Rating:  Summary: Deliver Us from Hannity! Review: You can be sure that the followers of Sean Hannity aren't exactly weeping over the countless trees that had to be destroyed to publish this inexplicably bad, (and not surprising bestselling) book. The same blundering generalizations, weak data, dubious citations taken out of context, and generally piss-poor writing, plague this overpriced exercise in liberal-baiting. One look at the "intelligence" of the audience for this refuse and you can understand why this country is going down the tubes so quickly. I cannot wait until Al Franken sinks his teeth into this one, dessicating Hannity's delusional fiction as he did in his "Liars" book, and exposing the man for what he is - an angry, self-aggrandizing, overpaid, lying hypocrite and fabricator of facts. Yes, there is evil in this world, and that evil is Sean Hannity. Whatever you do, don't fall for this claptrap. Take your hard-earned cash and give it to the National Arbor Fund - we need to fill the void left by those thousands of poor trees that died so Sean Hannity could get his hateful words out to his likewise hate-filled countrymen.
Rating:  Summary: The First Lie is On the Cover Review: In the last election, Gore got 50,996,116 votes, to Bush's 50,456,169. According to the lie on the cover of this book, that means that more than half the people in this country are liberals, which means more than half the country is "evil". Hannity lied about me. I'm a liberal. And a Viet Nam era veteran. This liberal served his country, when conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich, William Bennett, David Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Michael Reagan, Ted Nugent, and Karl Rove did not. Where were you guys? And, where was Sean Hannity during Gulf War I? He was in his late 20's/early 30's back then. What happened, Hannity? Flat feet? So, if you believe Hannity's lie that over half the people in this country are evil, or that I'm evil because I'm a liberal, go ahead. It's a free country. Just be sure to thank the vets - even the "evil" liberal ones - who kept it free. Or, you can thank the do-nothings mentioned above.
Rating:  Summary: This guy is a flaming (...) Review: "Appeasement" is trivialized here in Hannity's book. Every policy directive from a Democrat that doesn't call for the immediate and overwhelming use of US might is appeasement. Republicans get a free ride: Bush I's not riding into Baghdad, Nixon's warming relations to China, Reagan not invading the USSR, etc. Also not mentioned in this book: bitter GOP partisanship during conflicts going back to WWI. Essentially, any and all charges he puts forth in this book more than apply to the GOP, (...).
Rating:  Summary: Mundane Review: People are obviously flooding this sit with 5 star reviews with the goal of maintaining a high rating for this book. I have actually read it (well I read the first 100 or so pages) and let me tell you this is just like watching Fox news with Hannity, except here Hannity doesn't have to waste any time bullying and lambasting his "guests" and go on and on with his "pro american" opinions. The truth of the matter (such as I see it) is that people like Hannity never make a buisness or a country great, they are just over inflated egos who want to be the center of attention. Thankyou Fox and all your likes for exploiting the likes of Hannity. Even if you are a "not so intellectual" conservative this book is at best mediocre. Just because you love America, need to remamber that men like Hannity are NOT what makes America a good place to live.
Rating:  Summary: Okay, so I was wrong Review: In an April, 2003, piece, syndicated (conservative) columnist Charley Reese wrote, "Sean Hannity has a one-rut mind: Every criticism or dissent ... is a left-wing attack against his hero, George W. Bush." That pretty much sums up "Deliver Us from Evil." Although I'm a libertarian, my roots are in the "conservative movement." I have a lot of sympathy for conservatives, sometimes against my better judgment. And I believe conservative arguments need and deserve to be cogently presented and rationally debated. I concluded my Amazon.com review of Hannity's disappointing first book with these words: "C'mon, Sean. You're smart and articulate. You can do a whole lot better than this." Well, apparently he can't. A 300-plus-page book gives Hannity the opportunity to develop some insightful, thought-provoking analysis. Unfortunately, he acts out his role as George W. Bush's paladin by gliding serenely from one talk-radio totem to another, never breaking an intellectual sweat. This book is full of boilerplate lessons from Churchill and Reagan ... shopworn excerpts from Every Conservative's Book of Favorite Quotes (Adams, Burke, etc.) ... capsule summaries of middle-eastern history ... attacks on opposing viewpoints as "appeasement!" ... and most of all, praise to the skies for the wisdom, virtue, vision, and statesmanlike bearing of George W. Bush. (In fact, I seriously wonder whether it is President Bush, and not the Lord, whom Hannity believes will "deliver us from evil.") Hannity's writing seems to have improved from what I can remember of his first book. He quotes other people quite a bit, so give him credit for research. And he often manages to get the right targets in his sights. But once again, I think he has failed to take advantage of the unique virtues of the medium: the chance to develop a sustained, thoughtful, and in-depth argument without being interrupted by co-hosts or forced to break for commercials. It's discouraging, though not surprising, to see this book doing so very well. There has got to be more to modern American conservatism than hero-worship, buzzwords, and chest-thumping nationalism masquerading as "patriotism." Hasn't there?
Rating:  Summary: Great Book (Review from a Former Liberal) Review: Sean, you wrote a great FACTUAL book. I must admit, coming from an artist (and a former liberal), I was skeptical about your book even though I listen to your show every day. I wasn't sure you would be a good writer. When I opened the book and read the first section I thought, OK, the same repetitive rhetoric I hear from Sean every day. I wasn't sure even at this point. Then I read it end to end. This book, hands down, was one of my favorite books to read! I am 30 years old and a catholic (which is another reason your title of the book peaked my interest). I lived through many of the events in this book but grew up with the stereotypical view of Republicans. Republican bad. They only want oil, big business, they are racist arms dealers and war mongers. It is apparent to me now that there is a reality that the liberal , and I mean LIBERAL, media doesn't want you to hear. It is sad that most people only listen and obey. I challenge anyone to read this book and not be stimulated to do further research into the events in this book. Sean, you were a master at citations. There is an entire section at the end of the book filled with sources of FACT. I must admit, I am the type of person that agrees with force in my life. I try to be reasonable but I don't believe this has any place in the world when there are enemies everywhere trying to kill us. I have a 1 year old and one on the way. I want them protected. This book says it all. If we don't read and learn from history we are bound to repeat it. This book is appropriate for the times and important for people on both sides of the political landscape to read. Great job Sean.
Rating:  Summary: Follow him into the rabbit hole Review: Any person who would buy this book for a purpose other than that of ascertaining some objectivity on the current debate, chooses to live in a frightened world and star in a Hollywood movie of their own creation. These are the people buying duct tape every time the magic nob is cranked up to "Code Orange", and the ones who call the police on a brown skinned neighbor buying fertilizer at the Home Depot. This is fear pandering at a frenetic volume, and for those that feel not only comfortable with spending billions of dollars which are not available but are inclined to adopt unmitigated military attack on a nation of our choosing as permanent foreign policy, then I say they are worthy of much sympathy as frightened and insecure souls. Furthermore, to say that the reason they support such a policy of pre-emption is to battle against a conceptual noun such as "Evil" leaves them vacant of even the simple credibility required for a book review. History has shown us that we are left hemorrhaging as a nation after such wars on conceptual "enemies" (War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Hunger). Perhaps those who are eager to extinguish the "Evil vermin" that reside in this world would be interested to know that 19 of the men who perpetrated the attacks of 9/11 were in fact from Saudi Arabia, still a close ally and still one of the leading purchasers of American military equipment, who after the attacks stepped up by 10 fold the amount of money they spent in the US on a PR campaign to portray their country in a favorable light. We can ask then of Hannity and of his readers to enlighten those of who have since graduated from boyhood notions of Good and Evil, so that we may see clearly: Who exactly is Evil? And who is being appeased?
Rating:  Summary: Our future is terrorism AND our economic collapse combined Review: As Hannity says, it is clear to any rational person that the next decade or two are going to be vital to the security of our nation, and the "traditional behavior" (my words) of the right is certainly better suited to this challenge than the left. In fact, we have even worse to fear than that. If we are to believe the virtually irrefutable facts in Daniel Arnold's [The Great Bust Ahead]. . . , then in just a few years we will also be at the onset of the greatest depression in American history, thirteen years long and several times worse than the 1930s. Hannity does not factor in the consequences of such a catastrophic economic overlay that, by itself, will probably be America's greatest challenge of the 21st century. The mix of the two, which now appears to be a certainty, hardly bears contemplation.
Rating:  Summary: Weak Review: This book, although well researched to support Sean Hannity's side of the story(and his beliefs) is utter drivel. If you have ever watched the American Propaganda Network(aka FOX news) you know what this book contains. He even attempts to play to the religious right with the title. Do not be taken in by this man attempting to make money off of you. There is nothing new in here, that you could not get by watching any heavily-leaning conservative right entertainment show. Really, donate some money to a soldier in Iraq, or help out the family of a man who is overseas. Why pay for nothing new?
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking, Though Occasionally Dumbed-Down Review: Firstly, I listen to Mr. Hannity's radio show nearly every afternoon. I find him to be an articulate voice of American conservatism, and I respect him immensely for his resolution and convcition. That said, his book absolutely does not measure up to his abilities as a radio host: This book is occasionally repetative and short sighted. Overall, however, Hannity does an excellent job of portraying to the reader exactly _what_ threatens America, as it stands today. It seems that a lot of people get all over Hannity like a cheap suit on a hot day for his arguments: They say he's too simplistic, that he boils 'complex' issues down far too much. However, it seems to me that most of these people, were they to read this without knowing Hannity as a conservative would acknowledge, if not agree, with many of the points he makes. In Hannity's mind, there is an excessive "politicization" of moral standards. As "Deliver Us From Evil" articulates, there are circumstances and situations in which totally, wholly unjustifiable evil exists. That is, there is no excuse for some actions -- for instance, onlookers urging a suicidal woman to jump to her death from a bridge. It is here that Hannity argues that many people are slowing down and impeding progress - economically, socially, and internationally -- by their perpetual filibusting: These are people who must debate every minute detail. Another issue Hannity raises is the responsibility - or, more accurately, lack of - in the American populace. Transgressions are justified by prior experiences: Sexual molesters rationalize their atrocities by claiming they themselves were molested; criminals plead not guilty, saying their crimes are the result of their envinronment. Hell, people sue fast food chains becuase they are obese -- ALL are instances of the growing inability for Americans to take responsibility for their own actions. It is refreshing to read a book which does not constantly nitpick the president, America as a whole, nor point out the seemingly endless "flaws" in the country. Rather, Hannity focuses on the positive, and demonstrates to the reader how our country can be even greater were certain issues dealt with head on, and swiftly. "Deliver Us From Evil" successfully manages to both portray Hannity's views, and real circumstances, in a method which is meant to instigate thought in the reader. There is no condescension to the public, nor is there any fire and brimstone talk about the horrors of liberals: It seems to be that the liberalism in the title is not the liberal beliefs themselves, but rather, liberal actions. "Deliver Us From Evil" is not a remarkable, must-have book. However, it is a strong, compassionate examination of our nation. Hannity is easy to read and generally simplified, though his underlying messages are powerful. This book does not hold a candle to his radio show, nor his live speeches - though it does serve as a strong perspective of the world today.