Rating:  Summary: Roll of Thunder, a good book? Review: Reading the book Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor gave me an entirely new outlook on the racism in the south during the thirties. The book is written from the perspective of Cassie Logan who lives with her family in the deep south on a cotton farm. She is the only daughter in her family living with three brothers. Her mother and grandmother take care of the family all year round while her father leaves to work on the railroad in order to pay the taxes on the property and the mortgage for the land. Cassie and her two brothers go to great faith elementary school where their mother teaches. The Logan family's main source of problems is the racism that goes on all around them. The Logan's are one of the few black families that own their land in the area. This offends the racist white families of the area and fuels the racism against the family. When two of the boys in the neighboring Berry family get accused of harassing some white girls in the area it sparks a brutal attack. The "night men" that plague the honest black families come to the Berry's house and burn the two boys and their father with kerosene. After this horrendous act the family decides to boycott the Wallace's store because they were the white family behind the burning. By getting most of the black families to do their shopping in Vicksburg they hurt the Wallace's store. Because of this boycott lots of bad feelings get stirred up in the community and Harlan Granger (a white community leader) decides to make it as hard as possible on the Logan's. The family with some help from Cassie's uncle Hammer pays all of their bills and overcomes the racism of the era. I am very impressed with pride and willpower of the black people living in the south at that time. Overcoming such adversary is not an easy accomplishment and I'm sure that the book is an equal representation of the time period. I can't imagine such ignorance occurring again but if it already happened in a so-called "civilized" time in our country then I guess anything could happen. I enjoyed the characters and story in the book very much. It was an eye-opening story about what went on in the south. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a good story, meet some interesting characters, and witness the racism of the South first hand.
Rating:  Summary: An Exciting Story About Good Versus Bad Review: 'Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry' deserves two thumbs up for an historical fiction account of the Logan Family. The Logan family is made up of Stacey, who is the caring older brother of Cassie, Christopher John, and Little Man. Mr. Logan works on the railroad and Mrs. Logan was a schoolteacher. The family also consists of the grandmother Big Ma and the guardian of the family, Mr. Morrison, because Mr. Logan is often away. The Logan's are one of the few black families in their deep south Mississippi settlement who own their own land. The first half of the story depicts the everyday events and conflicts of the Logan children told from the standpoint of Cassie. Most of the conflicts deal with the actions between the whites and the blacks. One exterior conflict is when Mr. Simms, a white man, knocks down Cassie Logan. Mr. Simms pushed Cassie because she wouldn't move out of the way for Mr. Simms' daughter. Cassie cleverly gains her revenge on Mr. Simms' daughter by somewhat blackmailing her. One interior conflict in this story is when the Logan children cannot decide whether to tell their parents of the cunning trick they played that ended up causing damage to a school bus for the white public school. The second part of the story tells of Stacey Logan's friend, T.J. Avery, and his poor choice of friends. T.J. is lured into being an acquaintance of R.W. and Melvin Simms, who are two bad white boys. T.J. thinks that they are being genuinely kind to him. They are really taking advantage of the fact that he is black. Having T.J. with them quite often helps the Simms' during the climax of the story. Saying anything more would be too much. This section also describes what the Logan Family and others think about T.J. and what he is doing. The story ends with an exciting amount of action and surprise. I would recomend this book to any junior high student because of its action, events, and excitement. It is very interesting because of the setting, characters, and topic of the story. The book is also easy to understand because it comes from 4th graders perspective. It's a great read for any student.
Rating:  Summary: A book full of emotions.....read it... Review: Cassie, one of David and Mary Logan's children, is trying to struggle with racism. But, she's not the only one struggling, all black people are. The white folks are always trying to get the blacks insulted or in trouble. Even the school books are once used by the whites, and they are now torned and tattered. Cassie's older brother, Stacey, have a friend, T.J. After T.J. made their mother lose her job, no one wants to talk to him. He,then, decided to befriend with two boys who are white. They are sons of Mr Simms, who really hates black people. Later, T.J. was caught stealing a pistol from Mr Barnett's shop. Mr Barnett is white. The riot between white and black began.... If you want to know more, click 'BUY' and read it.......
Rating:  Summary: Exciting story about a black family in 1930s Mississippi Review: We read this book in English class this year. We went WAy into detail. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is about the Logan family. In the story, we learn of how they came into owing their 400 acres of land, and the problems that come with it. The narrator is nine year old Cassie, who dosen't understand why her black family isn't treated as well as her white neighbors.
Rating:  Summary: Jacqui and Amy's Roll of Thunder,Hear my Cry book review Review: This book is about a black family living in the 1930's trying to keep their land while the white people try to take it away from them. The book is narrated by one of the Logan children, Cassie. She is trying to understand throughout the book why it is so important for their family to own the land. The Logan family tries to fight against racism and they stand up to the white people. They try to fight for equality. Stacey, Cassie, Christopher John, Little Man, Big Ma, Mama and Papa make up the Logan family along with Mr. Morrison who Papa brought to protect the family. They have to fight against the lynching mobs, the Grangers, and the Wallaces, who try to kill all of the black community and take away the Logan land. Try to see where thunder is mentioned, and figure out why it is called Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.
Rating:  Summary: Book Review Review: The book is about the Logans struggling to keep their land in the 1930s. They are a close knit and strong black family. The main characters are Cassie, Stacey, Little Man, Christopher-John, and TJ. Of these kids, each experienced their own problems. Problems like racism and going into town getting made fun of because of the color of their skin. Out of all the kids, I liked Stacey the most. I liked Stacey because I can relate to him. In the book Stacey, Cassie's older brother, and TJ, his best friend, would sometimes get into arguments. Whether they were friends or not, they would argue about cheating on tests, who knew more than the other, or about lying. This conflict reminds me of my best friend and me. I tell him certain things and he tells me certain things that don't work all the time. We yell at each other and don't speak at all for a while just because we were mad about something. The funny thing is, we still remain best friends. As I read, the book made me feel as if I were really there. The beginning of the book described the road the kids walked to school on, the problem the rain caused, and the kid's personalities. The description of the confrontation between Cassie and her brothers and the racing school bus made me feel involved. If I were there I would have done the same thing as Stacey had done to the school bus. Another good part was when Hammer, the uncle, drove his nice car past the Wallaces, which meant to me that a colored man could have nice things too. The Wallaces, thought that Hammer was stirring up trouble and needed to be taught a lesson. The least interesting thing about the book was when the family went to Strawberry, a boring red-place of a town, which made the Logans feel unwanted. If I could change one thing, the story would be told from Stacey's point-of-view because he was older and did more things. He would go with his father to places that could give the story more adventure. In all, I recommend this book for others to read. To understand how it was for black families to live and to survive back then is an important part of our culture. I would recommend this book to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful and Amazing Review: The book, Roll of Thunder hear my Cry, is about a black family called the Logan's. The Logan family works hard to keep the small piece of farmland they own, but they endure many racial injustices. Cassie, one of the Logan daughters, takes a trip to the nearby town of Strawberry and is shocked by the hatred she is greeted with. Meanwhile, more serious problems are developing. The white Wallace boys burn some local black men, killing one, and so the Logan family begins a boycott on their store. Mama decides to take a tour of the local community and urge people not to purchase goods there. However, many families have nowhere else to shop. The Logan's offer to buy goods for them in Vicksburg. Meanwhile, Christmas comes, and both their Uncle Hammer and Papa come home to join the family. Uncle Hammer drives a shiny new car. When Harlan Granger comes to try to convince the Logan's to stop the boycott, Hammer and Papa are both defiant. However, Mama soon loses her teaching job, and other pressure is put on the Logan family. Papa's leg is broken during a violent attack he suffers while trying to make a trip to Vicksburg. Only the brute strength of L. T., a man Papa brings home to help work and defend the farm, drives away the attackers. Soon, Granger, forces the Logan's to pay up on a loan they once took out from the bank. Uncle Hammer has to sell his car in order to make the payment. When their eldest son is framed Papa and L. T. go to stop the killing that follows. Almost as soon as they leave, however, the cotton field catches fire, as if it was struck by lightning. The lynch mob and the local black farmers must band together in order to stop the fire. It turns out that Papa started the fire in order to stop the bloodshed. I chose this book because the cover seemed interesting and the summaries I read were very intriguing. The cover has an African American family standing in front of a burning house. The reviews were also interesting. Most of them said that it was a great book which was very intriguing. I did not like this book, however, because I felt it was a little boring. Sometimes, though, it was very captivating. Overall it wasn't too bad of a book and I would recommend it to those who are patient.
Rating:  Summary: This book was exciting! Review: This book was great! It is filled with all kinds of adventures! Once you start reading this book you just cant stop. It is full of suspense. Cassie is telling her life when she was a girl. She makes you want to keep reading to find out what happens next. It also teaches you alot on how blacks were treated differently. It shows you how they went to different schools and the whites treated the blacks bad. So you see, I am recommending that you should read this book. It is really interesting and you learn alot from it too.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Don't leave this one on the shelf! Review: In a word I can describe this book as amazing. This book is about the Logans-a Black family-living in Mississippi in the 1930's who overcome racial segregation and bias, struggle to stand up to their white neighbors, and fight to keep their land. The land is the center of the Logans love toward each other. Their land is what holds the family together and keeps them from spreading apart. The story is written in Cassie's-the main character-point of view and how she sees things. Taylor does a great job in maneuvering Cassie so she can overhear certain conversations that are important to the books development of the conflict, and the resolution. Throughout the novel the Logans go through a Bus accident, a little girl that finally gets her revenge, and a great sacrifice that no one will ever forget. I was introduced to this book when it was assigned as a literature study in my English class. Though I, along with others, groaned when the assignment was made, I have greatly taken that moan back. Once I started, I couldn't stop. The author's supense, humor, setting, and a great use of southern dialect for the dialogue make this book a hard one to put down. Though I have only read this book once, I plan to read it many, many times in the future. Take my advice, this book is unbelivable. Don't let the dust gather on it too much longer; it deserves to be read and cherished.
Rating:  Summary: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Review: This book is a classic. This story portray's a realistic view of how the deep south Mississippi during the depression might be. The book really focuses on how close the family and how important owning their own land is. The main character, Cassie, is a very intriguing character. She is so couragous and proud. She dosn't fully understand the value of owning the land. This book looks at the different relationships with her family and her friends. The trials and tribulations that the family goes through being an African-American family in the south. Cassie dosn't understand why people in the world feel that they are superior to her and that she is inferior. She has to deal with this at school and she befriends a little white boy who also makes racest comments. Throughout the story she and her family really have to stick together to protect the land they own. They also have to help her deal with the racism that is happening all around her.