Rating: Summary: what about Communist China? Review: Yes, Sean...why don't you complain about China? A brutal, violent dictatorship which is filled with slave labor camps, political prisoners and death squads for those who openly disagree with their dictator's iron rule. Remember Tiannamen Square, Sean? College students were murdered for speaking out against Chinese communism. Millions of people are forced to work in slave labor camps their entire lives. No freedom for those people. Of course---George Bush, Sr. has business dealings with Communist China. He visits there often. And the dictator of China was recently welcomed at the White House. Conservatives like yourself love to pick and choose which brutal dictatorship they will become angry over. All others--you ignore. Why don't you cry a few tears over the enslaved Chinese for a change? Why don't you speak out for them? Why don't they even matter to you? In your next book, devote a chapter to the suffering people of China.
Rating: Summary: Hannity Rules ! Review: Haven't even read this book yet(am buying it soon though). Just wrote this review in the hopes that more anti-American liberals will, in their own reviews, prove all of Hannity's points.
Rating: Summary: Sean for President!!! Review: Wow... this book gets better and better!!!
Rating: Summary: Telling the truth like it is Review: Sean Hannity's book "Deliver Us From Evil" is the best book that I have read. Sean deals with exploiting the truth on the lib's and dem's. Some may find this hard to believe, but he opens the door for all the readers to see the truth and to understand all the lies that we lived with under the Dem's rule. Dem's & Lib's would love to have Sean's book off the shelf, because they can't deal with the truth. The Republicans and Conservatives will continue to keep spreading the word (truth) and will "Hannitize" all of those around us. Our, President deserves a standing ovation...Thank you, Sean for telling it the way it is. For proclaiming the truth and standing by your convictions. I am proud of you and can't wait for your next book.
Rating: Summary: Thank you for bringing the truth to light Review: Sean Hannity did an excellent job of taking history and making a case for himself regarding national security and defense issues. Some people may read it as slanted, conservative, Christian-bias but regardless of your political views you have to recognize the importance of our defense. You don't have to read the book to also be aware of the liberal, "Demon"cratic stance on the future of our country. The ultimate battle going on is the cliche good vs. evil. You can attribute either one to who you want but that is what it boils down to. We live in a society who has been rocked to sleep and brainwashed by suttle forms of socialism and communism. Most liberals have an agenda that relates very well to socialism and communism. They feel they are entitled to something and a victim mentality rules in the majority. Sean Hannity does an excellent job of bringing to light an agenda that is damaging unless recognized. If you are a liberal democrat you will hate this book............if you are a conservative or not a fan of politics you will find this book very informing and inspiring. Remember what this country was founded on? Free enterprise...........embrace it, understand it and participate in it.
Rating: Summary: Deliver Us From EVIL!! Review: The Left has gone nuts and Dr. Hannity explains it well. A must read. Vote for Bush!
Rating: Summary: SEAN ROCKS Review: Liberals hate the truth. They hate honesty. They hate reality. They hate- that sums it up! Fortunately, Sean Hannity tells the truth. The truth is- Saddam waged a holocaust against his own people, had WMDs, used them against his OWN CITIZENS and, had ties to numerous terrorist groups (including Ansar Al Islam- which existed in Iraq BEFORE THE WAR, negating the LIE that Bush "created terrorists" by going into Iraq), and, according to the sworn testimony of David Kay (you wont hear about this from the hateful, lying frauds that call themselves liberal) was MORE DANGEROUS than we estimated regarding WMDs, and was continuing to deceive and develop these weapons in COMPLETE VIOLATION of the UN Resolutions. If that isnt a reason to go to war I dont know what is. The fact that we havent found large stockpiles means NOTHING- he was still a threat. Our brave troops have eliminated this threat. Keep exposing the liberals for what they are Sean- uneducated, ahistorical, poorly read, self-loathing, socially inept losers who are completely out of touch with reality. BUSH WILL WIN IN 04 SORRY LOSERS!!!!!!
Rating: Summary: A MUST READ!!!..... GET 'EM HANNITY!! Review: Hannity has done it again! He levels the "libs" and proves what a joke they really are, especially on the war against terror.
Rating: Summary: The Truth will set you Free Review: Point by point this book separates fact from fiction. This book brings relevance and clarity to past and present U.S. presidential decisions, actions, and sheds light to the cause and effect of these decisions and actions taken. Truth, Justis and the American Way.
Rating: Summary: The Best Yet! Review: Sean Hannity has done it again. What a great book. Liberals are just worried about the honesty in this book. Democrats are bad mouthing this book because it exposes them! If people (Even Democrats) Vote for John Kerry after reading this book, they do not have a vision for this country like President Bush does. This President needs to be re-elected to keep this country safe! Thanks Sean for exposing the left!