Rating:  Summary: dave129 Review: You are pathetic man. Attack the book, not the man and the idealogy. You have nothing to contribute to society. Go back to stealing from the people in this country that actaully earn their money, and who provide the jobs for the other people who earn thier money. Loser.
Rating:  Summary: Sean nails it again!(...) Review: There are three stages that truth is subjected to...... we are witnessing 2 of those stages. I don't want to live in a world where terrorists rule this society, whether they be similar to the September 11, 01 crew, or the political terrorists who are in public office or running for public office. I want the freedom to work for what I want in this world and my right to keep what I earn under true liberty! If you want a stimulant for your logic and thought processes, READ the book! For all of those who don't like this book, and haven't had the guts to read it and then comment, be very outspoken! We want to be more defined in this society, not blurring the lines!! (...)
Rating:  Summary: Great Americans or Good Samaritans? Review: All of the reviews seem to be one star or five stars which mirrors the extremism I hear on the radio. People who call Hannity's radio show are quickly sized up and labeled by Mr. Hannity as either a "great American", or an evil "lib".I'm a moderate liberal - so I fall in the second category, and yet I agree with Hannity's contention that evil exists -- I have thought so ever since reading Scott Peck's "People of the Lie". But I think we are too quick to judge others as evil - and that black and white labeling is perhaps more dangerous than anything, as it allows us to de-humanize others. It's easy to not care about a person or country if we believe that person or country is "evil". Peck's book discusses this phenomenon. I'm also not convinced that conservatives are "great" Americans and liberals are not great Americans. Jesus said someone is great in the kingdom of God if they serve others. A great American is an American who serves others, it doesn't matter how they vote on Nov. 4th. Conservatives often talk like Jesus would definitely have been a Republican. But the balance of the gospels is asking people to be humble and patient with others, slow to judge and quick to forgive. And most of all, to care for those in need. In the sheep and the goats parable Jesus talks about helping the sick, the hungry, the imprisoned. In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus talks of caring for our "neighbor", of getting involved when we see someone in distress. These seem to be the main messages of the gospels, and its traditionally been our Democratic politicians who have worked to see that the poor of this country have food and shelter, that the sick have care, and that the imprisoned are treated humanely.
Rating:  Summary: A Compelling Historically-Backed Argument Against LIberalism Review: As a thirty-something,high school teacher and history lover, I was truly impressed with the well-laid out facts and logic put forth in this book against the liberalist philosophy. The facts are there, well-documented and accessible for those who wish to see the truth for themselves. What a timely work for the day we live in! It's written in an easy-to-understand style that should be read by every high-school and college student. (And teacher for that matter.)
Rating:  Summary: Sean Hannity Rocks Review: Finally, a man who thinks the way that the majority of Americans think. Despite what others may say, his view make sense if you just take time to listen.
Rating:  Summary: A History Lesson That Should Be Required Reading Review: Sean Hannity has absolutely outdone himself with a very measured and focused look at the history of our nation's confrontation with evil and the terrible consequences of flirting with appeasment. Deliver Us From Evil should be required reading for every citizen interested in the welfare of our country both now and well into the future. Sean thoroughly chronicles our nation's foreign policy history, from the 1930's until current struggle against terrorism. It is clear to see that courageous and bold action against evil helps prevent a threat before it happens. And on the flip side, too-good-to-be-true policies of appeasement and multilateralism only serve to endorse the growth of totalitarian, fascist, and terrorist regimes across the world. He traces with stunning clarity, the failure of pre-Pearl Harbor appeasement, Cold War ignorance by Carter, and the lacksidasical political foreign policy of Clinton. He also hails the foresight and courage of FDR, Roosevelt, Truman, Reagan, and now George W. Bush to tackle evil. I was amazed to learn that the liberal media and Democratic elites have not changed their Cold War script. Today's vicious assault on Bush's unilateral actions are reminiscent of the hand-wringing in Reagan's time. It's amazing how Democrats and the media can be so wrong, time after time, year after year, era after era. In a perfect world, their policies would be not only laughed at, but kicked out of the public arena. And for the millions who have suffered as a result of their lack of courage, they clearly have blood on their hands. Ask the people of Iran, who saw Carter's self-righteous intervention led to the rise of a totalitarian Islamic regime or the people of Rwanda who begged for help while Clinton, Albright, Wesley Clark, and the U.N. geniuses stroked their chins and sat on their hands. Sean Hannity has written a bold and clear manifesto for common sense foreign policy for America's future. As a conservative spokesperson, he has no equal. He is not as sophomoric as Rush Limbaugh. He has humility and grace with the courage to stand up for his beliefs. Deliver us from Evil is not just another book penned by a political hack, it is a well reasoned defense of the policies that have kept America safe. Read it and learn.
Rating:  Summary: Worth Reading Review: Hannity's book is similar to many of the recent polemics from the right with a unique and significant twist. It is for this reason that this book achieves must read status. There is the familiar homily to President Reagan and listing of the many foreign policy failures of Clinton and Carter. These items are well known to readers of conservative authors and frankly do nothing but accelerate the recycling of trees. Perhaps because of the wider audience that Hannity attracts makes this retelling worth the pulp. And then comes the twist. In Nov 2003 a congressional aide leaked a copy of a congressional Democratic internal memo explaining the political potential of publicly exploiting information learned in the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for political gain. Dastardly stuff indeed, potentially risking the lives of intelligence operatives for momentary political advantage and few headlines. At the epicenter of this controversy since receiving the purloined memo, Hannity has received much invective without adequate focus on the substance of the scandalous political maneuvering being examined. At least the Republicans will be forewarned about the supposedly objective SSCI being filed with partisan operatives. Is it any wonder that they view the 9/11 commission skeptically? This book is worth reading in spite repeated material.
Rating:  Summary: Truth truly Revealed!! Review: Hannity hits the nail right on the head as he clearly shows how history has been affected by evil both outside and within America. What's amazing is how we Americans are often so short sighted and more concerned about who will give us more government handouts than the long term welfare of our nation for our children and grandchildren. Hannity clearly demonstrates the different worldviews that are present in our political system and why it is important to fight the liberal lies that democrats and media throw at us. This book reveals not only the importance of supporting President Bush and his policies but the need to confront the evils of this world, that being terrosim, state sponsored dictators and equally as important the liberal ideas/candidates within our own back year!
Rating:  Summary: A view from the bottom... Review: Sean Hannity, a founding member of the Log Cabin Republicans, presents us with a heart-rending story of his childhood, growing up -- as he puts it -- as a "buxom woman in a little boy's body." Many of us have been through the same experiences, but Sean brings his customary wit, tenderness and sheer humanity to the task and the book can rank with the best of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Eddie Said. The way he learned to "be a man" by fighting "terrorism, despotism and liberalism" will move anybody who has maintained a yearning heart. I'd rank this book with "The Well of Loneliness."
Rating:  Summary: Some good points, but way too one-sided to be meaningful Review: (...) First, Sean has written a book that is researched quite well, even a glance at the notes leaves that fact without dispute. He attempts to look at past conflicts, Hitler's Nazi Germany for example, to demonstrate that there exists such a thing as "evil" and that it must be confronted directly and called for what it is. He spends a great deal of time championing the causes of Reagan, Churchill and GW Bush, while blasting the non-action taken by Clinton or Carter. It was on this attack of Carter I often strongly disagreed. Jimmy Carter has proven to be a man of peace and has demonstrated perhaps the finest character of any former President. While he often struggled politically in office, and that is surely open for criticism, the shots Hannity takes at Carter now are really missing the tremendous good Mr. Carter has done, and is doing in the world. So while I think that the views expressed here are so one-sided that they are not all that meaningful, he does make some excellent points as well. One of them is to expose the moral relativism of the liberal agenda here in America. This morally bankrupt philosophy is not only devoid of reason, logic and common sense; it will continue to put America at a disadvantage in the war on terror. For example, on page 46 he describes the typical liberal response to an act of evil, by saying "Even in the face of such evidence, the liberal elites still avoid using the word "evil". For them, the term is too judgmental". This is of course an accurate depiction of liberalism as it exists today. However, Sean doesn't take the evidence to as strong a conclusion as Tammy Bruce does in "The Death of Right and Wrong". Moral relativism is in fact a serious degradation in the moral character of our nation, but there are better presentations of this issue than what Sean postulates here. For another look see "Moral Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air". (...)