising. GET ON WITH IT! the books are nothing close to the masters of thrillers and suspense. i agree with one of the readers that the language is quite ordinary and elementary. although it has not gotten in the way of the excitement, the arguments become circular. the books are a very easy read and quite fun, but please money can still be made through reprints and re-orders. the cliffhanger handles have become tiresome. i have not looked upon this book as a guide to what i should do should the rapture take place. its a nice interpretation-cum-adventure story. let's keep it that way.
Rating:  Summary: The Mark: Spiritual truth, scary reality as the Saga goes on Review: After three days of lying in state, Nicolae Carpathia rises from the dead and "the bloodiest season in the history of the world," the final 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation, begins to unfurl in all their gore. Followers of the antichrist are branded by a loyalty mark on their right hands or their foreheads, then "vaccinated" with a personal information biochip. Those who refuse the mark take a one-way trip to the "loyalty enforcement facilitator," the guillotine. The Tribulation Force now positioned in their new safe house, know The Second Coming of Christ is only three-and-one-half years away. Facing tragic losses and terror, believers find comfort in Tsion Ben-Judah's daily newsletter. With a cyberaudience of more than a billion, Tsion provides the only assurance and warning: "The God who calls you to the ultimate sacrifice will also give you the power to endure it." Tribulation Force moles inside the palace in New Babylon face personal tragedies and new dangers as they make preparations to counter the overt attack Carpathia plans on the Judah-ites. The Tribulation Force struggles to survive in the center of these new terrors, the death of more loved ones and some unexpected twists in plans. Can they hang on through The Great Tribulation? The Mark: The Beast Rules the World is the eighth installment of the Left Behind series. Jenkins portrayal of Biblical prophecy about the mark of the Beast and all its reality is scary and factual to the theological presentation began in book one. Read as fiction, it is an action-packed thriller filled with apocalyptic mayhem, quirky humor, and addicting plot twists. Read as a prophetic interpretation of the end times of Biblical prophecy, it causes self-reflection about personal beliefs. The mysterious addicting power of the story continues to outweigh the quality of its writing and marketing thrust. The books are compellingly hard to put down. Because of their cliff hanger endings, I find myself anxious to read the next episode to see how the Tribulation Force fares even though I know how the story will end!
Rating:  Summary: The Mark: Another Movement in a Great Symphony of Writing Review: It is hard to think of anything more this 8th book of the series could offer a reader. It has all of the ingredients of a Christian fiction best-seller: Increasingly intense plot development, spine tingling action, excellent dialogue among the characters and a profound spiritual message. Each book in the series carries this message with increasing emphasis: THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T WANT TO GET "LEFT BEHIND!" The Mark begins were "The Indwelling" left off. The reign of the Satan-Indwelled Anti-Christ begins. One of his first acts is to place "his mark" on every one of his followers. Anyone who does not accept his mark becomes a victim of a deadly contraption Nicolae shrewdly calls the "loyalty enforcement facilitators." This seems to spell certain doom for a lot of the believers. In the midst of the all the tragedies in this book, I found myself constantly conforted by the spirit-laden messages of Tsion Ben-Judah. In spite of the reign of the Anti-Christ, the tribulation force enjoy many victories which also helped me to deal with spicy harsh realities that season this book. The characters of the Tribulation Force seem to mature as the story continues. This book will cause the reader to smile, cheer, laugh and perhaps even cry. I think this is one of the best books in this "great symphony of writing" and it leaves me edge of my seat waiting for the next movement: "The Desecration"
Rating:  Summary: dragging on and on... Review: i was so excited about reading this book but after about 150 pages, realized that once again, its more about quanity than quality. i will admit that when i first started reading this series, i could have cared less about continuing but then the most amazing thing happened. i became hooked. after the last 2 books, im completely disappointed and doubt i will continue. in the mark, we once again follow our friends thur their last years on earth...discovering new friendships and realizing that old ones are still intact. we catch that old sense of "evil" and still cant believe there are those that buy into its hype, but i fear that im the one "buying into the hype" at this point. there was no reason, in my humble opinion, for a 381 page book offering the information needed to move on into the next step. it couldve and shouldve been done in conjuction with either the last or the next book. this series (more of a project it seems now-a-days) started out as something completely different than it is today and it saddens me.
Rating:  Summary: Fictional Account of God's Truths in Revelation Review: So much has been said about The Mark. This is a good book in an excellent series. Mr Jenkins and Mr LaHaye have done something incredible-getting more people to read about the Holy Bible. Of course this is their fictional interpretation of the book of Revelation. Yet it is peppered with Bilble truths and scriptures from the Bible. Scholars continue to debate over the book of Revelation (secular and Biblical). If the reader is concentrating on the grammar and sentence structure of The Mark, they are missing the point of this series- for people to think about the end of days and most important to bring people to Christ. There are books dating back decades on the subject of Rev., and they will continue. Yet, how many have been on the best sellers list? How many of those can get strangers talking about how far they are in the series and praising God for all that He does? What is important is that people are reading and hopefully cross-referencing the material with their Bible. Or better yet, maybe they are motivated to read the Bible for the first time. I personally know of people who after reading the first book of the series had a change of heart and dedicated their life to Christ. What an awesome testimony of what Christ can use in our daily life to get our attention. This is a wonderful series because it provokes the reader to ponder his relationship with Christ.
Rating:  Summary: In the meantime . . . Review: Now that you've read THE MARK and you're waiting for book 9, allow me to suggest another great series on the endtimes, THE CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY by James BeauSeigneur. BeauSeigneur's take on the Rapture, the Ezekiel 38-39 war (both in book 1), the Trumpet Judgments (book 2), and on soooo much else is not only the most original (while staying within the bounds of scripture), it's also the most believable depiction I've ever seen. The 6th Trumpet Judgment (in book 2) and the 5th Bowl Judgment (in book 3) will scare you like you've never been scared before! And the evidence BeauSeigneur gives for the Gospel (in book 3) is undeniable proof to anyone willing to listen that Jesus is exactly who he claimed to be. Get these books for your unsaved friends!
Rating:  Summary: Good Fictional Book Review: I really am enjoying the series. I enjoyed this latest book The Mark very much. It made me very upset when they started to chop off heads, to think this could be true or some form of torture is very scarry to me for other people left behind. Which is really going to happen. I do pray these books will convert non believers. It is fiction and is a fun read. But, it also has some very real truths from the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: Okay they're just books!! Review: I think that we all need to settle down and look at them for what they are. BOOKS! They're not a standard in which we should live. Nobody is telling you READ THESE BOOKS OR YOU WILL BE CONDEMNED. A lot of you are acting as though Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins were writing this as another version of the bible. That's not the point. These are clearly stated as Fictitional books. May your opinion of the book be that it was written with poor literary structure, than you should consider that not all people reading them are going to be grade A scholars. And perhaps those of us "underlings" that did enjoy the books could take offense in the fact that "The only way you could enjoy this book is if you lack all literary and biblical sense". Thank you very much.
Rating:  Summary: Decently good writing, backed by an awesome truth. Review: Okay, I know that this book is not the epitome of good literature, however, this book does exactly what it is meant to do. It presents life-changing information to the readers. It isn't to impress people, but to give them information that could change them forever. This book stays faithful to the characters and gives good insight into their thoughts; you begin to feel for them. Keep in mind that the purpose of this book is much deeper than just good writing.
Rating:  Summary: GREEDY GREEDY GREEDY Review: Whether or not you agree with the theology presented in this series you have to admit it is a fantastic premise. However the writing is truly horrendous. I could ignore that but what I cannot ignore is the apparent greed of the authors who are in cahoots with their publishers. Originally this series was supposed be seven books long but when it became a huge hit the publishers asked the writers to expand the series so they could sell even more books and make bigger profits. Personally I don't care how many books they write as long as they tell a good story and keep me entertained. Unfortunately this seems impossible to do. While this book is not as bad as Assassins it isn't much better. It's all filler. Very little happens. Just alot of lecturing. If you took out all the padding the book would be about 50 pages long. Don't waste your money. If you really want to read this book take it out of the library. Learn from my mistake