Rating:  Summary: Sean is right Review: Sean Hannity hits the nail on the head. There is evil in this world. I don't beleive he is saying that Liberals are terrorsits or that they don't believe in evil. What he is saying that evil exists. The liberal left thinks that they can appease evil such as Bin Laden and pacify him. they belive that by doing this evil will not rear its ugly head or attack America like 9/11. Folks to be frank are borders are no longer safe because of oceans we can now be attacked as demonstrated in by al Queda. We need to have a leader who as the internal fortitude to take the battle to the terrorist. Whether that be a Republican or Democrat. As it so happens now it is a Republican. The Democrat candidate wants to turn our spvernty over to the U.N. which we can ill afford. Mr. Hannity you are a great American and keep up the good fight.
Rating:  Summary: Not sure - there is good and bad in this book Review: I've read this twice and I like elements of it. However I can't say I favor the way he paints an "us" and "them" picture he paints about Americans. Talk like that only helps those who are out to destroy our way of life. Americans of all creeds are fighting the war against terrorism. Nobody cares if a fallen Marine is black or white, democrat or republican. What we know is a man is down, and we all have to rally together if we are going to make it through this. That's why I'm not sure about this book. Perhaps this just isn't the time for this kind of thing.
Rating:  Summary: Terrorism is a horrendous, awful thing. Review: Yet there have always been terrorists. Throughout history, it has always been easy to get applause stating "We must defeat terrorism!" or something similar. In fact, elections in many countries have been won or lost based on candidates plans on how to get rid of terrorism. Most plans to get rid of terrorists have been flawed by other political agendas, and have been absolute failures at their stated goals. Where success has occured, it has only been small scale---terrorist threats eliminated from one or another particular group. Terrorism occurs when a (usually small) group of people grow so unhappy with the status quo that they are willing to kill and to give up their lives to change it. Terrorist groups have only been successfully eliminated by the following techniques: killing them all (usually results in a despotic state with many dying falsely accused, and usually fails at its goal because most terrorists are hard to find before they act, and often the general loss of freedoms by trying through eliminate them creates many more), changing the status quo enough so that they are no longer willing to die to change it themselves (as with UK and IRA), or letting the terrorists win (as with UK and the American Revolution). As one might expect, this book does not offer any realistic solution to terrorism. Instead, it uses points that every free person can agree on "Terrorists are bad. Despots are bad." to launch attacks against the author's political enemies. If you have time for such rubbish, go ahead and buy this book. Also, if you don't mind giving Hannity money to get even more proof that he is a complete moron, go ahead and buy this book. Otherwise, don't bother.
Rating:  Summary: Deliver us from evil? - Where is the shared sacrifice? Review: Deliver us from evil? - Where is the shared sacrifice? I am growing tired of hearing from those who support the Iraq War, like Sean Hannity, that 'we' need to stay the course. Missing from the 'we' is any sense of shared sacrifice. They are all for 'us' to be in Iraq as long as they do not have to sacrifice anything. When I ask these war supporters why they are not engaging the 'enemy,' they often reply that they would love to but - alas - they are too old. (...) And I must include all the other minions from the National Review, Fox News, and Weekly Standard!! Come on all you arm chair and keyboard warriors - let's see you back up your warrior mode with some real action instead of heated rhetoric!! Are you pro-American or just 'enemies of freedom and decency?'
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: A very well researched, well documented and all around well put together book. If I were using my history degree to teach on the college level, this would be required reading! The facts presented in this book would be a shock to the system of the masses who rely on broadcast news soundbites and political talking points for their information.
Rating:  Summary: Hannity nails it! Review: Deliver us from Evil is a great read, and educational for those who don't understand what's happened to the left in this country. I'm urging my family and friends to read it!
Rating:  Summary: Why Don't You Negative Critics Read The Book? Review: - Maybe you don't read the book because you're allergic to the truth. I don't know. But it's quite obvious that the VAST majority of negative posters are what Limbaugh would call "seminar" posters. People who hate conservatives anyway and post a negative review without reading the book just to be pains in the butt. It just shows how ignorant you really are, especially when you parrot the tired, old liberal mantra "conservatives are stupid white men." Or this new canard: "there's no liberal bias in the media, but there's a conservative bias." Waaaa, waaaa.... You don't have a CLUE how stupid you sound when you just repeat the same old lies. Listen - there's a reason why Rush and Sean are #1 and #2 on the radio (respectively). They're good, and they're right. There's a reason why Air America has to BUY its on-air time, and only on a dozen stations at that (when they're not bouncing checks, that is!). It's because of the patent and odious dissembling, distortion, and outright lying of the left, particularly when they describe conservatives. Interested in the truth? Then read this book. Read it. Interested in remaining an ignorant pamphleteer for the dying left? Then listen to Al "One-Note" Franken. If you can find him on your radio..... -
Rating:  Summary: Get information that is a rare find in the general media. Review: Sean Hannity does a great job to expose the liberal biasis within our society. This book provides a refreshing break from onslaught of liberal propaganda in the media.
Rating:  Summary: Deliver Us From Conceited Ignoramuses Review: Sean Hannity is but one example among many in today's media of a smug, conceited, intellectually bigoted person who has gained a huge audience. The title of his book yokes together liberals and terrorists under the rubric of "evil." Isn't it a disgrace to our country that the level of discourse has sunk to this abyss. Hannity might as well have entitled the book "Mein Kampf [My Struggle] against the Liberals" because he seems to think that liberals are as great a threat to America as Hitler thought the Jews were to Germany. It also seems, to judge this book by its cover, that Hannity is one short step away from saying there's no difference between a liberal and a terrorist. Hannity's use of the word "evil" is two-edged and represents the real danger to America that he claims liberals and the Great Satan himself, Bill Clinton, embodies. Hannity's use of a line from the Lord's Prayer as a title for a book consisting of ill-considered diatribes against his ideological opponents is extremely dangerous when one considers that similar quasi-religious rhetoric is constantly reinforced to the listening public on numerous shows in the media including his own. Americans, think about it! Do we want a country where we thoughtlessly fill our minds with garbage as fast as we devour bags of potato chips? Sean Hannity is right in one respect; we need to take our country back, but not from the "evil" liberals, rather from an irresponsible money-grubbing media that supplies us with daily doses of its own brand of "terrorism."
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Book Review: I am huge fan of Sean Hannity and I try to listen to the show everyday as well as catching Hannity & Colmes. I think he is great he listens to everyone and then hits back with facts. He doesn't tell lies or try to play emotion. He just tells it like it is and this book is a wonderful piece of work explaining how we ended up at Sept 11th 2001. If you haven't read it yet it is a must read.