Rating:  Summary: Tired Cash Cow Franchise that Peaked In1980 Review: Wayne Dyer had many interesting observations and viewpoints in his early books ("Pulling Your Own Strings", "The Sky's The Limit", and "Your Erroneous Zones") which makes it so sad that he milks his wonderful early legacy with some bland new release every couple of years. Like 1992's Dyer release "Real Magic", this book is so politically correct and so careful not to insult anyone it is a waste of time. DO give his books originally published in 1980 and before careful consideration.
Rating:  Summary: Here is an oppourtunity for Spirit to envelop and nurture Review: In my humble oppinion this is one of the most important books written in the last 50 years. It is easy to read and understand. The book gave me tools to survive in difficult times. Wayne Dyer's writing gives personal data that widens our ability to understand spirit and allowing it to impact our every action. Dyer's writing falls back to fundamental yet important advice for navigating through problems with family, friends, and work relationships. This book also lifts you to a higher more spiritual plane. A beautiful book that belongs in every library and would be a beautiful book to give as a gift.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful book Review: I listened to the CD recording of "There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem". My first reaction was that Dyer's voice was often as helpful as the words of his book! You can sense his genuine peace and positive, hopeful nature, and that is contagious. Dyer's central message that we are always connected to God, and that we should approach life with compassion and a positive nature, is far more profound than it sounds. The only drawback to Dyer's writings is that they are occasionaly not completely realistic and he does tend to simplify. This is why I couldn't quite give the book 4 stars, but I still think it is a great and uplifting message and definitely worth a read (or listen).
Rating:  Summary: where there is darkness, light! Review: i've read many "spiritual guidance" books and would rate this among the best. mr dyer takes the elusive primordial traditions that underlie the world's major religious systems and makes those elusive eternal truths relevant and workable for the sincere modern seeker. he does not propose a new religion, he knows we have plenty of those. he proposes instead that you/we have the opportunity right where we happen to be now to know god within our own hearts. many people do battle with life. they are depressed. things don't seem to work out. we become ego-bound and want our own agenda above all else. this ego-bound state is self abuse, self imprisonment, and results in much needless suffering. i found this book very helpful and full of profound yet simple ways to connect ever more surely with the god of my heart. to see and know god within your own heart is the true religion that has no name. if you're looking for yet another ego trip of holiness, you won't like this book. if you're looking for authentic spiritual seeing and knowing within your own experience; you'll love the gifts of the spirit these eternal truths can bring into your everyday life.
Rating:  Summary: it is in dying to self we are born to eternal life Review: i'm glad i finally gave wayne dyer a chance and read this wonderful book. i always thought of mr dyer as a selfhelp industry and have come to discover instead a true teacher of spirituality. what is dying to self? it is, for once and all giving up the ego need to be right. what is being born to eternal life? it is finally accepting the eternal challenge and realization there is indeed a "higher power" ready, willing, and able to help you transcend your ego-bound self and experience the divine power that pervades and sustains all things. including you. we are ego bound by nature: gimme gimme me me mine mine i i etc etc. mr dyer is not offering a religion, we have plenty of those and we see in each days newspaper the horrors they perpetuate. he offers a way to experience for yourself the glory of what jesus and buddha and krishna and countless others have taught for many centuries: BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. its right there waiting behind your ego mind cloud. beyond your need to glorify self. just give it up and see for yourself, finally. no, its not religion. its spirituality. your birthright. the inner knowing and seeing that God is found within yourself, right where you are now. all you need to do is ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find, the answer lies within you, its been there all the time.
Rating:  Summary: Dyer book a dud. Review: Despite the basic premise of this book, there is a spiritual solution to every problem, this self-help book flops. Dyer has taken the Prayer of Saint Frances and turned it into a big money maker for him. Save your cash and just read the prayer! What I found particularly insulting about this book is Dyer's message to depressed people to "just get over it", as if depression were not a chemical imbalance or a serious medical condition. Dyer makes some good points in this books: instead of expecting to BE loved, GIVE love. But the endless repitition and the drivel about "faster and slower vibrations of energy" make this book a must miss.
Rating:  Summary: Another great help book is, SB 1 or God Review: I am thoroughly pleased with this book in that it is very sensible, does imply sound principles and is scientific. The spiritual application in by no means leaves the balance in question rather confirms Wayne did not write this book for any other reasons other than to help us. I highly recommend reading another book that also has strong reasoning, Karl Mark Maddox Paperback, SB 1 or God.
Rating:  Summary: There is no conicidence when you hear this! Review: When you hear this tapes, shurely you can affirm that there is no conicidence about the moment that you are listening to them. I belive in God as an energy, in all my books here in Mexico i have writen about that, and i perfectly know that the words of Wayne Dyer shots you, is gonna be in the very moment that you have to hear that. I love this tapes! As all the spiritual stuff, it makes me feel peace. Literaly im in peace now. Peace, paace, peace. That's all that you have to live, and this tapes help you on that. I want to thank you all the members in Amazon that can make possible to get all this material. God bless you all.
Rating:  Summary: Learn to know the want from the need in finding the solution Review: To the reader from NY: that you state being able to have a relationship with the super model implies that the relationship is the solution to your problem. Maybe the solution to your problem is that you shouldn't be trying to date super models. The solution is not always that which you want but rather that which you need. And it is in your sould where you must look and sincerely determine the want from the need. This is the degree of understanding you can get from this book.
Rating:  Summary: Dyer's a decent man, but ... Review: ... I disagree with one of his main statements in this book: "Whatever solution you seek for whatever problem you may have is available to you in this moment."Could I, for example, find a solution to my problem of attracting an international sex symbol, let's say in this instance someone like Racquel Welch, right now? I've used Mr. Dyer's recommendations and it has not happened yet, nor does it seem like it will. So, I have a problem with that particular statement of his.