Rating:  Summary: roll of thunder hear my opinions Review: The story Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry was basicly about a black family living in the 1930s strugling with racism and bankrupcy. There are lots of characters in the story but the main character is Cassie the only little girl in the family, and she tells the story. The other characters are Mama, Big Ma, Mr. Morrison, Uncle hammer, Papa, Christopher John, Stacie, and Little man. The story was very slow in the beginning but as the story moved on it became much more interesting and action packed while Cassie figured her ways through the times she lived in and went through the suffering of being black during that time period. this book really brings you back to theat time period in America and showed you how afful it was back then and hoe black Americans were mistreated back then. As i read it I felt I was there with the logans in the bad times they lived through. I would recomend this book to no one younger than 7th graders because of the reading level and how the book was writtin. If they came out with a sequel to this book i would read that and i think it would be just as good. SO i give this book 4 stars, and thats my opinions of roll of thunder hear my cry.
Rating:  Summary: Roll of thunder hear my Review Review: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry is an alluring book. It captures your attention in the first few chapters. Mama the mother of 4 children is so brave and courageous. She knows that the world outside the walls of their house is cruel and unobtaining, and she wants to protect her children as much as she can from it. Little man is the youngest of the children but in many ways ahead of his years. H is, as many children are, very eventful and never tired, always urning for more excitement. Christopher john is the second youngest child and is just as much courageous as his mother. Even in the face of danger he knows his ground. Although blacks were very much discriminated in Mississippi, the third youngest, Cassie doesn't see it that way. There are things she has yet to learn about life in the 60's that will get her into quite a bit of trouble throughout the book. Boll of Thunder Hear My Cry is her life the way she sees's it back then. She knows things that her family has been trying to protect her from. Cassie sees's the trouble, and works around it. Her thinking captures you to keep reading. Her plot to do things makes you really question her age -9 or 10-. The oldest, Stacey is both noble and frivolous at the same time. He knows how the world works, how African Americans are treated, how whites are considered better than he is, and he wants to change that. He has many ways if fixing it, one of which is very ingenious. Many think that it is time for him to grow up, but is Stacey ready to be grown up? His father thinks that it is time, but he is never home help him. He is always away working on the railroad to make sure the family stays healthy and for the land, the heart of the family and its origin. David is only home a few weeks a year so when he isn't home he isn't able to watch over the family the way he wants to. So he has a strong, tall, well built man named Mr. Morrison, "help out." throughout the long journey this family goes through to keep the heart, soul, and pride for the land is their, "earth mother," Bigma. She is not only a grandmother but also a friend, peacemaker, nourished and an aid to the whole community. During this epic adventure is an old friend that can cause more trouble than anyone could have ever imagined.
Rating:  Summary: Roll of thunda hear ma cry Review: If I were to rate this book on a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate it a four, because I like books that are based on things that really happened, or could happen. This book explains how our country was in bad shape during this period of time. It also shows the difference between a peaceful protest, and a violent protest. This book shows how much the south was controlled by the white people, after the civil war. The book is about a black family who struggles through the hard times, the family tries to put a small store run by white men out of business by boycotting. This book is very educational and realisticand I think all kids should read it so they can understand real prejudism, and how the country has changed and expanded the meaning of freedom. The book had a good storyfull of different, small plots. the major plot of surviving the hard times without having to sell their landwas the most interesting one. I liked this book because it enlightened me with the true meaning of prejudism and how much our country really has changed. It also showed me how much the average black family went through for their rights and their property. I didnt like this book because it was very slow and didnt have much action until the ending. There were also many characters in this book ehich complicates things but challenges the reader to pay very close attention. I would recommend this book to readers ages 12 to 103 so that you can learn a lot, if you are over the age of 103, you were there. I think peple should learn it through a good story like this. I would definitely reccomend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Roll Of Thunder Hear My Review Review: Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor is a book about opening your eyes to the real world and discovering what inhumane acts are really going on, and without protest. Cassie Logan is a black girl who has been sheltered by her parents on the ways of the world, and in particular the ways of black people in a white society. This story follows the struggles of the Logan family as they try to keep hold of their land that they have worked so hard for. While doing this they get etangled with many white men, getting in more and more trouble with the passing of each day. They strike back though, planning a scheme to get back on the so called, "night riders". This book of staying with what you think is right no matter what comes against you. This triumphant book is one of the best stories of racism that we will probably ever see. I give this book 4 stars. It truly is a great book to read, from start to finish. Though it has some dry spots, when you get to the end you are rewarded with the experience of reading this wonderful book. Not only does this book touch your emotions, but it also has many other qualities. being able to have comedy in such a serious scenario is extremely hard, but Taylor pulled it off with grace. Also it was very descriptive so that you could feel Cassie's fear as she stared into the white face of horror. I think after you read this book it will leave you a better person, that's how important this book is.
Rating:  Summary: Roll of Thunder Hear My Review Review: In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, By: Mildred D. Taylor, Cassie a twelve-year-old girl growing up in the thirties Mississippi, learning of the white's "superiority" in public and not liking it, she has false frienships with a white girl. many childish revenge plots from all, even the adults, and one quite dangerous with a bus. Friendships and love overcome all even friendships between black and white. A long time friend of Cassie's brother becomes a bad seed and nearly his life is nearly ended. Very historically accurate, and belivable, but it doesn't seem to get boring. In the end differences are overcome to save a boy and an the land that the Logan family worked so hard for. This book will keep you guessing until the very end. Other books similar: The Watsons Go to Birmingham, Let the circle be Unbroken. A GREAT BOOK I reccomend you steal this from the book shop, unless you live in the projects and don't have one in the neighboorhood. Shout Out to my posse HOLLA ...
Rating:  Summary: [a]Review Review: On a scale of 1 to 5 stars I would rate Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry a 4. I would rate it a four because in the beginning it wasn't that interesting and you just wanted to put it down, but in the end it got exciting and you didn't want to stop reading it. I liked the book because it gave me more of an idea of what happened to African Americans. It showed me more about how the white people tried so hard to ruin their lives and have segregation even for water fountains. Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry is a book that shows you that if you were black then you had to be careful. If you even looked at someone that was white and they thought it was threatening you would get lynched. Lynched means that they would get hung. If a white person did something to a black person there was a slim chance of something happening to them. I would say that Cassie was my favorite character because she seemed to be a strong-willed girl. Even though being like that if you were black could get you killed it didn't matter to her. Even after all the rude and mean things white people do to her, her family, and friends she was still strong. I think Mildred Taylor the author is a wonderful writer and she really shares the Logan Family's feelings and everyone else in the story. She gave the African Americans story and the white peoples side. I think the book relates to Watson's go to Birmingham a lot. It relates to it by talking to Black families and showing how they lived in little shacks and how people treated them badly just because the color of their skin.
Rating:  Summary: [A] Review ... Review: Roll of thunder Hear My Cry is a great book for all kids teens and adults. It gives detail of how blacks and whites treated each other and how they got their food, clothes and this they needed to live. The risks the Logan's had to take were very difficult and resulted in pain and trouble. I really enjoyed this book because you wouldn't know what was going to happen next. They're where a lot of turning points in the book. It shows how the whites got brand new items for school. Then the blacks got everything that the whites had already used. In this book some whites are friends with the blacks. When this happens it occurs to me that the white almost betray the blacks. They would be "friends". Say there was a white walking with a black and his friend. Then that friend said something mean or rude to the white. Then the white would be mad at both blacks, and vice versa. Now if you think of it it's not really fair to the ones that are really friends. That is something that takes place often in this book. I think the best part of this book was when it explained everything into the last bit of detail you could get. Mildred Taylor wrote a well-written book. I read The Watson's Go to Birmingham, 1963 but it was almost nothing compared to this book. I read this book twice and enjoyed it both times. I recommend it to anyone who likes good detailed books with lot of excitement.
Rating:  Summary: a Review Review: Overall it was a good book, but it isnt something i would take off the shelf and read. I think that this book should be read in eight grade everywhere, because it was a good book and showed hoe bad days were back in the old days. This book taught me how bad things could getlike if a African American did something bad they could get killed.I also know about the hardships they had to go through every day to survive, like papa had to go to the railroad each year so the family had enough money to survive. They had to also work out in the fields and grow cotton, and it was still hard for them to get by. So because of this book i know how bad it was for blacks. In conclusion i give this book 3 stars because it was boring but it also taught me alot of what was going on during this time.
Rating:  Summary: [A] Review Review: The book, Roll of Thunder, Hear my cry, is a compelling novel about the lives of a struggling black family. The Logans live in the south at a time where it's not too safe to be black and they have to be extra careful at all times. Their family is more vunerable because Papa is away, working to support the land. The land that they own by themselves, with no help from any white men, which at this time is unusual. But now their normal rountine will soon be ruined by a series of events which is about to change the lives of the Logan family. Nothing now will ever be the same for Cassie and her family and soon Cassie is going to realize it. She has her eyes opened to the the horrific world of racism. The sequel to this book is called Let the circle be unbroken. It's a continuation to the cliffhanger that the book Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry ends with.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read novel! Review: Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry was an excellent book based on the reconstruction period in the United States. The book is based on an all black family trying to get through hard times. You feel along with the characters throughout the book. It is humorous, exciting, sad, happy, adventurous and at times boring like life itself. You will ride the roller coaster of a plot through its ups and downs and constant twists that leave you wondering what just happened. The author, Mildred D. Taylor is an artist. She does a brilliant job painting a beautiful picture in your mind of the setting and the main events. Her descriptions will capture you in the book as she makes constant metaphors reflecting nature so you will understand the fundamental values of the people of this harsh time. As you read along you will want to fix the past for theses characters. You understand their anger and gloom yet when you finish reading it, the author leaves the ending open so that you can come to your own assumption. This makes the novel extremely well written. The book was also interesting because it shows things that were valued at that period of time from family, work, food and even cars. Throughout the book you will learn of economics and politics and also about the history of this period of time. The story is very moving it isn't just one specific type of book like just romantic or adventurism. It's a mixture of everything, which makes even the pickiest reader enjoy it. I highly recommend this book so people can learn from a non-fictional point of the history of a very important event that started the new era in the way America is. Have a great time reading it!