Rating:  Summary: The Miracle Diet!! Review: I've read many diet books and almost gave up on achieving my weight-loss goal, but on my sister-in-law's advice I decided to give it one more try. So, as she suggested, I bought THE SOUTH BEACH DIET from Amazon.com in September and, like her, I found it to be a sensible and inspiring reading experience. I've been following Dr. Agatston's plan for the past three months and as far as I'm concerned, THE SOUTH BEACH DIET is THE MIRACLE DIET!! I've painlessly exceeded the pounds I'd hoped to lose in three months, I have more energy than I've had in years and my self-image has improved 300%!! I really feel that I'm going to make it this time.
Rating:  Summary: In response to the liar Review: To the reader claiming to be my old "friend", you are an obvious liar. First & foremost, I have been seated with the same people now for nearly 3 years at my current job. Also, my prior employemnt status was all out-of-state. Even more transparent is the fact you sign with a cowardly "reader" handle as opposed to signing your user name like the rest of us. Grow up. Maybe you could have lost more than 28 pounds since September, if you moved your fat galoot body away from the puter making up fabricated fantasies.
Rating:  Summary: How Low Can Harlow Go? Review: I just noticed that my old "friend", Brandon Harlow, wrote a sarcastic one-star review of The South Beach Diet. I thought all of you should know that at my old job he and I sat at adjacent desks for 18 months and the guy never had anything good to say about anyone or any thing. I quickly learned that whenever he said something was bad, it inevitably turned out to be wonderful. In this case, I can personally attest to the quality of the product, as I have lost 28 pounds on The South Beach Diet since September.
Rating:  Summary: ATKINS/PROTEIN POWER RIP OFF Review: I was excited about reading this book but I have to agree with many of the other readers that is is an Atkins rip off! I really found this diet to be almost identical to the Protein Power plan by Dr.& Dr. Eades who published their book in 1996. If you are new to the low carb diet scene, you may find this book helpful. But to anyone who has low carb experience DON'T your money on this - there isn't really much new information here in regards to low carb dieting.
Rating:  Summary: Not For Me Review: I know many will disagree with my review. That's O.K., If this diet is working for you, Cool, keep going! I had been very curious about this diet because of all the media hype, so I purchased it last night, looked through it a bit... and will be returning it today. I have many problems with this diet 1. That it seemed more like a cookbook than anything. The encouragement factor and online community that I found with Atkin's, is lacking in the South Beach Diet plan. 2. I found the Dr. makes too big of a deal over what you CANNOT eat, instead of what you can, and for me that is very discouraging. 3. It seems to be just another of the "medical establishment" type "Doctor Diets". 4. Regardless of being "good" or "bad" carbs, there are just too many of them for me. I feel when you are trying to loose weight and start eating so many carbs, so soon after the strict first "phase", it triggers a reverse response to want the bad ones, well at least it works that way for me. 5. Who has time for making all the recipes and the measuring? Heck, you might as well do weight watchers. 6. The fact that he encourages use of high carb skim milk and fat-free cheeses. I really believe these are far worse than a small amount of a good-tasting high quality cheese and a bit of cream, because of the added chemicals. We all know it tastes like crap (sorry, but no other word would suffice) and when melted, if you can get it to, it stretches and squeeks like a wet rubber band, which means you will be more apt to stray to a full fat verison to satisfy your cravings. 7. It seems the only fat you can have are oils, "MMMM!!", she says sarcastically. 8. The limited use of tomatoes, which makes up so many things I love to eat. 9. He says it is "not a low carb diet", but truly it is! In my opinion, that is just a clever marketing ploy to get away from being pegged as another "Atkins alternative". Although it is not as low carb as Atkins, it is much lower than most low fat diets. This diet WOULD be great for vegetarians who need to loose a few, because it encourages the use of soy milks, cheeses and faux meats, which is a nice change from time to time. This is the one reason I rated it two stars. I know alot of hay has been made about "The Atkins Diet", but it works for me. I just modified mine by using lean ground sirloin, severly limiting bacon and other high fat and processed meats, sticking to fish, chicken, and turkey. I also limit my use of cream, use an organic cholesterol-lowering margerine, with no trans-fatty acids or hydrogentaed oils (albeit I still have a couple of pats of butter from time to time, I keep it in the freezer!), use healthy oils like canola and EVOO, incorporate egg substitutes on many days, which I actually like better, and use small amounts of high quality cheeses like parmesan reggiano or a good English cheddar. I even use very high fiber whole grain torilla wraps, buns and breads in very small amounts and I am doing extremely well. I find I have the choice to choose low fat, high fat or a combination of the two. I have many more options with Atkins than with South Beach. Lastly, it seems to be all about marketing: Look at the beautiful shiny ocean blue cover, you almost want to dive right in! It is too reliant on the glamorous South Beach "image". A place where people SEEM to take an over-abundance of pride in their vanity (not that it is bad to care about yourself, but, man , please!), so I guess they thought that would play psychologically. "If I use THIS diet, then I will look like that svelt South Beach "la-di-da's" I see portrayed on TV!!!" ...Well, perhaps I am just a bit too cynical : )
Rating:  Summary: Who needs a book? Review: Just eat less, and get more exercise! This isn't rocket science, people!
Rating:  Summary: overly hyped, water weight is all that is lost at first Review: this book has many fabuolus ideas, but the water weight you loss initially comes back easily if you slip with the carb elimination, which is fine for a bit, but so unhealthy. My wife and i had severe headaches on this diet and don't recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Come on people! Review: If you were to get someone to perform open heart surgery, would you get a dietitian or a cardiologist? Probably a cardiologist, right? If you were going to find someone to adequately evaluate your diet, would you pick the dietitian or the cardiologist? If you chose the former, please don't buy this book. People who buy this book make me want to bash my head into the wall. Speaking as a dietitian, the only thing this book is good for is correcting uneven furniture, or maybe starting a nice yule tide fire. If you got this book for Christmas, please return it, but not before . . . [chastising] the person who got it for you. There's a reason why people inside the nutrition community don't write these books, only morons with catchy titles and degrees not dealing with nutrition. And if you disagree with me, you're wrong.
Rating:  Summary: This book does not tell you how to diet Review: This book in no way tells you how to diet-it explains in great detail how you can live. My husband and I have been following the guidelines in the book (you notice the word diet is not in this sentence)and together we have lost close to 60 pounds since sept. We go out to dinner a couple of times a week and do not have any trouble following the guidelines.As a Nurse Practitioner,I constantly am asked for nutrition advise. This is the first set of guidelines that I feel comfortable using. It is so easy and I don't have to measure anything. We have gotten to the point in our house where we miss our salads when we don't have them.My husband no longer needs his BP meds and I no longer get cramps in my legs and I no longer have swollen ankles. I often reccomend this plan to women who are menopausal,many of my patients in the 50ish age group are having much luck with this plan.You may feel slightly "funny" the first couple of days and I can't even explain how,but within a week you will see a difference.With the holidays,we have gone seriously off the plan but neither one of us have gained an ounce. Jan 1 we are back to plan. The first 70 pages are crucial reading.They expalin in detail why the plan works.It makes such sense that I realized why all those diets I have been on never worked. good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Unrestrictive, relatively healthy way to diet Review: Well, it's finally in print. A diet book that isn't too restrictive, and it's relatively healthy. I'm certainly no advocate of the Atkins Diet, and diets like the Raw Food Diet, and the Alkaline Diet can be far too restrictive for most people to be able to deal with effectively. The South Beach diet is about as healthy as a diet can get while still allowing certain processed, and devitalized foods into your body. Of course, only fresh foods, organic if possible are recommended on this diet, but there's different variations you can come up with to make the diet work for you. That's why I would recommend this book to someone who doesn't want to give up meat, or some of the foods they like to eat on a daily basis. I'd have to say if a reader can't follow this South Beach diet with any success, perhaps you should start looking at Self-Help books and tapes instead. Wayne Dyer does some fine work in that field. Check him out if you feel cheated and restricted on the South Beach diet.