Rating:  Summary: I thunk this book are reely stuped Review: Shawn Hanety don't no wat hes talkin bout. He is a big fat lyar jest like dat funny guy said he wuz. Bush is a big lyar two. He don't no nuttin. I's gonna vote for Carry 04, he said he gonna git me a job and gib me money to buy beer and food and stuff. Carry 04 will make sur I kin get my girly magazines he says it's my constatushunal wight. I hop Carry taxes all da money shuwn makes with his new book and gib it to da poor people like me.
Rating:  Summary: Dont Waste Your Time Review: Shun Humanity is a right wing puppet that spews his right-wing opinions 4 hours a day on both a radio and tv show. This is a perfect case of judging a book by its cover, dont wast your time or money. I have been put on hold several times and even hung up on trying to get a chance to question his "facts" on his radio show and 10s of emails that go unanswered. If you attempt to debate him and he knows that your smart enough to give him a run, he'll do anything to ignore you. Sean should be taken for what he is, purely poor entertainment, like a bad small town circus....a new meaning to the phrase, send in the clowns.
Rating:  Summary: Mindless Fool Review: Sean needs to read up on some widely available history. He loves to cite FDR, Truman, and Reagan as heroes. FDR sold out Eastern Europe after WW2 and was almost a dictator before he died in office ( 4 terms, the reason presidents now can only be elected twice). Truman was a died in the wool socialist. Reagan avoided fighting in WW2, making Army propaganda movies instead. Towards the end of his presidency, Reagan actually told people he had fought in Europe. LBJ, who sent servicement to die in 'Nam, got a fake silver star for WW2 and loved to show it off. I am always amazed by those who revel in our military's night, seeking to gain credit themselves from it, when they themselves are afraid to risk their own lives in combat. The true heroes are those that died and did not return home. He loves Bush ( enlisted in National Guard to avoid Vietnam, sends Americans to death in iraq while his own children are safe ) and Joe Lieberman ( one of the phoniest candidates I have seen in a long time ). The problem with Hannity is, he claims to be a conservative, but fixates on politicians and ideas that simply put are not conservative. Spending 400 billion in Iraq/Afghanistan is not conservative! He paints Bush as the savior of USA from the terrorists, when the simple fact is, if the Airplane pilots had not opened the cockpit doors, the planes would not have been commandeered. You got it, all we needed was strong LOCKED cockpit doors in the air planes,,,,not " Home Land Security", et al. Very poorly written book by a pseudo intellectual....an instant book as it were. Yes, I am Iraq war 91( Bush war 1 ) US Army vet myself, I wonder if Hannity even knows what it is like to serve in the armed forces, and the risks that are taken by those over there. No Mister Hannity, they are not defending the US, any more than I was when I was in Iraq...they are doing their duty as servicemen-and trying to stay alive. Avoid this book at all costs!
Rating:  Summary: Research-Research-Research... Review: WOW! As the number 2 radio talk show host, in the country, Sean Hannity could have just thrown together a re-hashing of old monologues, and called it a week-end, but he really did his homework. Though I admit to being a fan of the author's work, I never realized how much effort he puts into his conclusions, until I purchased his latest book. Even if you disagree with the man, you have to admit, he lays out a case, (interlaced with heartfelt sincerity), that even John Edwards would have a tough time disputing.
Rating:  Summary: Deliver Us from Ignorance Review: Hannity claims to present an historical account, but must have skipped some classes. Liberals, he claims, are appeasers and don't want to fight evil because they are moral relativists. But he starts with WW II, and FDR -- a liberal, Sean, whom your perdecessors called a socialist and worse -- was the one who led us to support those fighting Htiler (and the left was calling for action in the mid-'30s). Who opposed him? Conservatives. Worse yet, Hannity says 9-11 was the clearest sign of evil in the world since Pearl Harbor -- what, the concentration camps, the Cambodian killings fields, Bangladesh, Rwanda, none of those were clearly evil? Disagree with me all you want, but at least know what you're talking about. This is hate-filled diatribe masquerading as historically-grounded political analysis. Drop the pretense and be honest about what you're doing -- smearing all who disagree with you and your photo-op CinC. Where before have I encountered spiteful rhetoric, casting any who disagree with the author's views as an appeaser of evil, an accommodationist, a traitor? Oh yeah, Ann Coulter's hero, Joe McCarthy, whom even Ike despised.
Rating:  Summary: Worth Reading Review: Sean Hannity's book is great. It is well researched and thoughtful. There are evil forces in the world and if we don't learn from what has happened in the past, then history will repeat itself. It is sad to see so many responses from people who obviously have not read the book but seem to be motivated by hate.
Rating:  Summary: Hannity is the best! Review: Thank God for Sean Hannity. No, really, I mean it. Finally there is someone who will call liberalism what it really is - evil. This book is well researched, well written, and let's just say that when your "opinion" is based on fact...well, it really isn't an "opinion" now, is it?! The best and brightest star of the conservative movement is Sean Hannity. Like his on-air persona, he is articulate, straightforward, and knows exactly where he stands and why he stands there. Keep up the great work, Sean! I thoroughly enjoy this book! (Not finished with it yet!) Can't wait for your next one...maybe you could continue with the same theme and title it "Thine Is The Kingdom" and write about how the GOP is now the majority party in this country!
Rating:  Summary: it sucks Review: Liberal and terrorists, who knew? I mean sure I rooted for Osama and Saddam, because hey that's just what us evil libruls do right? Gimme a f'n break! The only people who read this garbage are the hmmmph republicans who are just gloomy miserable people who have no creativity or imagination to express themselves with. I think Bill Maher said it best when he described the average right wing radio fan as 'some overweight middle manager in a dead end job in a loveless marriage'. When the GOP does their convention, see who fills the stands Kerry 04 Eat Mierde Boy Bush
Rating:  Summary: "Get Hannitized !!" (??) It's more like Get INANITIZED !!!! Review: After sitting down at Borders and reading a chapter out of this pap of a book, I felt that I was becoming Inanitized like Inanity's unthinking followers have allowed themselves to become. First, I'd like to inform Inanity and his ditto heads that our country is a Western "Liberal" Democracy. That means, for one thing, that political democracy demands a multi-party system instead of a one-party system (fascism) like Inanity wants for America (and some, like Gore Vidal, say we already have.). Inanity writes (& talks on FOX) like an ULTRA-hawk when it comes to war and defence of our country and freedoms, but the man never served our country in the military, so does that make him an arm-chair warrior chiken-hawk??? Inanity, you can still enlist for Iraq, it's not too late --SERVE YOUR COUNTRY!!! Inanity claims that Pres. Clinton weakened our defence dept. A question, Mr. Inanity: Which country in the world had the strongest military durring the Clinton administration?? Inanity, and other neo-cons, don't want to share a DA%*#$ thing in this country. They wont even share a health care system. The neo-cons are the cheerleaders for selfishness and greed. In Inanity's neo-con world there's no such thing as collective goodwill. STAND ON YOUR OWN TWO FEET!!! they shout. And if you end up in the rubble it's your own Da%*#$ fault. Neo-cons like Inanity think that paying little, if any, taxes would be a good thing for our country. In Nigeria, The Philippines & Haiti there is hardly any taxation, but look at the kinds of civilization they have. Do we want that for our country?? Another question, Mr. Inanity: How can we have a strong defence and be the policeman of the world without paying for it through higher taxation??? Inanity's neo-con answer is to leave the costs of today's defence to our children and our children's children. Neo-con Inanity wants one-party rule in this country. Remmember that, reader.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable reading Review: Although I do not agree with everything Sean writes, the book is very enjoyable. Many of Sean's views are right on the money.