Rating:  Summary: review by Johnathan Review: I have read this review along with others and I could have told you it was a review by a man even if I had not read his name. His review helped me by validating that men do not know a thing about menapause and really do not care to help a woman get through it. I feel very angry about his stupid deas on this subject. By the way, I do not think getting through it is an answer because just like any other problem --it should be treated as a life long issue--because it is!!! I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 24 --I am now 76 and have had estrogen replacement since the hysterectomy. I know how it is to be without this vital substance and am in total disagreement with anyone who says women do not need it. They--obviously have not spent time in the shoes of a woman who is experiencing it. New ideas are born every day and should not be put off as foolish. I want to get this bioidentical therapy asap. I now take an estrogen shot every month as that is what has been the best for me but i would like something that is ongoing and keeps me even all the time. I have had a difficult time getting the estrogen because Dr's have been brainwashed into thinking it causes problems and does not work. I am living proof that it not only works but is vitally necessary to a womans good health and well being. When I get low on estrogen I have all the symtoms connected with minapause--flashes--nightmeres--irritability--etc. Every time I have to change Dr's I have to fight to receive estrogen even though they are astonished at my good health and my great fitness---I am so cute and so interesting and so funny and a sixteen year old would die for my cute shape. I play tennis, walk, keep my own house etc. and everything else life demands of me. I recently finished writing "The Widow" a novel about a woman s transition through the sudden death of her husband of 23 years. NO--it is not sad but a very revealing and lighthearted set of events and a beautiful woman seeing ';herself through' Yeah for her. No, I did not experience this myself but what a great movie it would make and what a help to anyone no matter their own experience. Suzanne--I cannot wait to read The sexy years--I have never lost my sex drive or my enthusiasm for life but know that bioidentical estrogen is the answer I have been looking for forever!! Thank you and a GREAT BIG BOO! to Johnathan.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book for Women! Review: Suzanne Somers does a great service to women and men alike who are seeking to understand the symptoms of hormone imbalance. I was determined to "tough it out" with menopause, and the severe hot flashes, low libido, crankiness, weight gain, etc, but after three yrs of suffering decided that I needed relief. My own ob-gyn was not willing to really consider natural bio-identical hormones, and I was about to cave in in desperation, when three family members recommended this book (yes, they have suffered along with me). I read it straight through, cover to cover, and it gave me the courage to fire my doctor and find a doctor who would discuss ALL the alternatives with me, and be my partner in deciding what is best for me. Thank you, Suzanne Somers, for doing so much of the research for me, and for giving me that last nudge that I needed to take a stand. You are a powerful advocate for all of us, and your encouragement to become an advocate for ourselves is a timely and cutting edge message, particularly when it comes to HRT. I have not read her other books, but this one was life changing for me.
Rating:  Summary: What a fool believes......... Review: I was shocked, I mean SHOCKED, to see Suzanne Somers to go on Fox's Weekened Live to promote this book and tout the benefits of "bioidentical" HRT. There are a number of problems, both with the very idea of HRT, and the fact that it's Suzanne Somers!!Suzanne Somers is a breast cancer survivor. No doctor, I repeat NO DOCTOR in his or her right mind would/SHOULD give estrogens to women who have already shown a vulnerability to the disease. Suzanne, in her unrealistic quest to remain forever youthful, has foolishly jumped onto this bandwagon that estrogens will maintain her looks, sexuality, and overall health. Recent randomized data indicated that breast cancer survivors already treated for the disease showed unacceptably high rates of recurrence when they resumed hormones. In Suzanne's case, the lady didn't even receive standard treatment for breast cancer!!! She chose an unproven herbal treatment (Iscador) and forsaked both chemo and Tamoxifen despite the fact that her oncologist INSISTED on it. A 2.4 cm tumor is actually stage II not stage I. So the very notion of her touting estrogen just comes off as foolish, because here is someone who has already shown herself to be cavalier about her own health. There is no "wisdom" in what she has chosen to do because her choices are UNPROVEN. Now for the "bioidentical is better" notion. Recent randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that estrogens, with or without progestins, do NOT prevent heart disease. In fact Prempro increased the risks of heart attack, stroke, breast cancer, and dementia. Estrogen alone was believed to be better until earlier this month the NIH halted its other hormone trial of the WHI because estrogen (Premarin) users faced higher rates of stroke and dementia. HARDLY preventive medicine if you ask me! Now while Suzanne IS CORRECT in saying that bioidenticals are not the same as synthetics, there is currently no longterm prospective data, ZERO!!!, on the longterm effects of bioidentical hormones. The data for these hormones are not on a par with the data from WHI. They have not been proven to be either safe or efficacious. Period! And for now, there IS reason to think that the effects would be similar to the Premarin family of drugs because all estrogens can cause clots in certain women. Bioidentical estradiol already failed the test in secondary heart disease prevention studies. And it also seems that any estrogens, whether from a pill or a woman's own ovaries, increase breast cancer risk if there is a long enough exposure to them. As for hormones effects on youth and beauty, well, there is SOME DATA suggesting estrogens might benefit the skin, but other studies have shown no benefit and some have even shown problems, such as melasma and hair loss. (As for Suzanne, I don't think her current looks are an impressive testament to the dermatologic benefits of hormones.) This society has got to get over the idea that youth, beauty, and vitality exist in pill form. They do not. Entirely too much data have shown HRT to be a greater problem then aid. Menopause is not a disease. It does not inherently require treatment. Youth and beauty don't fade because of estrogen decline. They fade because of aging! And then again, many many people age beautifully without assistance from drugs. Again, it is not WISE to think that replacing estrogens will give you your life back. Now, "replacement" does make sense in terms of deficiency diseases like hypothyroidism because something is put back that should be there and then the person can function normally. HRT does not make a woman premenopausal, it only tries to mimic it. What I think we've discovered, especially in the last two years, is not how much was known about estrogens and women's health but how much was NOT known. And bioidentical may seem safer and more "natural," but the fact is is that we don't know if bioidentical HRT IS safe and even if it does match the hormones in a woman's body, they're still manufactured and synthesized in a lab!! When was the last time you saw a 17 beta-estradiol patch or pill growing out of the ground?!! For now, the evidence to support bioidentical HRT is lacking and there is some evidence to show it might be harmful. There are other ways to ward off disease and signs of aging, mainly diet and exercise and minimizing exposure to the sun. And if necessary, there are other medications that can help. But mostly, attitude is everything and if women can actually try to look beyond the hot flashes and temporary discomfort that accompany this, I'm sure they'll find themselves much better off than they've been led to believe. I'm so sick of the disrespect and misunderstanding of the intricacies of a woman's body that is "HRT!" Health, vitality, and sexuality will not be sundered by menopause, a natural life process. And if Ms. Somers (whose reliability is already questionable) says otherwise and you believe her, then I'm sorry.....
Rating:  Summary: Information = The Power To Make Informed Decisions Review: Suzanne Somers provides chapter after chapter of much-needed information in her book on menopause. Her writing is clear and concise, and she makes the subject of hormones understandable to the lay person. Some will agree with her conclusions, some will not. Either way, readers will come away with much more knowledge than they had before. And as I said in the title of this review, information equals the power to make informed decisions for ourselves. If nothing else, this book will make you think of questions you should be asking your doctor. Reviewer: Linda Painchaud
Rating:  Summary: Read It and Get Both Sides of the Debate on HRT! Review: With all of the negative press about HRT (hormone replacement therapy), it is NOT surprising to me that this book is a best seller. I HIGHLY recommend this book. This is a must read for every woman. Even if you don't agree with everything in the book, I guarantee that you will learn both sides of the debate. Two words: BUY IT! Dr. Michael L. Johnson author of "What Do You Do When the Medications Don't Work?--A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia, and Other Chronic Conditions".
Rating:  Summary: A Message to the Cynic Colleen ¿R.N., Ph.D.¿ Review: I happen to be an M.D. Your review is unethical, unfounded, and if this is the best you can provide with all of your so-called expertise, stay out of practicing medicine, and get a job for the Enquirer. This book brings a most beneficial breakthrough for women and men, and you can be rest assured, it was written with exhaustive research that concur with the latest advances in medicine, along with the findings of highly trained Doctor's who are well knowledgeable in this field. You are NOT one of them. This is well researched book for all who desire safe rejuvenation during the mid-life years. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: A Message to Naysayer Colleen "R.N." Review: To Colleen R.N, "Ph.D"...learn how to spell menopause correctly, and we may take your ridiculous post seriously....on second thought, probably not...I'd rather read the interviews of doctors who ARE knowledgeable about bio-identical hormones. This is a great book and a great service to women.
Rating:  Summary: Buyer Beware Review: This is a book that never should have been published. There are too many misinterpretations about estrogen and menapause to delineate here, but stay clear of this approach if you value your health and and hope to live a long time. The subject matter is clearly over the author's head.
Rating:  Summary: Cute take on serious issue. Blessed Health is better. Review: I like the cute phrasing Ms. Summers uses for some things she describes, but as a nurse I still llike medical advice from health care professionals. It's strange how celebrities feel they can write about scientific, medical information. I'm not a star struck person (sorry, SS). I find the book Blessed Health to give me a really good review of menopause, and what to do about it, and what not to do. there's medical and holistic recommendations, herbal remedies and the like since I didn't want to take more estrogen. The book says african/american but so what. I'm white and learned a lot from it. It doesn't deal so much with the sexy stuff but good health advice for women. Someone gave me that book when serious illness struck my family and I read all the spiritual sections. Comforting stuff in a time of crisis. Menopause and family stress all at one time! I needed spiritual relief. Northup's books(Wisdom)are good too for menopause info. They're both on Amazon. Maybe get all three, Somers, Blessed Health and Northrup and pick and choose what works best for you. Healthy reading. Stamp out hot flashes.
Rating:  Summary: not the best advice Review: While Ms. Somers should be commended for trying to offer women advice regarding their health, the information in this book is sorely lacking some VERY important information. First of all, any woman with breast cancer who chooses to use estrogen should not be writing a book about women's wellbeing. Secondly, the "cutting edge" doctors of today do no use the estridiol hormone alone any longer, they use another estrogen which is breast protective. There are many other tests, aside from hormone levels, which need to be done and supplements that "cutting edge" and mainstream doctors are suggesting to prevent estrogen from causing estrogen related cancers. You just don't take hormones so you can feel "sexy" and young and I just think this book missed the mark.