Rating:  Summary: If wishes were horses...... Review: I first read this book in high school and all I got from it was a huge chip on my shoulder. And by huge, I mean bigger than the average teenage male chip by tons. This book is great motivational material, but little else. It'll get you pumped and psyched and ready to go conquer the world. However, this feeling doesn't last for long after you read the book. Having just re-read the material, I wasn't as impressed with it as I was 15 years ago. The general advice Hill repeats over and over agian, is to be consumed with greed. Be so totally focused on your goal that you choose your spouse (and everything else) in accordance with that goal. This may indeed work, but it leaves alot to be desired in the underlying QUALITY of life. This attitude also has a distinctly unethical feel to it. To those that think "Get Rich Quick" books are a scam however, I have only this arguement: very few people buy these books to get rich. That's right, they buy the dream of a "possiblity" of wealth. Think about it. If the book worked for everyone that bought it and followed it, then the world would be have alot more wealthy people. If the book didn't work for anyone in it's 50+ year history, then why buy it in the first place? This book can help you get rich if you take the shallow viewpoint of life that it teaches you. More importantly, it can motivate you to take some steps that you may not have made without being "pumped up". That's the real value of this book, it changes your behaviour. For a little while anyway. If you buy it for anything else, like PRACTICAL ADVICE, then you're wasting your money.
Rating:  Summary: A book that creates millionaires!! Review: If you want to learn a subject who is better qualified to teach it, someone with no knowledge or someone who has the knowledge and has done it. Think and Grow Rich was written by a millionaire (Napolean Hill) who interviewed many millionaires of his time. These are the strategies that made the world's first billionaire and many millionaires from the 30's to the present.Follow the advice and you will become rich.
Rating:  Summary: I'm very enthusiastic about it, although some things... Review: The principles contained in this book are true, as many people have proved through the years: The origin of anything you do, not only for money, but other desirable things, are your ideas, catalyzed by a burning desire, aided by a master mind and accesing the resources of infinite intelligence. I myself have proved this principles and benefited from them. The chaper I don't like, is the one about sexual permutation. It explains that the strongest desire in men is sexual expression. It recommends having a woman (the book is a little bit sexist, not considering than maybe women would like to make money too) that excites you sexually so that you can permute that energy into more work. To me, that's like getting your own pimp that is sexually stimulating you to work as a workhorse to give all the fruits of your labor to her... That advice, in my humble opinion is bullsh*t... However the rest of the book is very useful and except for those themes that should be ignored...
Rating:  Summary: An inspiring novel Review: This novel is great! But I had read other books that had prepared me mentally for it. I think the number one key to getting a lot out of books like this is having an open mind. This book has some pretty incredible ideas and if you aren't open minded about them, you will probably scoff at them. So this was like my fourth or fifth book on the topic of thinking and changing your life. I highly recommend it, and I am already implementing his stragies and suggestions into my life. The most important for me was finding a desire. Then using autosuggestion. I am planning tor read the novel again to make sure I understand it. But the basic theme of the novel is to find a desire, state it clearly, mentally prepare yourself to achieve it, and do not let fear stand in the way of you achieving your desire.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT!! BUY IT! Review: Overcome these and you will be RICH! 31 Of The Most Common Causes of Failure: Heredity background Lack of a well defined central purpose Lack of ambition Insufficient education(applied)=>What they do with what they know Self discipline Ill Health Environmental influences in childhood Procrastination Lack of persistence Negative personality Lack of control Uncontrolled desire for something for nothing Lack of well defined power of decision: Prompt decisions/ indecision 6 Fears (in the book) Wrong selection of a mate in a marriage Over caution / satisfied with leftovers Working with the wrong associates in business Superstition and prejudice Wrong selection of vocation Lack of concentration Indiscriminate spending Lack of enthusiasm Intolerance (religion political or race etc) stopped acquiring knowledge Intemperance - Overindulgence Inability to cooperate Possession of power you didn't earn (inheritance) Dishonesty Egotism Guessing instead of Thinking Lack of capital Other
Rating:  Summary: This is a Classic. If You Believe, You Can Achieve. Review: This is one of the first success books that I've ever read. It was the first time I ever read about the importance of a postive mental attitude and the mastermind principle. This is a classic. The stories are old, but they contain the principles of success. You can find the basics to becoming successful and/or rich in this book. This is required reading for all people getting into self-development and learning about the power of the mind.
Rating:  Summary: THINK BIG + WORK HARD + STAY FOCUSED = SUCCESS Review: I love this book! This book is a must for anyone who wants to achieve success. I believe that the simple formula for achieving success is: THINK BIG + WORK HARD + STAY FOCUSED = SUCCESS This book is for THINKING BIG For WORKING HARD read: Unstoppable: 45 Powerful Stories of Perseverance and Triumph from People Just Like You, by Cynthia Kersey For STAYING FOCUSED, use The Motivational Blueprint (you can get it free from my website) Zev Saftlas, Author of Motivation That Works: How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated & Founder of www.CoachingWithResults.com
Rating:  Summary: Helped me more than anything Review: This was the first self help book that I ever bought and used. It worked so well for me that I went from a $4/hr job (in 1976) to $2,000.month in a part time business inside of 6 months. And that was because I took my time! I have to admit, I didn't realize how old the book was. Even so I figured if this worked for Carnegie, Ford, Woolworth etc. then it must be good stuff. And it was. I also have to admit that first I hated this PMA stuff. Seemed so ridiculous. Writing statements, reciting affirmations and so on. In fact, I didn't even believe it would work at first which is why it took so long for me to multiply my income three times in less than six months. Think and Grow Rich is a great book. It is the book that every other personal development trainer/speaker references to as helping them reach their goals. This is an outstanding book and a must read for all achievers. I understand your pessimism...I felt the same way myself at first. Get over it. I did and I'm glad I did!
Rating:  Summary: Very Disapointed Review: I couldn't even make it through half of it it was so dry. I didn't realize this was written 50+ years ago and recommends strategies like repeating phrases daily (a little far fetched for me). I recently listened to the audio version of "The Millionaire Mind," and found it much more interesting.
Rating:  Summary: The grandaddy of all personal development books Review: Think and Grow Rich has been around since the 1930's and is without doubt the grandaddy of all personal development books right along with Dale Carnegies How To Win Friends and Influence People and Dr. Norman Vincent Peales The Power of Positive Thinking. What makes Think and Grow Rich so outstanding is that it encapsulates the strategies of the most successful people living in Hills time and possibly the most successful people of all time. Think & Grow Rich is not a "feel good" book, rather it is a book with facts and exercises to bring out your potential. All of the greats of today including Zig, Robbins, Waitley, Tracy, Les Brown and more all attribute Think and Grow Rich to helping them reach their sensational success. I believe so strongly in this book that I am now giving it away as a accessory gift at weddings. Think and Grow Rich has stood the test of time. The principles work only if you use them. Butu first, you have to know what to use. For that you need to read the book. It's great.