Rating:  Summary: Is someone writing for Dean? Review: Wow.. this is the second book by Koontz that I've been disappointed in. What happened to the guy who wrote Intensity? I bought "The Face" and thought.. is he having someone else write for him? Where's his sense of humor? Although there is a sense of humor in this book and The Face, it sure doesn't sound like Dean Koontz's brand.This story has been done. The "I see dead people" thing and "I help them to let go of this world". I think next time I buy one of his books, I'll read through the first few pages to see what "Dean" I'm getting. And whoever is writing for Dean.. STOP IT!!
Rating:  Summary: Oh, Puh-leez! Review: You folks that are yelling at Kevin for "spoilers" -- wake up and smell the diapers. It was obvious this was a rip off from the first page. What I find astounding is that Koontz can write a book that a) has a purloined plot, and... b) telegraphs its plot punches so obviously, yet... c) still compels you to keep turning pages. Odd is problematic -- he reads a lot older than he is. I chose to ignore this by the third or fourth chapter, just to boost my own willful-suspension-of-disbelief faculties, and things smoothed out. This isn't great literature, but, face it, it's not supposed to be. Koontz just knows how to write page-turners. Two points off for the plot. You may want to wait for the paperback if you find yourself clicking YES for any of the above reviewers that took Kevin to task. It takes all kinds, I guess.
Rating:  Summary: All Odds Against! Review: Imagine the Koontz-meister sitting at his computer..."Hmm, how to write my next blockbuster? First, sketch a superhero with no flaws, make a serpentine and startling plot, and add a bunch of bloodshed and explosions for good measure. Yessiree, Hollywood will come knocking!" No, this can't be the way it happens. In "Odd Thomas," Koontz shows again his penchant for likeable but flawed people--quirky characters on the fringe of society. With all odds against his bestseller formula, he keeps these tales coming. Once again, he tells a story draped in dark deeds and horror, yet continues to bring light and hope and love into the mix. Odd Thomas is our hero. He's a short-order cook in a medium-sized town, and he sees dead people. While making serious and at times humorous comments on society and spirituality, Thomas keeps his eyes on the task at hand: A new evil has entered the town and Thomas knows that many lives are threatened. Even as he attempts to avert the coming disaster, he falls more in love with his long-time love interest. The final scenes are blood-pumping, life-affirming, and emotion-wracked. "Odd Thomas" shows Koontz to be an author in love with words and characters and life. Although I don't always agree with his spiritual take on things, I'm always impressed and entertained by a man willing to write us to the edge. This is a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Spoilers... Review: Kevin, that is ridiculous that you wrote that! Thanks a freaking lot!!!
Rating:  Summary: Koontz at his best!! Review: I am a huge fan and read everything he writes. But this book was the best I have read in a long time. I got it for Christmas and finished it before New Year's. That is tricky with 3 small children but I couldn't put it down!!
Rating:  Summary: One of his best... Review: Although I read a lot, there are only a handful of authors who I truly look forward to reading. One of these authors is Dean Koontz. I just finished his latest book, Odd Thomas, and I wasn't disappointed. I used to avoid recommending Koontz to people due to his rather morbid, gruesome stories. But his recent efforts are someone toned down, with very likeable characters and good plot. In Odd Thomas, the main character (of the same name) has the special ability to see dead people. This leads to the opportunity to uncover killers and crimes with the help of the local police. He discovers that a mass killing is about to take place in his little town, and he has to try and stop it before the massacre takes place. Great style of storytelling, tight writing, and some unusual plot twists. I highly recommend this one.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: How bout the reviewer named Kevin keeps his spoilers to himself!!!
Rating:  Summary: Can you say "The Sixth Sense"? Review: Hmmmm...Let see if this sounds familiar? 1. A person who can see dead people. 2. That person also helps those people move on after death. 3. A twist at the end where a person you thought was alive - was really dead. Note to Dean Koontz: Remeber to send thank you card to M. Night Shyamalan.
Rating:  Summary: Great Read/Great Listen! Review: Listened to the CD version of Odd Thomas. The combination of Koontz's prose and Baker's reading made for a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Only Koontz can turn a 24-hour period into a book, and keep you entranced throughout. Loved the characters, the plot and the ending. I know others were disappointed with the ending, but I thought it lent itself to the story's authenticity. Too often, books are predictable. Not this time.
Rating:  Summary: BRILLIANT AND FUN!! Review: I had been on a massive break from reading for pleasure, due to owning a playstation 2, but when I decided to pick Odd Thomas as my little jump back into reading for the sake of reading, I knew right away I wouldn't be let down. I had read the first chapter in an issue of Maxim, and I was instantly hooked. It was such a tease too, because I read that like a month before the book was released. I actually ordered it through amazon and the second it arrived, I began reading and was instantly sucked into the story. I found myself right there with Odd Thomas, following the Bodachs around Pico Mundo, looking through "Fungas Man's" files, and eating Coconut Cherry Chocolate Chunk with Stormy... I had never read a Dean Koontz book before, but after such masterful storytelling and amazing descriptions, he's at the top of my list. 5 stars...cause thats the highest possible....makes sense doesn't it? READ THIS FREAKIN' BOOK!!!