Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Hannity Nails It! Review: This book is great. I'll be glad when the rest of the country opens their eyes and sees the truth. It's time to stop the whining, step up and support your country. Hannity says it like it is. That's just fact. He supports his views with facts. Nuff said. Great book...by the way.......I think it's #1!!!! Hopefully some of those "on the fence" will take the plunge, buy the book, and realize ........they need to stand by their country. Thanks all.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal is code for... Review: Liberal is right wing code for: 1. minorities 2. gays 3. The Northeast and California 4. Jews 5. The Working Class 6. Scholars Obvious though this may be, thought I might point it out: Translated, "Deliver Us from Evil Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, Minorities, Gays, Yankees, California Weirdos, Scholars, The Working Class, and Jews." Way to go, Sean! You're a "great American"! I hear some PO'd conservatives? Well, who comprises the liberal group? In your heart of heart you know this is true.
Rating:  Summary: What is the problem with Liberals? Review: After read Sean's books I have only one question, what is wrong with Liberals? The complaints that I have read posted here make me wonder if any of them have even read this or his other book. Everything he says is true, he has extensive footnotes that can be verfied easily. And being unable to attack his ideas they instead attack the man, very petty. If we are to have a true debate, a serious debate, then lets debate on fact, not emotion. This book is well written and well researched. I have no problem recommending this book to anyone. So long as they are willing to open their eyes to the truth and tha facts.
Rating:  Summary: Cry Me a River Liberals..... Review: I have been listening to Sean Hannity's weekday talkshow for a little over a year now. His previous book was great as well as this one!!! I can tell that he worked so hard on this book! I don't understand how liberals (aka Democrats, progressives, etc... it is interesting how they can't call themselves liberals) could trash this book because Hannity writes about a particular topic and then tells where he got all of his facts from. Any review of this book that is negative just shows how much liberals see George W. Bush and Hannity as a threat to their own political greed. Liberals like to bash people a lot but never ever say what they would do instead. John Kerry was recently in Florida scaring senior citizens into believing that "evil Republicans" were going to take away their "guaranteed social security benefits." Well if they would do a little digging themselves, they would know that the republicans tried to pass a law stating that SS benefits would be guaranteed by law but guess who blocked it? The liberals. Shocking? Not to me. I see liberals lying every day. God help us if Kerry gets elected. Hannity does a great job in this book stating their lies (with proof). BUY THIS BOOK! YOU'LL LOVE IT!
Rating:  Summary: Libs can't handle the truth Review: After reading all of the negative customer reviews of this book Amazon chooses to print I feel obligated to tell readers this is a very interesting, very well written book. Liberals can't handle the truth & will attack anyone who holds views that are different than their views.
Rating:  Summary: Bush Ignored Warnings About al-Qaeda Review: Senior Clinton administration officials called to testify next week before the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks say they are prepared to detail how they repeatedly warned their Bush administration counterparts in late 2000 that Al Qaeda posed the worst security threat facing the nation - and how the new administration was slow to act. They said the warnings were delivered in urgent post-election intelligence briefings in December 2000 and January 2001 for Condoleezza Rice, who became Mr. Bush's national security adviser; Stephen Hadley, now Ms. Rice's deputy; and Philip D. Zelikow, a member of the Bush transition team, among others. One official scheduled to testify, Richard A. Clarke, who was President Bill Clinton's counterterrorism coordinator, said in an interview that the warning about the Qaeda threat could not have been made more bluntly to the incoming Bush officials in intelligence briefings that he led. "It was very explicit," Mr. Clarke said of the warning given to the Bush administration officials. "Rice was briefed, and Hadley was briefed, and Zelikow sat in." Mr. Clarke served as Mr. Bush's counterterrorism chief in the early months of the administration, but after Sept. 11 was given a more limited portfolio as the president's cyberterrorism adviser. Until 9/11, counterterrorism was a very secondary issue at the Bush White House," said a senior Clinton official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Remember those first months? The White House was focused on tax cuts, not terrorism. We saw the budgets for counterterrorism programs being cut." The issue is addressed in a new book by Mr. Clarke, and in an interview to promote the book on "60 Minutes" on CBS-TV scheduled for Sunday, Mr. Clarke said that the White House considered bombing Iraq in the hours after the Sept. 11 attacks, even when it became clear that Al Qaeda was responsible. "I think they wanted to believe there was a connection, but the C.I.A. was sitting there, the F.B.I. was sitting there, saying, `We've looked at this issue for years - for years, we've looked, and there's just no connection,' " Mr. Clarke said. He recalled telling Defense Secretary Rumsfeld that "there are a lot of good targets in a lot of places, but Iraq had nothing to do with the Sept. 11 attacks." -> Keep ignoring the obvious, like the Bush administration did regarding terrorism. And keep buying into the strained and simplistic jargon of people like Hannity. Attack Kerry all you want, it doesn't matter if Bush runs against Kerry or Abe Vigoda. The central issue of this election is DAMAGE CONTROL for the country. Specifically, the inept ideologue - Bush, needs to go before he can further damage the economy, increase the deficit, employment, social security, the environment, the school system, the middle class and the working poor, and most importantly, NATIONAL SECURITY.
Rating:  Summary: RE:Good Job dubya - U.S. Sinking in the Eyes of the World!, Review: Good Job, Sara Duncan. This administration is fueling anti-US sentiments through its unnecessary and irrelevant invasion of Iraq. It is viewed by the world for exactly what is, a neoconservative, imperialist action. It has provided terrorists with incentive, and at the same time weakened the incentive for nations across the world to work in conjunction with us to erradicate terrorist groups. This - along with a president whose policies will actually weaken our borders has made us significantly less secure. Iraq will prove to be a disaster. Unfortunately, Hannity - and this is why he is a dangerous propagandist, has and will spin any solution to terrorism that is not synonymous with neoconservative imperialism as an appeasement strategy, as he as done in DUFE. However, the neoconservative imperialistic strategy will fuel further terrorist activity and weaken our ability to erradicate such threats by further alienating the US. I look forward to reading Against All Enemies, by Richard Clarke due out March 22. Richard Clarke was the Bush counter terrorism czar who served under Bush I, Clinton, and one year of Bush II before resigning. Clarke will establish the pre-existing agenda of the Bush administration to invade Iraq, which echos O'Neill's allegations in The Price of Loyalty. Clarke will also provide evidence that this administration did anything and everything possible to tie Sept. 11 to Iraq and Iraq to al-Qaeda. He will also cite the numerous frantic warnings his agency provided to the administration regarding al Qaeda's intent to use hijacked planes as weapons - all ignored by this administration. Clarke considers Bush running under the national security banner "outrageous". Unless you're blinded by the right, you should too.
Rating:  Summary: proof! Review: First, I read the book. Then, I read about 200 of the posted reviews. This was fun. All these cooky liberal reviews simply prove what Hannity said in the book, which is, when confronted by the truth they will resort to name calling, lying, and attempting to display some idiotic political ploy. Sean you are right!!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money Review: This is probably the most tepid, boring, banal, and truth free book I've ever read. I'm a republican and I am just fed up with these sorts of games being played by the party. Why doesn't the repubican party get back to its roots of conservative and respect for the process? Enough.
Rating:  Summary: There Needs to Be a Zero star Rating For this One..... Review: I am so eternally sick of being called sympathetic to terrorists and unpatriotic simply because I have the nerve to excercise my constitutional right to disagree with the warmongering that the right wing has engaged in since 9/11. 9/11 was a TERRIBLE tragedy and those responsible for it need to be hunted down and eliminated from the face of the earth. There is no sane person in this country that disagrees with that. However, I also think that our troops should be placed in harm's way only when there is a direct threat to national security. I do NOT think that their Commander-in-Chief should manufacture a case based on outdated and questionable evidence in order to suit his own political purposes. I do not think that that Commander-in-Chief should present this tripe to Congress and pass it off as justification for sending our troops to war. I do not think that well over 1000 troops should have been killed or maimed fighting this unjustified war. Saying this does not make me an "enemy" of my own country or passive about stamping out terrorists. If the troops had been seeking and blowing up an area where Osama Bin Laden possibly was, you would have heard no protest from me. If the troops had been sent into North Korea, who is an acknowledged nuclear and WMD threat, you would have gotten no argument from me. However, Bush didn't go after those targets. He went after Saddam Hussein whose teeth had been pulled long ago (the fossilized evidence Bush dug up from 1998 notwithstanding). Hannity and others of his ilk are worse enemies to the America that they claim to love so much than I could ever be because they scorn the very tenets of a democratic society. If you disagree with them, you are to either be demonized or, as he illustrates on his television show, yelled into submission. What you are NOT allowed to do is express an opinion that counters their's. Hannity's book is a waste of the paper it's written on.