Rating:  Summary: Proof the Master Mind Alliance works! Review: I was introduced to Napoleon Hill's Master Mind Alliance in 1971 while working as a DJ at WWOK, in Miami, Florida which was one of the nation's first Contemporary Country Music stations. We played the hits and played a major role in crossing country music over to mainstream. As Loretta Lynn sang in one of her songs, we "were country before it was cool." The Program Director introduced all of us to the Master Mind Alliance principle from "THINK AND GROW RICH" in one of our first meetings and stated our definiteness of purpose was to be number one. This goal with a 5,000-watt station at 1260 on the dial was no small act. However, he emphasized that two or more minds in complete agreement on a purpose can achieve anything. We all bought in. Within the year, a new competitive FM station playing rock came into the market to knock off the established FM rock station. In THEIR sales kit, they included the latest ratings that posted their number three and four positions, which was a great move on the other rocker. However, in my daypart 10am to 3pm there was something significant. The number one station was WWOK. The little country station driven by the Master Mind Alliance. I have become a lifetime student of Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone and other authors that know the power of the statement, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." Joe Nuckols
Rating:  Summary: The Secret is only available to those who are ready Review: Napoleon Hill's book is the only tool that people can use to actually change their lives. However, he clearly states in the book that only a select few will ever understand the Secret that he has made mention of. Dr. Hill's hope was that these few people out of the millions that bought his book would make the world a better place.Napoleon Hill placed a premium on Ideas, and as you know there are only a few original ideas each decade, and ever fewer men and women who know how to turn them into reality. Think about much suffering is still going on today around the world. Clearly, Dr. Hill's objective that people can rid themselves of poverty through Thinking has not been achieved yet. There are still great strides required in Health Research, Computer Technology, Pollution Prevention, Political Science, etc... to make the world a more livable, safer place. Much of what is going on today in Universities and Corporations does not pass for true, groundbreaking thinking and as such does not fall under Dr. Hill's requirements for Think and Grow Rich. As an example of people Dr. Hill would approve of, Issac Newton would come to mind as an original thinker. Similarly, Dr. James Naismith, who invented basketball. How about Dr. Salk, who invented to Polio vaccine. Then there are the people who ran with these ideas and created fortunes. Are there any people out there who are willing to go to this type of level to change their lives? If there are, this book is for you!
Rating:  Summary: The bible of Personal Development! Review: While there may be many "how to" books out there, this is the best. Principlesnever change. And while this book was written over 60 years ago, the technique's are still in vogue. In fact, most of the newer books are "peppered" with Napolean Hill, perhaps the best testiment to the effectiveness of Mr Hill's techniques. This is a extraordinary book. I alsorecommend "Life Strategies" by McGraw and "Superself" by Givens. Two more great books.
Rating:  Summary: This is one of the best books on success that you can own. Review: I've read this book several times and everytime I seem to get something more that I did not get in the previous. I wish I had this book when I was in High School my life would be a lot different then it is now. I've applied some of the principles in Hill's book and I'm proof to tell you that they do work when you apply them properly. You must first read the book with a open mind to be able understand what he is talking about and use wisdom.
Rating:  Summary: I agree with the gentleman from Estonia. This book is pap! Review: There is absolutely nothing concrete in this book. What are the steps necessary to achieve wealth? "Visualize being rich". Give me a break! And to the gentleman who says he can find verses to back up Mr. Napoleon, I would first ask what happened to "seek first the kingdom of God"? I gave it 1 star because zero was not a choice! There are much better books. Try Covey's 7-Habits. Get the basics down first.
Rating:  Summary: I disagree with the reader from estonia Review: The principles outlined by napoleon hill are sound and practical. But they do require the reader to put in the effort. The book provides the guidelines, the reader must provide the effort. In Dr. Hill's own words - ' nature frowns upon the idea of something for nothing'
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money. This book's a cheat. Review: Mr. Hill knows how to be mysterious. (In fact, that's all he knows.) There's a secret, you know. A secret he heard as a young boy from an old millionaire. The secret's so powerful that it can't be written down black on white. It's hidden in the book - when you read it, it will (or won't) suddenly jump into your mind sometime. When this has happened, all the world lies at your feet. Wow! You might wonder why Mr. Hill's parents named him Napoleon. After reading this book, you'll know it was his destiny. It would be a disappointment if a person who writes a book like Think And Grow Rich would be called anything else. (Well, maybe I'd accept Caesar.) Oh... wanna know what the secret is? That's very simple: IN ORDER TO GET RICH, YOU HAVE TO BE OBSESSED WITH MONEY. That means that money must be the most important (no, sorry, the only important) thing in the world for you. You must be ready to give up anything else in order to get money. Sounds imbecile? It should, because it's ridiculous to consider money as your life's ultimate goal, an end in itself. Money's just pieces of paper or numbers in a bank computer. It has no value in itself, it's only good as a means for getting things you need in order to be happy. This book contains no concrete advice on making money. There are no mental techniques or exercises either. The book consists of success stories of people who made it by burning all bridges behind them. They risked everything they had in order to get rich and they succeeded. However, if you want to try the same, you should consider the possibility that you might become one of those people Mr. Hill's not writing about - the ones who also put everything on one card, but lost it all. Even if you're absolutely desperate and have nothing to lose - there are still many realistic make-money books available. There is absolutely no reason why anybody should waste his money and time on Napoleon Hill.
Rating:  Summary: This book turned my life around Review: In 1990, I returned home (Orlando,Fl) after a crashing business failure in Hawaii. I had read Think & Grow Rich many years before along with other mind books including "You can if you Think you can" by Norman Vincent Peale. Frustrated, I decided to go back to my "roots" and dug out the old dog eared copy of "Think and Grow Rich" that I had packed away and began to read and most importantly apply the techniques. Within weeks, I found a new opportunity and within months, my income had grown to a personal high. I really can't say enough about Think and Grow Rich, except read it and apply the principles. The other book that came into my life at the same time I began to reread Think and Grow Rich was "More Wealth without Risk" by Charles Givens and oh yes, I also reread You can if you Think you can by Dr. Peale. I highly endorse all three books for anyone serious about success.
Rating:  Summary: insightful Review: I've read this book 25 times, after the Holy Bible this book is the best for success in any area of your life. I've researched Hills findings personally , and I can personallly give you books, chapters, and verses on my findings . I've helped others and myself by using this book. I am presently using it to help my agents. I've also used this book to help church saints. you've got to read this book at least 3 times to understand what I am saying, then you will not want to stop reading this book. Millionaires I know have personallly attributed their success to reading this book. My Dad President and founder of Marshall Engineering Corporation used the principles in this book to build an empire.
Rating:  Summary: Not a bad book Review: This book is not so much about HOW to become rich, but rather, how to fire up your enthusiasm ABOUT becoming rich. The theory is that the more you desire riches, the harder you will work to achieve them. This is not a bad theory, but those looking for a step-by-step procedure may be disappointed by this book. The key points of this book are Goal-setting, so you know exactly what you want to accomplish; Visualization of your goals and how you will accomplish them; and Affirmations, or the main process by which you fire up your desire. One suggestion of the book that can easily backfire is to "burn your bridges behind you" -- to eliminate all possible sources of retreat. This will certainly increase your motivation, but it can also cause much hardship should you fail despite your best efforts. The book makes reference to telepathy and the "Infinite Intelligence of the Universe" with which your subconscious mind communicates. These unproven claims may turn off the more scientifically-minded readers. In all, the book makes some good points and is thought-provoking.