Rating: Summary: Deliver Us From Sean Hannity Review: If this is the best that this most deranged of all conservative pundits can do, then the vast majority of Americans who don't share Sean Hannity's cockeyed, hatred-filled views can rest easy. There's nothing any intelligent person will find of interest here. Its the same old nonsense you've heard a thousand times before from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Mark Savage, ad nauseum: "Liberals are evil and want to destroy us all. Government regulations of big business must be abolished. President Bush is a great president. The environment must be demolished so money can be made. Rich people are always wonderful. Poor people are always trash. War Is Peace. Big Brother Loves You." etc, etc. It would all be very amusing if not for the sad fact that Hannity has thousands of worshipping sheep who actually believe every word vomited out of his squealing, lying mouth. They, of course, have every right to spend their hard earned cash on this filth. Just as those of us who can think for ourselves have the equal right to ridicule them for doing so.
Rating: Summary: right wing mush minded slop Review: Hannity has it backwards; terrorism and despotism stem from conversatives. He's wrong on every issue and he's mean to boot.
Rating: Summary: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism and Liberalism? Review: My God, Sean, if you defeated all those things, what would you have left to write books about? Seriously, the guy put terrorism, despotism, and LIBERALISM in the same sentence and seems to think them the same? Give me a break. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can figure out pretty quickly he is advocating one party and one point of view in this country and that is NOT what this country is about. This is pure un-American rant. I forced myself to read the first 20 pages while sitting in a bookstore (I knew by page 2 I wasn't buying it). Yet another piece of drivel by someone who knows far less than he presumes to. *Yawn* Save your bucks and read the first several pages in the bookstore. That's about all you need to know about Mr. Vanity.
Rating: Summary: This guy scares the crap out of liberals Review: The reason why so many people, who haven't read this book, come to Amazon.com to place a negative review is because they are scared to death that somebody is uncovering the truth. The truth is, is that Republicans of our day have a moral backbone, they decisively declare what the know to be true and are not intimidated by the liberal appeasers of our day. The truth is, Sean Hannity in this book, identifies the current democratic front runner for President of our great country as a man without substance, he is a weak tree blowing in the wind, blowing in all directions. Thank you sean for exposing this evil.
Rating: Summary: Moral Clarity in the face of Selfish Hatred Review: While liberals have put 9-11 behind them, Sean reminds us of what is most important in this fight against terrorism. I am proud to have family and friends who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am saddened by the selfishness of liberals who hate President Bush and Sean Hannity moe than they do the terrorists who want to kill us. This book sums up how liberal are placing their own selfish ambitions ahead of the lives of Americans. Sean represents the majority. His book is #1, 'The Passion' is #1, and President Bush has moved ahead of Kerry again in recent polls. Americans support this country and the military. We are unified even though liberals are trying to divide us. Read this book.
Rating: Summary: Deliver us from evil? How about "Let them eat cake" Review: A religious undertone to sell books, what shame!!! Jesus would not have anything to do with politics or a unjust war in Iraq. I guess he is a socialist, communist, etc. As you like to label people. Like the rest of these right wing "mouthpieces", Sean Hannity echos everything that the white house tells him to say. He is no more than a puppet for the republican party who gets a nice salary for unoriginal thought and content. Hard working Americans who have fought wars, worked our butts off to build coorporations so our jobs could be sent overseas are sick of your Aristocratic ideology. The Repulican party supports sending jobs overseas (outsourcing) which is what is really tearing down our country as well as corporate wellfare!! This book is mere propaganda B.S. I guess "us independents" (and by the way Sean I voted for Bush the first time) are thown into the same class as the "the liberals" who have every right to voice their concerns. Many soldiers throughout history have died so we can all enjoy what this country has to offer not just the wealthy. My grandfather fought in WWII, he's a proud democrat my father fought in Vietnam and leans a little to the left. There are many soldier in Arlington cemetary are they all Republican? The sources in this book are weak and Sean's arguments are circular and "reaching." Keep up your good work Sean!!! Good boy, now sit boy, sit. You may have money but we know how you got it. Next thing you know, Sean will be wearing flight suit and landing on an aircraft carrier when he didn't serve either. Just like his master Rush Limbaugh. Deliver us from you!!! An independent voter who's concerned the direction our country is going...
Rating: Summary: Pete Jiminez, explain something to me... Review: Sean has really hit the mark with his latest offering, pointing out the fact that the "liberal" left looks to coddle and befriend the evils that seek to destroy us and our way of life. >So, how is this different to the Bush adminstration's coddling of the Saudis, who might be the biggest supporters of terrorism in the middle east? Can't you see the hypocracy of this administration? Also, Hannity's book is a non-starter for the following reason - what he incorrectly lables appeasement is actually diplomacy. Diplomacy, as any reasonable person would know, is ALWAYS the first recourse prior to war. Those who engage in diplomacy FIRST are NOT weak, aiding terrorists, etc. In fact, the Bush adminsitration used a form of diplomacy before invading Iraq. Was Bush being weak? This is why this book is completely perposterous. Thank you for serving our country.
Rating: Summary: Liberals get out your brown bags and breathe.... Review: It seems that every reviewer has given this book either 1 or 5 stars. I will give it 4 because I don't believe it is the best book I have ever read, but just like his last one, it enlightened and entertained me. I enjoy the subject of politics and Hannity's books are written with political spirit. This review pertains more to the panic-attack hysterics of the negative reviews. The liberals out there really need to get a grip. Shave your head and join the Army? That is the best you can do? So let me get this clear, you can't hold an opinion on world matters unless you or your family are directly involved with the subject. Then I guess you liberals in our society are out of luck on alot of issues. Are you or anyone you know on death row? If not, sorry you can't have an opinion on the death penalty. Are you part of the richest 50% that are paying 98% of the taxes? Well if not, what are the lower income people complaining about? I guess they shouldn't have feelings about taxing or tax-cuts if they don't pay as much taxes as wealthier people. And since men don't have babies I sure don't want to hear a single liberal man's view point on abortion considering you can't be pregnated, unless you have seen the movie "Junior" and believe that it can be done. So Sean Hannity should quit his job, or put his children in the army just to prove what exactly? That he supports the military and loves his country? Or that he is an optimist who despises mass murdering dictators like Kim Jong II or Saddam Hussein? This is the point you brave heroic liberals. Hannity is using his gift as a communicator to spread his message of hope and love for our country. Not once does he refer to a liberal in the hateful terms that each liberal reviewer has refered to him in this forum. He is using what he knows to carry out his duty as an American in hopes of making our country strong again. Terrorism is the enemy of our freedom not Sean Hannity. The sooner liberals can see that the better. So the next time someone supports our military and points out the weakness in our politicians to carry out their duty to protect America, instead of calling them hypocrites maybe liberals should open their eyes and see that they have been wrong since the begining of time...I'm dreaming I know. And before someone calls me a "dirty word" (proving the tolerance of liberals) I would like to add that I am in the military and have been for some time now. I think what Hannity is doing is just as great, he is informing people and that is as honorable service as any.
Rating: Summary: Right wing drones Review: Another amusing point of all these 5 star reviews and the comments like "Sean hits it on the head like he does every day" etc etc just goes to show how zombie like the right has become. They are the types of people who certainly need to be told what to think and they do it in droves. Amazing. And they think somehow liberals are evil? At least liberals can think for themselves! Then again, if you disect the average reader of this junk you would find some portly, socially retarded consumer who does what he is told who has no sense of creativity or imagination. I think back to the college days, seeing the fat loser kids who never got any wearing ties to class for chrissake!!! They all became republicans(Rove, Gingrich, Limbaugh types) and then I think of the cool kids in the art department who had fun, got laid, all that good stuff. THen the fat loser future republicans kids, man they wished they could of gotten laid and smoked dope and listened to cool music. Yet their permanently fixed ass wouldn't let them feel the music, so no groovin. Their guilt ridden religious beliefs prevented them from getting any(most righties have to marry their first lay, and they still dont get much at that) and just the fact that they could see people being free and enjoying themselves was too much for them to bear. So they all became zombie republicans who need other sources to think for them. And they all moved to the suburbs, bought a house like everyone else, bought a SUV like everyone else, reproduced their worthless genes and now how socially retarded fat kids who don't question things. Oh the future of this country.
Rating: Summary: awesome book Review: its about time someone sheds the truth about the liberal medial .Sean Hannity is the best thing that has come around in a long time and i and my family are grateful for all that he exposes in his book and talk show.THANK-YOU SEAN AND KEEP IT UP.Sue in Lancaster,Pa.