Rating:  Summary: Bush Blew It, Hannity Blew It - We Will Pay the Consequences Review: Neoconservatives believe modern threats facing the US can no longer be reliably contained and therefore must be prevented, sometimes through preemptive military action. In the neocon utopia, the entire Middle East would be democratized in the belief that this would eliminate a prime breeding ground for terrorists. Any regime that is outwardly hostile to the US and could pose a threat would be confronted aggressively, not "appeased" or merely contained. Neocons believe that threats symmetrical (roque states), and assymetrical (terrorist groups), can not be allowed to fester, and must be erradicated as soon as possible. Richard Perle (who has resigned) and Paul Wolfowitz are the leading pure advocates of neoconservativism in the administration. Neoconservate ideologies have been around since the late 60's, and were housed in the democrtatic party (believe it or not...), until their eventual and logical defection to to Republican party in the 70's. Their ideologies have been dissmissed as overzealous, radical, naive, hawkish to the extreme, with potentially disasterous consequences. So, what gave credence to their arguments?911 Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in the heads of Bush, Cheney, and both sides of the house. Terrorist group CAN - in fact, inflict significant damage to the US, and the free world is highly vulnerable. Could the neocons have been right all along? In fact, they were. Terrorist groups and rogue states are the barbarians waiting in the hills to attack civilization. Except this time it's the US and Europe and not the Romans. This time they are armed with nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons - not swords. 911 proved our vulnerability. How did Bush blow it? Erradicating terror is a critical mission to our future. And, two key character flaws are resulting in failure. Bush needed to parlay the unpreceidented global support after the 911 attacks to first capture bin Laden and destroy al Qaeda. ->THEN<- phase II, leverage the momentum after the phase I success, dismantle rogue states such as Iraq, N. Korea, and Iran with a global coalition. His failure to put "first things first" (character flaw I), and lone cowboy approach (arrogance, character flaw II) resulted in the clearly poor decision to invade Iraq prematurely. The aftermath, which we are now witnessing, has greatly weakened our credibility. This - along with poor planning has all but dessimated our ability to accomplish this extremely critical mission. bin Laden is still a free man, able to orchestrate and incite further attacks. I doubt this would be the case if the entire world's efforts were directed toward his capture. And the US is involved - all but alone, in an ever deepening quagmire in Iraq. How did Hannity blow it? War is an ugly thing. And, many have an understandable adversion to it - even when it's necessary. They're the liberals. Hannity has a huge audience and following. He - like it or not, is one of top influencers of public opinion in the country right now. In order to accomplish the critical mission of erradicating terror, we need the support of all americans. Yes, that includes the liberals! That support existed in the wake of 911. Instead of taking the opportunity to broaden support in Deliver Us From Evil by making his case without alienating 1/2 the population, he chose the path of least resistance by including the requsite "liberal bashing". His case is a strong one - without liberal bashing. Now is the time to reach out, and sell the cause! It is not the time for vitreous criticism of the opposition. It's a time to seek converts, not preach to the choir. It is time to close the gap by rallying around a common cause, not broaden the divide. In a very real sense, Hannity is weakening support for a very important cause. Sean - cut out the liberal bashing, >broaden< your base. You'll sell just as many copies, and your arbitron book won't go down. Promise! In fact, they'll likely go up! Now is not the time for the typical polemist tactics. Leave that to lesser talents. Otherwise, you're just another right wing AM radio zealot (ho hum). Rise above the din. Think Win/Win.
Rating:  Summary: CONSERVATISM IS THE WINNING IDEOLOGY OF HISTORY Review: Sean Hannity is one of the leading voices of American conservatism at a time in which this ideology is at its height. Hannity represents the straightforward, mainstream conservatism of the 2000s, which is quite open, honest, engaging and accepting. Their is a sense of triumphalism or righteousnes to Hannity's message, which at its core comes from the fact that, after 2000 years of modern history, conservatism (in conjunction with Christianity) is the winning ideology of Mankind. Even though Hannity is not from the South, he loves country music and is popular with that crowd. This is a very telling development, and speaks to the New South in a positive way. There was a time when Southerners would dismiss Hannity as a "damn Yankee," but the fact that Hannity is popular with them is a sign that, over the past 30 years, the South has probably made greater positive strides and improvements than any people or region on Earth in the past century. This I say despite arguments that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan are now Democratic, but they "accomplished" this only after we defeated them and "forced" them to. The South, on the other hand, voluntarily changed its ways, and it is conservative Republicanism, of the kind Hannity represents, that husbanded this monumental sea change in American poilitics. STEVEN TRAVERS Author of "Barry Bonds: Baseball's Superman" STWRITES@aol.com
Rating:  Summary: Liberalism is a fanatical religion Review: This is easily Hannity's best book. He ties together various points to produce this composite which thoroughly explains why America is the best country in the world. Liberals are simply unable to answer the following questions that destroy their intellectually bankrupt arguments that buckle under the slightest scrutiny. He explains why Liberals believe the following seven lies : 1) America is rich only because it has stolen money from other countries. Africa would be rich if America had not stolen from Africa. Even the wealth created in the last 10 years from software development was the result of exploiting the Amazon jungles and the Congo. 2) Blacks in the US deserve reparations, even from people who's ancestors came to the US much later than the Civil War. Even Asian American taxpayers who arrived in the 1970s must pay reparations to Blacks who would otherwise be wealthy in Africa had they not been taken from there. Blacks are continually discriminated against by whites to this day at every possible opportunity. The fact that black immigrants from Dominica and Jamaica are doing much better than African Americans means that they are selectively not subjected to racism, even though their skin is even darker. 3) The SAT is racially biased. The fact that Korean, Chinese, and Indian students do better than whites still means that it is biased against blacks. 4) All rich people are rich because they had rich parents. If someone has poor parents, they have no chance. Communism, which fairly redistributes the fixed amount of dollars in the US, is the only fair solution. Even the immigrants who became rich after coming here (Andy Grove, George Soros, Vinod Khosla, Arnold Schwarznegger, etc.) have exploited others. 5) Bush's tax cut only favors the rich. The person making $300,000 was paying $100,000 in taxes, and now will only pay $80,000, getting a refund of $20,000! The person making only $20,000 was paying $2000 in taxes, and now will still pay $1500, getting a refund of only $500. It is unfair that the rich person gets a refund that is 40 times larger than the poor person! They should get a refund of the same size! The fact that the rich person is STILL paying $80,000 while the poor person is only paying $1500, or less than 2% as much, is irrelevent. The rich are evil, and we have to take it away. 6) We have NO right to attack the Taliban, even though they don't allow girls to go to school and force women to wear a burkha. Women in the US, however, are still held back by the glass ceiling. 7) All the world's cultures are equal. The fact that immigrants from every part of the globe want to leave their countries and come to the US is not a valid point. I do not need to visit Africa, China, Brazil, or Iraq to know that their cultures are better than America. It is okay for China to massacre its own students at Tianamen, and conduct genocide against Tibetans and Uighurs, but it is wrong for the US to attack the Taliban while providing food for the Afghan people. If you are a conservative who is angered by liberals who put forth these arguments, you will find indestructable firepower for your next argument in this book. No other book provides so comprehensive an arsenal to demolish the liberal shibboleths as this one. You will also know when you have WON when liberals say 'you are dumb' or 'you don't know' without putting forth an intelligent sentence. If you are a liberal who thinks the above are true, read this book if you actually believe in free speech (liberals usually only believe in free speech when it consists of their own liberal intellectual incest.). Prove that you are not a hypocrite and read this book. Note that the fools giving this book one star do not actually point out any flaws in Hannity's reasoning, but just scream about things not relevant to this book. That is because HANNITY HAS ALREADY ANALYZED AND DEFEATED THEIR POINTS, and they have no choice but to cry in protest to their being outwitted and embarrassed. Read this book before your next debate against some liberal pseudo-intellectual. Liberals are so dumb that their fanatical beliefs have actually become their religion. They are religious fanatics to just as great a degree as a Crackpot Christian. Liberals are also incredibly racist - they hate minority conservatives only because they are dark-skinned people who do not subscribe to their fanatical religion of liberalism
Rating:  Summary: Put into context Review: As someone who considers myself liberal, I really enjoyed the contrast this book offered me. I frequently listen to Hannity on his afternoon radio show. He has me convinced that he really knows how to research his stuff, and isn't afraid to stand up for anything he believes in. Although he kinda gets his edges distorted after trying to fit himself into the same mold as other conservatives, he should not be proclaimed "Anti-American" as some others have said. In fact, what's more american than standing behind your ideals rather than modifying your attitude toward things so you can be accepted by persons under a given label. Conservativism does tend to put things in a black vs. white light, which is wrong on many levels. It causes us to try to categorize things as evil and axiomatic, and it causes one to be able to deal with the lesser of two evils rather than confront the problem with a level head. (The US Funding both Iran and Iraq behind the scenes during the Iran/Iraq war is a good point showing this blindness). In the end, though, I agree with Sean because he is not talking about just defeating sympathy and doing away with it. He gives off what a lot of liberalism is missing: Personal responsibility and accountability. Do we really need a billion laws trying to protect us from ourselves? Do we really have to give as much power to the government as we do? And I'm not talking "Patriot Act" power. I'm talking about liberals currently in the government going WAY too far; so far that "majority rules" doesn't really seem to mean anything anymore. So far that we must not only appease minority issues, we must legislate morality. Must we blur things into such a mess that we can't think for ourselves?
Rating:  Summary: This "book" is a joke Review: If you want a good laugh, read this book. If you want to learn, read something else. The ideas in this book are as fake as Hannity's dyed black hair.
Rating:  Summary: Spare us your self-righteous indignation Review: Sean Hannity sure is busy these days, turning out the books as fast as Regan Books will publish them. But, if you are looking for "truth" you won't find it here. I find it disingenous, to say the least, for Hannity to accuse the Democrats of being partisan when he is one of the staunchest defenders of the conservative hardline. He feeds into the apocalyptic vision of the Religious Right, equating Hussein with Hitler, and speaking of the situation in the Middle East in readily identifiable Biblical terms. But, what really gets me is his belief that the Democratic Party has sold out to the Liberals, daring to question the motives of our Commander in Chief. I suppose this is a good indication of just how far right the Republican Party has swung in recent years with Hannity having lost any semblance of moderation. Instead, he continues to push the war in Iraq as if it is a battle between good and evil, sanctimoniously presuming that God is on our side.
Rating:  Summary: A Blunt, Passionate, Rallying Cry for Conservatives Review: In "Deliver Us From Evil", Sean Hannity reminds people that evil truly exists, and that invoking the notion of evil is responsible, rather than immature. He cites several potent examples of evil, from Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin, to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. These monsters can only be described as evil. President Bush has issued a pledge, through the Bush Doctrine of 2002, to take the War on Terror to the enemy before he targets us - much in the spirit that Ronald Reagan forcefully created the conditions for the dismantlement of the Soviet Union. Bush's doctrine of pre-emption is right for America, and when the threat posed by a rogue state or a terrorist group fully materializes, it will be too late. Sean Hannity brilliantly displays how the Democrats have disreputably played politics with some of the most vital issues concerning American national security. On issues crucial to the American people - Republicans and Democrats - the Democratic Party of today has abandoned its virtuous past, when JFK and Harry Truman were in power, and has become hijacked by the extreme left that puts opportunism and power ahead of national security. Moreover, Hannity explains why all Democratic presidential candidates (from Howard Dean and John Kerry, to Dick Gephardt and Wesley Clark) are unfit to be president (Joe Lieberman is halfway decent though), and contrasts them with the unwavering moral clarity and decisive leadership George W. Bush has offered the American people and the world. Hannity also addresses several present dangers facing America, from the Syrian Ba'ath party and Iran's mullahs, to Kim Jong-Il's North Korea and China. Sean Hannity has written a powerful and convincing book on how appeasement is fruitless and only leads to more violence, and how there are those who engage in such immoral acts that they have to be classified as evil. With the election in a few months, I believe all Americans should read this book, as it proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that George W. Bush is the right man for another four years. P.S. YES THERE ARE CONSERVATIVES IN CANADA!!! LOL BUSH-CHENEY 2004!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Exploitation at its Lowest from the Despicable Hannity... Review: Hannity is livid about the beheading of Nick Berg. So upset, in fact, he provides a link on his website to the unedited video of the beheading. (Oh, and directly under this link is a donation request to pay for the bandwidth...) -> Another Hannity Lie, Exposed: On his website he says that the link comes from the Department of Homeland Security, which is another BLATANT LIE! The link goes to a right-wing "Northeast Intelligence Network" website, which then re-directs you to download the clip hosted at "Go Excel Global". ->More Disgusting Hypocracy from Hannity... Hannity is so concerned about protecting the privacy and dignity of the dead soldiers brought back to Dover, but DOESN'T SEEM TO GIVE A S**T ABOUT THE DIGNITY of Nick Berg, and wants ALL his SITES visitors to see the grisly beheading clip! This is as hypocritical as it is repugnant. It's important to him, lest we go soft after the week we've spent hanging our heads in shame over the torture scandal, soooooo he wants you to watch this clip to give the new torture images that we're about to see fresh context. Perhaps, after watching this beheading, we won't be so sickened when we see the video of US troops raping a female Iraqi detainee. The thing is, Sean Hannity wants to use graphic images when it suits his agenda, he wants to blame all the war's horrible atrocities on "radical Islamic fundamentalists", when it was Hannity - chickenhawk supreme, who helped sell this idiotic, pointless, bloody, $200 billion war to millions like a warmonger's infomercial. Sean Hannity has an indirect but powerful hand in the situation that led to Nick Berg's beheading, and now he seeks to capitalize from it, and use it for propaganda. And here's the guy who cries that liberals and Democrats are "politicising" everything. What he's doing here is far, far worse - it is the exploitation of a brutal beheading. Does this creep know no bounds? How can you tolerate this cretin?
Rating:  Summary: A great American book! Review: After reading the "Dittohead Guide to Adult Beverages," I got turned onto the idea of reading this book. "Deliver Us From Evil" is a real look at what is going on right now in this country. Sean shows us how the left is neglecting to respond to, the biggest attempt to "abolish America" since 1776. He explains how America is facing its worst attack ever. We need to look at and respond to these people who want us dead, not ignore them and hope they go away. This book is a must read. By the way, I'm a converted left winger, but since 9-11 Hey, I understand what's important. As Daryl Worely says, "have you forgotten?"
Rating:  Summary: Deliver us from narrow mindedness. Review: Hannity paints the broadest of brushes, by lumping terrorism with liberalism. He misses the point of what true democracy is. Like other talk radio / TV pundits, he tries to limit the scope of the debate, by trying to discredit those with opposing opinions. He forgets that people with liberal opinions are patriotic Americans, too. They just disagree. Stick to the facts, make your best case, but drop the hate.