Rating:  Summary: Doctor Phil tells it like it is - and like it could be! Review: As usual, Phil McGraw is steps ahead of the rest of us in sorting out what is *really* going on in relationships. Refreshingly, he begins the book by questioning the therapeutic standards too often given to the thousands of couples in trouble. "The divorce rate in America refuses to drop below fifty percent, and twenty percent of us will divorce not once but twice in our lifetime. Clearly, pleasant and generic instructions on how to communicate better or theoretical musings that give you great insights about relationships just weren't going to cut it fifteen years ago and won't cut it now. " Obviously (to paraphrase him), couples therapy as we have known it isn't working. You can watch him often on Oprah, but this book is the next best thing to either watching him there, or having him as your personal therapist. This book is primarily for relationships 'on the rocks' - the first steps are set up to evaluate and understand what your relationship is, how it got this way (no surprise, it didn't fall apart on its own, or because of your partner). The Seven Steps are not simple or simplistic, but provide structure for thought and more. This book is not about what's wrong with your partner and how to fix him or her. It is about the person reading the book -- you! This would be a great book for new couples to read together (and for this price, why not order one for you and one for your loved one, and read them first in private, then together), not just before they are in crisis, but before they decide to marry. When the relationship is still strong, new, fresh, it is more likely that both people will be willing to talk openly about what they expect and want, and to be able to use the truly helpful instructions on how to stay together. For those in a troubled relationship, you might want to read this yourself first, and work on your own issues. Dr. Phil has a directness that can be intimidating to some - but for some of us, we need that extra push. This book is on my must have list for newlyweds as well as those in trouble. Highly recommended for those who truly want that special relationship to work!
Rating:  Summary: Go Dr. Phil !! Review: As a physician I have recommended this book to many of my patients whose relationships were in trouble. I feel Dr. Phil's approach is right on: you have to work on yourself first. Most people who feel their relationship is doomed tell me, "Well, my partner won't listen to me...", or "he/she isn't willing to do the work...". He has you look and work on yourself FIRST then involves you in seven steps. The couples I have recommended this book to have found it very helpful. There have been a few cases I have seen where the partner never participated in the process and my patients happily ended up moving on with their lives with the aid of this book.For those people who cannot afford or do not have access to therapy this book/program is wonderful (actually even if you do!). He "tells it like it is", and drills the point home that we are each responsible for the state our relationship and life are in (excepting cases of abuse). As Dr. Phil says you have to "get with the program" and work on yourself and relationship "until". A great self-help book.
Rating:  Summary: My Marriage is SAVED! Review: My last ray of hope was relationship rescue. My marriage and my soul was/were broken. I was not sure what I was in for-but if you can be brutally honest with the answers to the questions he ask's and follow through with the actions that need to take place-Your life will be brand new. We no longer fight, We no longer mis communicate-Life Rocks! Thanks Dr.Phil!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Book - Terrific Author! Review: During my years as a counsellor, I have discovered first hand the overwhelming number of relationships in dire trouble. Couples often stay in an unhappy and unhealthy relationship for a multitude of reasons; some will improve with counselling, a greater number will end up in divorce court. I agree with the author, a considerable number of couples continue to seek counselling and remain there year after year with no significant results. If that is the case, it is time for a change. Relationship Rescue is an excellent self-help book for those whose relationships are not quite as harmonious and blissful as they once were, as well as for those seeking insight in keeping the relationship in balance. What I like most about the book is the author's straight-forward, realistic approach. He is a true professional in his field and his expertise shows among the pages of this book. If you are looking for sympathy and a shoulder to cry on, you might not appreciate McGraw's somewhat blunt, direct manner; however, the process of "therapy and change" generally is not an easy one. Self-help means being prepared to make those changes and finding the commitment to work through the process; there is no such thing as a lasting, quick-fix solution. No book will guarantee solving whatever problems exist in a relationship, but for those truly committed to self-improvement, the price of this excellent book is worth every penny in return for the author's sound and realistic strategic approach.
Rating:  Summary: Creating, Improving, and Rescuing Your Relationships Review: Relationship Rescue is my pick as the top book of 2000. This book deserves many more than five stars. It is as close as you can get to having a hands-on guide to improving your relationships as you can get without having a trained counselor present. It's too bad that most people will take on this book because they have a bad or failing relationship. It would be much better to start with this approach in the beginning. I hope marriage advisors, parents, living together couples, and engaged people will become familiar with this book and recommend it to others. The book is extremely direct. The author makes it clear that you have to first change yourself before you can change you relationship. The book is extremely well structured for easy use both as a book and as a workbook. It is divided into seven steps (define and diagnose where the relationship is now; get rid of your wrong thinking about relationships; find out what you are doing to hurt the relationships; internalize the values needed to build and maintain strong relationships; the necessary format for a strong relationship; and how to reconnect and manage the relationship). Each section is filled with diagnostic questions for you and your partner to use, as well as directions for implementing what you learn. The process involved is a good one. It begins with identifying stalled thinking, works on stallbusting that thinking, and then builds new habits that will work better. The steps are extensive, but you can take them in bite-sized amounts. Before you are done, you will be sharing what you have done with your partner. I have to believe that anyone who was told that their partner had been working on these questions and exercises would be very impressed by the commitment to the relationship that this effort represented. It can help overcome a lot of thoughtlessness that may have preceded that sharing. If your relationship is on the rocks, that idea of reconnecting can be scary. I was impressed to see that the book provides a 14 day program to help you with exercises that help reconnect you emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Most counselors would probably not give you this much guidance. You can improve the benefits you will find here by also using the excellent workbook that is sold separately. It contains many more questions and a convenient place to write them down. You can read my review of that as well, if you like. One of the finest things in life is to have a great relationship with other people. This book gives you the necessary background to move in that direction. The rest is up to you, as the author says. Give it a shot! You have a great quality of life to win!
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT! Review: .... am I contributing or contaminating Amazon??? I'll contribute this: Dr. Phil looks like a dork, but has the sense of a horse. Get the book!
Rating:  Summary: A Note from a Villanova University Senior Thesis Group Review: Amazon.com Review for Relationship Rescue Author: Phillip C. McGraw We are a group of five college seniors from Villanova University who have spent a semester researching and reviewing best selling self-help books on the subject of relationships. We evaluated five texts after reviewing academic literature specifically on the topics of: commitment, trust, conflict, verbal communication, & intimacy. In order to make you a more informed consumer, we hope to provide you with an educated insider view of Relationship Rescue by Dr Phillip C. McGraw. McGraw's intent is to "rescue" relationships, and get partners to reconnect by first evaluating their individual selves. He challenges readers to address the truths about themselves, and get in touch with their core of consciousness. When the individual can recognize his or her inner strength, and eliminate "bad spirits," he or she has the power to lift the partner, and get the most out of the relationship. While there are partner exercises in the end, this book for the most part is geared toward the individual. McGraw provides a "7-step process for reconnecting with one's partner", which included a series of personal inventories, journal entries, and self-evaluation. By performing these activities, and engaging in a 14-day process of self-disclosure and relationship evaluation with one's partner, one will grow toward a better relationship. In our evaluation of five major topics, we found the following in Relationship Rescue: Commitment - In the chapter entitled, "Reconnecting with Your Partner," McGraw addresses the personal dedication component of commitment found in academic research. This basically says that commitment includes the individual's desire to improve the relationship. He also stressed the importance of physical activity in finding commitment. Trust - While McGraw did not address trust directly, there are some connections to be made to ideas presented in academic research. It seems to be generally understood that the disposition of the individual greatly effects trust, and an overall personal deceptive nature will negatively affect the relationship. McGraw's goal is to get the individual to remove these negative feelings. Also, a great deal of the book revolves around self-disclosure, which is imperative to developing trust. However, this all depends on how the individual approaches the exercises in the book. Conflict - In regards to this topic, McGraw touches on the idea that conflict is inevitable. We found this to be an overwhelming theme in research conducted on the topic. Conflict can be constructive if it is done properly, and partners remain in control. He gives rules for "fighting with your partner" which focused on the environment (physical and mental) that the disagreement is taking place in. He also focused on managing one's differences, because there are some that cannot be fixed, and therefore must be embraced. Verbal Communication Skills- McGraw makes it clear that this is not a book that addresses communication theories. Therefore, it was not his intention to lay out specific communication skills. Instead, he focuses on inner attitudes. While a great deal of the exercises involve partner communication, McGraw does not address the verbal skills necessary for effective communication. Intimacy - In this book, McGraw affirms the idea found in research that positive regard in the sense of acceptance and confirmation is necessary within a relationship. He also points out that the presence of affection does not make a difference in the relationship unless it is communicated to the partner. McGraw motivates the reader to do, and not just say what he or she feels to achieve intimacy. In regards to intimacy, the emphasis on self-disclosure throughout the book supported what we found in our research as well. In general, McGraw promotes individual behaviors that lead to love and increase intimacy. Relationship Rescue is best for the topic of Intimacy. Please feel free to check out our reviews on The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger Getting the Love You Want by Dr. Harville Hendrix Dating For Dummies by Dr. Joy Browne Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by Dr. John Gray
Rating:  Summary: Forget the Myths Review: In his book "Relationship Rescue," Dr. Phil offers great guidelines on how to build a healthy relationship. He warns us against the devastating effect of the myths that exist in our society about relationships (i.e.: in a great relationship you never fight, you are romantic all the time, you only have common interests...) and encourages us instead to stop working on our partners in order to make them fit these unrealistic standards, and take a look at how we operate. For him the key is in realistically evaluating the state of your relationship, and becoming aware of what you do that sabotages it. If you don't like what you see and understand your role in it, you gain the power to change things and create the relationship that works for you. In the book I particularly enjoyed this idea of giving up working on your partner and your relationship to make them better. I recently encountered this idea in the book "Working on your Relationship Doesn't Work" by Ariel and Shya Kane. It is a very unique and soothing book with an immediate power of transformation and I enthusiastically recommend it to anyone interested in discovering novel ways to create meaningful, intimate and magical relationships. Check it out!
Rating:  Summary: Yes! This makes sense! Review: I was having a world of problems in my marriage and I did not know where to look. After being inspired by some of the things Dr. Phil says on TV, I decided to read this book. Boy am I glad I did! Dr. Phil has this ability to take it right to you and this is what I needed at the time. His words punched right through my walls of denial and forced me to make a real objective re-evaluation of myself and my relationship. It did wonders for me. After having this rejuvenating experience, I decided to explore and learn more about relationships and personal development. I have now found a more advanced book on relationships and personal development that is absolutely excellent! It is called "The Ever-Transcending Spirit" by Toru Sato. It is more theoretical but an excellent read if you are one of those people who "gets it!" It has taken me one step closer to inner peace and happiness.
Rating:  Summary: If you're a guy and your relationship needs major help.... Review: The thing about Dr. Phil is that 1)He knows what works and what doesn't and 2)He speaks in languauge that men understand. I am plowing through this book right now and, for once in my life, I feel like I have a pathway to rehabilitating my marriage. If you're ready to be honest with yourself and your marriage is in trouble buy this book, read this book and see what happens...