Rating: Summary: One hell of a spin... Review: The spin in this book only rivals that of which came from the radio broadcast airways of a country in western Europe in the 1930's.
Rating: Summary: Pure Spin Review: Exactly what I expected from Sean (GOP tool) Hannity. I am glad I did not ahve topay for mine, I found it in the trash, where it belonged. i did promptly replace it.
Rating: Summary: Sean, Your book has succeeded Review: Just look at the posts.Thoughtful approval from loyal readers. Insane rants from mindless indoctrinated anti-Americans. Thanks for speaking for the silent majority Sean.
Rating: Summary: beergh Review: look at the title. if I was writing a spoof of a closed-minded poop-flinging current-affairs-for-dummies book such as this one, i'd be hard pressed to come up with something more devastatingly satirical. so even before you've got to the actual book, Sean Hannity has already plummeted into self-parody. this book will probably be more pleasing to liberal readers actually, as it will give them a (false) sense of security knowing that this is one of the leading conservative commentators in the country. whereas intelligent conservatives such as myself will feel incredibly disheartened and embarassed knowing that this is one of the leading conservative commentators in the country.....
Rating: Summary: Everybody believes in God just before they die! Review: Paul's prophecy to Timothy about the conditions of our own day is being fulfilled with depressing precision. (Spencer W. Kimball, Miracle of Forgiveness, Bookcraft) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD! 2 Tim. 3: 1-3 Sean, you were one of the Noble Spirits in the pre-existence. You have been preordained to this great work. (22 Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;) Our prayers and faith are with you. This is a great book written by a good man. Buy it! Read it! Join the fight against evil! We also read Paul's warning: God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature; And likewise the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly... Rom. 1 24-27 ...Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6:9-10
Rating: Summary: A Great Book Review: Unlike many who have reviewed this book, I actually read it. This book is very well thought out, researched and written. While not every one will agree with the positions presented, any rational, thoughtful reader will have a difficult time disputing the facts presented. Anyone who is remotely interested in the security and sovereignty of the United States would be well advised to read the book before they debase it and its author. Maybe then people will be able to have a civilized debate about its contents. Or is that too much to ask of appeasement-oriented liberals?
Rating: Summary: The Question is, Is There Evil in the World? Review: Hannity attempts to answer that there is evil in the world in which we live, do we really see it? Should we be concerned? Asking the question, is it evil when someone who is supposed to be a safe person to deal with abuses a child, is that not in fact evil? Was Saddam, with all of his corruption, death and murder around him, not evil? Can we deny evil, even though we may or may not believe in absolutes, we can say something evil happens in this world. Hannity's book is an attempt to garner the Republicans and other conservatives to see the effect of the leadership of GW Bush especially since 9-11. His concern is that as a nation with a Judeo-Christian ethic is hated by Muslim extremist, not all Muslims. Yet, in our country we have a concern from some on the liberal side of the equation that we should not be promoting Christian rhetoric in our international affairs, especially when it deals with the Muslim world. A liberal society, though, is one where we are free to express our minds. Hannity feels that the current political climate is due to the upcoming election and it has caused the Democratic party to distinguish itself at a time when we should pull together to fight the War on Terrorism. Hannity's insights are definately defined by his point of view as a conservative. It is a well written book, but again, not for all. Those who consider themselves Liberals or Democrats who do not consider themselves may not like this book.
Rating: Summary: I have been given a glimpse of the meaning of life. Review: I have always considered myself fortunate. Fortunate because I was given a glimpse of the meaning of life once. Now mind you, I am only 32 years old, and not seen much of this world. However, the world I live in has taught me many things. The most important being, my glimpse. You see, what life is about, and why we are all here, is to be kind to one another and work hard for the things that matter most to you. You wake up and go to work because this provides for your family. You stay in touch with the ones you are close to and you make an effort to be kind to the people you encounter in life. Sean Hannity has taught me this. His book Deliver Us From Evil, is a wake up call. Sure we live in cynical times with evil surrounding us. But that is where we come in as Americans. We stand up for what we beieve in, just as you would to protect your children. If someone threatens our security, we fight back, just like you would to protect your family. We are a kind nation, but we carry a big stick. We fight hard to protect our God-given freedoms because when you think about it, that is all that separates us from the rest of the world. Our founding fathers erected this country of ours to make us different. In doing this we now live in a country that allows each of it's citizens to live with the knowledge that they can make a difference. I want my country to continue to grant me the liberties that I so fortunatley have. I will stand up to anyone who tries to take it away from me. This too should be my country's stance. You see, I have seen a glimpse of the meaning of life. God bless America. Read this book, it's an eye opener. Congratulations Sean.
Rating: Summary: This just goes to show how the liberal mind works. Review: Conservatives are evil, right? Why? Because we believe different things?? Because we love our country? Because we love our liberty? Because we stand behind a president who does the right thing? Because we believe that we are at war with people who want to see the very destruction of our freedoms? I just don't get it. Most of you liberals have not even READ Mr. Hannity's book, and you openly criticize him because of his views and who he is! That's extremely un-American, and I hope you people grow up someday to realize that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Sean, if you're reading this, I want to tell you that you are one great patriot and a voice this country needs at this time. And I'm sure your 12 million fans (myself included) also agree. Keep up the good work and we'll see you on your "Hannitization of America" tour.
Rating: Summary: DELIVER US FROM SEAN HANNITY Review: And all his evil lies and conservative fear propaganda sold to the American people.