Rating:  Summary: Pure Fiction Review: If you enjoy reading fiction, buy this book. But if you're expecting Hannity to deliver a factual account of history, skip this book. Not a single fact in it. Just Hannity's own version of 'the truth,' which is based on a hateful diatribe against everyone who doesn't have the exact same opinions as Sean Hannity. What is this book really about? Bigotry and hatred. It's full of unrational conclusions and sweeping generalizations that serve only to paint innocent Americans as enemies, simply because they hold beliefs that are different from the radical conservative minority. Very disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: Not a review of the book, More of Hannity Himself Review: I just want to say that I have heard his show and he appalls me. As a veteran of the US army, to hear his desire to commit our troops across the globe...when he never served. He disgusts me.Not to mention the fact that he won't let a dissenting voice on his program finish a sentence. And Mr. Hannity, if you're reading, feel free to contact me and I'll provide a few dozen examples, just from the past few months. This man is a demagogue, and he's dangerous. Buy his book if you like, but beware.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Panic Review: Oscar Wilde had it right: "If you cannot answer a man's argument, do not panic. You can always call him names." Sean Hannity's latest book is a frank discussion of how the current terrorist threat evolved and what must be done to defeat it. The Rabid Left, eschewing debate on the merits of Hannity's arguments, has resorted to puerile name-calling in response. What a shame. Hannity shows a willingness to call out weak thinkers of all political stripes, left, right and center. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are immune from criticism. Indeed, Hannity invites those who disagree with him to use rational argument, rather than ad hominem attacks, to make their case. If Michael Moore, Al Franken and their ilk were willing to proceed in the same manner, American political discourse might lose some of the venom and discord with which it is presently infused. If you are willing to use logic to carefully weigh the merits of an argument, I think you will find this book useful.
Rating:  Summary: Delivers Review: I found the book to be informative and a decent read. He does have some good points and opinions.
Rating:  Summary: When will America Learn not to follow opportunist Review: America is at war and people like Hammity are spreading hate. He thinks he is a family type man but when you read this book, how much hate is there. There is more in this world to talk about than just defend Bush. (...)
Rating:  Summary: Hannity has produced another best seller Review: Sean Hannity: I first read LET FREEDOM RING and I was impressed by his plain spoken conviction. Then, I watched him a few times on television, and was pleased at how well he handled himself on his feet. Obviously a very bright young man. This is another winner, without a doubt. He makes good, common sense, and most of it seems indisputable. Of course, if I were a Democrat, I would be incensed by his attacks on the political left, and so I do not recommend those folks buying his book--although I wish that they would digest, believe and act on his thoughts. But, at 75, life experience tells me that hardly anyone changes their political convictions based on the arguments from the other side; especially when they are forcefully presented by one of the spokesmen from the opposite camp. Sometimes, contrary to common sense and Sean Hannity, I think that the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, may have some good, even if unintended, consequences. For generations--since the 1930s in my memory, this country has been drifting rapidly away from its historic freedoms and ideals. Virtually every moral value I was brought up with has been turned on its head, in my lifetime. If a band of enemies were intent upon destroying all of our institutions, values and customs, they could not have done a better job. There is no point in going into detail. Young Hannity has done a good job with this book. Now, since 9/11/2001, people are aware at least of the dangers presemting themselves to our system of government and our institutions. I can empathize with the angry people on the political left who are enraged at the accusations he makes here, and I understand their passion as they write negative reviews and give negative votes to the positive ones, as they will, no doubt, to this one. I would do the same, perhaps, if the word "Republican" were substituted everywhere that Hannity uses, "Democrat." Yet, I can only agree with him. Something has changed in the American character. Something important. And it has happened since the Second World War, since I was an adult. I've seen, for the first time in my lifetime, American citizens refusing to support their own country in wartime, using mind-altering drugs is endemic, marriage, always a fragile institution, is being destroyed, as is integrity, courage, patriotism, our religious institutions, and our government is tending toward socialism at an exponential rate. I don't know all the reasons, but I suspect it begins with the breakdown of the family which is currently being exacerbated by the liberal drive for same-sex "marriages." I'm glad I'm an old man, and will probably not live to see the total destruction of the society that nurtured me. This is a good book. I hope you will read it. Joseph (Joe) Pierre, USN (Ret) (WWII and Korea) author of Handguns and Freedom...their care and maintenance and other books.
Rating:  Summary: Should Be Required Reading in Every Classroom Review: Hannity has clearly outdone himself. The popular radio talk-show host and television personality has delivered on a passionate defense of America's proactive policies in confronting evil.
Deliver Us From Evil is a thoroughly researched and accurate. He chronicles the history of appeasement policies from liberals like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and others and their reckless and destructive consequences. Moreover, he presents the successes of foreword thinking aggression toward those who would do us and the rest of the civilized world evil. He lauds FDR, Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush. By reading this book, I am more confident that George W. Bush will rise above the petty attacks against his character and live in history as a man with the moral courage and clarity to confront the evil of terrorism, just as Ronald Reagan is now celebrated for his principled stand against terrorism. Hannity doesn't just deliver a partisan book with name-calling and little substance. Instead, he has written a well-thought out, clear, reasoned defense of America-first policy. He takes us through the agonizing accounts of the Holocaust, the tortuous regimes of the Soviet Union, and the bloodshed under Hussein. Most importantly, he points out the destructive consequences of squishy liberalism. This book should be required reading in ever classroom. And if you want to learn more about America's past and its future, you should pick up a copy for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Simple child -like views which ignore reality Review: I read this book hoping to find some substance. I found nothing but ignorant right wing drivel spewed by TV talkshow hosts pretending to be serious authors. This book is just a bunch of propaganda written to make excuses for the failures of an all Republican government that has taken the country into bankruptcy and quagmire wars by deception.
Rating:  Summary: the last page was a sad day for me Review: I got a sad feeling at the end of the book. I wanted more. I'd love to read the liberal equivalent of this book. I'd love to be a liberal. I believe in peace, love, and happiness for all--but you can't force all people to want to play nice in the sandbox. There ARE evil, lazy, oppressive regimes out there. Those people only understand strength and scoff at gestures of peace. I vote conservative because I can't get past the visceral, hate-filled rhetoric of the left. At least base your arguments on something that can't be dismissed as hate speech. Sean Hannity has the courage to take on the left with facts, not emotions. He lays out history in clear terms. Where is the liberal equivalent of this book? I have an open mind. I'd read it. Any thinking person has to agree with logical, historical arguments unless they've made up their mind not to ahead of time, which I've found to be the case almost always. This book brings into relief the actions of both the liberals and conservatives over the last 25 years and the consequent results of both philosophies of government. Fascinating read. I couldn't put it down. It was the fastest book I've ever read. It was VERY telling about the Dems voting record. AND each time the Dems make a speech they just prove Mr. Hannity correct.
Rating:  Summary: Be open minded and read this book! Review: Read this book with an open mind. Hannity makes the case that, like it or not, evil does exist. You cannot coddle it. You cannot negotiate with it. You cannot ignore it. Every now and then, evil needs to be crushed. All you loyal Americans who think we should not be at war with terrorists should be thankful that your grandparents did not share your ideology. If we would have waited until Hitler attacked the US, his war machine would have been invincible. Evil does exist, folks. This book is an excellent read.