Rating: Summary: Concise and On Target! Review: Sean Hannity has written a brilliant and disturbingly accurate history of the sytematic betrayal of the US Constition and the entire American Way of Life by the Democrat Party. Having lived through much of this book's timeline, the pattern is clear and Sean is to be commended for the courage to write this book.It is a must read for all victims of Democrat Revisionist History. This is the was it was and is.
Rating: Summary: A Great American Review: Sean has captured with complete clarity the major dangers facing America today. I remember very well what Nikita Kruschev said when he came to America many years ago " you will be taken over from within" I never forgot it. I've seen it happening for many years and Sean captures it perfectly. This is the best book I've ever read on this subject. Let Freedom Ring is outstanding as well. These books should be a wake up call for America.
Rating: Summary: Good Job Review: Sean, brings out what most of America thinks. Americans live their lives as conservatives and have moral beliefs and character. The Democrat party has lost all of this and their soul. We need more people like Sean to get out the word about how good our country is and to tell the truth. I am more than thankful to God that President Bush has had the guts to stand up to the terrorists. If the Democrats get back in, they will have tea with the terrorists, and we will get hit again. God put this man in the right place at the right time. Sean shows that we are still a nation of God and believe in our country. All of you who cannot see that, better open up your eyes. Just look at the Democrats, they stand for all that is bad. They hate our country and embrace socialism. You pick them, and we will all be equal all right. All miserable except for them. Open your eyes folks, listen to Sean. He is right on.
Rating: Summary: Thanks Review: I want to thank all of the "WMD'S" ( Whiney Miserable Democrats) who took a moment out their busy schedule of lie believing and President insulting to share a thought about this book. Thanks to that, I want this book more than ever now. Sorry boys, truth hurts doesn't it My apologies to all you Kerry-heads out there. Thanks Sean for giving us a source those of us who love this country can turn to for hope and wisdom. To me you are a lot more of a "Hero" than Mr Kerry could ever dream of being. I should say however that Mr. Kerry has answered one question clearly for me. I now know why the Jackass is the democratic emblem. God bless Sean Hannity, President Bush, and our Country.
Rating: Summary: Sean pushs "their" buttons ! Review: Once again we have an intelligent, thoughtful -"conservative" upsetting our liberal brethren by doing research and comming up with the Truth ! Oh no! Not that! Sometimes the truth sounds bad so we should never say it.....right- I am so sick of our National News services rewriting history so it sounds nicer, it is SO refreshing to see a book that admits some of our leaders , (i.e. "Jimmy Carter" ) were not very good at their jobs. Thank God ,(YES- GOD ) that there are a few people left who can write the Truth and get it published! And the question should be- not- is God on our side?, but, are WE on God's side?! Thanks- I feel much better now!
Rating: Summary: The Museum of Left Wing Lunacy Approved! Review: Let's face it folks, there are alot of Left Wing Looney toons in this world who post their hate venom here. I should know, my site is full of them and their crazy quotes! But when they go this bonkers, you know you are on to something. This is a great book and that's the reason why they are hyper ventilating. When you can't attack with ideas you resort to mud slinging. I really enjoyed reading this book. What I found to be very important was Chapter 2 "Evil on the Record". I think it is imperative that we all should read this chapter to seer into our minds the capacity of human evil and the consequences it can bring if left unchecked. We can never let our children forget the Holocaust, nor the sacrifices given by our grandparents to stop it. A very imformative book. If you are an intellectually honest democrat, you'll be an intellectually honest republican by the time you're finished reading. 5 Stars all the way!
Rating: Summary: Hey Libs...read the book! Review: As opposed to most of you negative reviewers, I HAVE read the book. While you can hear most of what it says on his radio show, it does go into more depth here. And for crying out loud, Sean does NOT say in this book that liberals are evil. He simply points out that evil exists and that many liberal foreign affairs policies would allow evil to spread more freely. Great book Mr. Hannity, and you're a great American!
Rating: Summary: Deliver Us from Evil : Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and L Review: I expected more from Sean, it seems evident that he just picks facts that support his case and doesn't tell the whole story. What happened to separation of church and state? I thought Sean was smarter than this. I used to listen to his radio show but it appears he has bought into his own hype and it has colored his once good arguments for being a conservative. He doesn't represent this conservative.
Rating: Summary: Hannity's Insanity Review: As a moderate type who dislikes extremists wether they be from the right or left - I seldom buy political books due to their usual partisan and sometimes hateful nature. I do listen sometimes to Hannity - he can be entertaining in a perverse sort of way. I took Sean up on his radio request to at least flip thru the book at a bookstore and decide for myself wether it's worth purchasing. From this (rather extensive) gleening I can discern that this book is little more than a collection of Sean's usual rants put to paper. Simple views for the simple minded: Republicans good, Democrats evil...Conservatives good, Liberals evil...everything good that happens, credit Gerge Bush...anything bad that happens, blame Bill Clinton....pass off distortions as truth, ignore truth when convienient. This from a guy who counts convicted felons Oliver North and G Gordon Liddy as heros. Sean spends more time in this book (and on his shows) verbally attacking fellow Americans more than he does our terrorist enemies. Books like this on one side, and Michael Moore's crap on the other, do more to divide America (and help Bin Laden) than anything else. But at least Franken's book, over the top as it was, had a sense of humor and skewered those who deserved it. I at least gave Sean 2 stars instead of 1 becuase, as bad as it is, his book cannot approach the awful lows that any of Ann Coulter's sickening screeds do...