Rating:  Summary: Made me want to do more research!!!! Review: This book got me started on a quest for more health information. If you don't believe in what she has chosen for her own situation, fine but definitely read this book as a starting point for your own research on menopause and perimenopause. Great book....ps: I'm not star-struck at all and admire celebrities who use their celebrity in a positive way to help others.
Rating:  Summary: Gynecologist Agrees with use of bioidentical HRT Review: Suzanne Somers is a great spokesperson for the treatment of menopausal symptoms with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). At our menopause institute my Physicians Assistant and I have prescibed this method of treatment hundreds of times for patients in the last five years. Suzanne's openess in discussing how she coped with menopausal symptoms is so important for other women to read about and will definitely help them in making decisions about their treatment. Jerrold H. Weinberg, MD-Michigan www. birmingham-menopause.com
Rating:  Summary: Doctor Advocates Bioidentical HRT . Review: I am a physician who has first hand experience with the benefits and risks of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). I believe saliva testing and BHRT will be the standard of care in 5 to 10 years. Until then I have the privilege of being a pioneer! BHRT has helped hundreds of my patients "get their lives back." Don't forget other key hormones, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid, testosterone, DHEA, HGH, etc...there's way more to it than just estrogen. Gray Erlacher, MD - North Carolina ...
Rating:  Summary: Physicians Should Prepare Themselves For This!!! Review: As a Physician who specializes in Anti-Aging Medicine and Preventive Medicine for people over 40, I was very pleased to see Suzanne Somers book, and enjoyed reading it very much. She is right on the mark with this timely exploratory book on taking charge of one's own health care. Most of my patients come in confused and angry, wanting to be listened to about their symptoms and refusing to believe that they have to "settle" for failing health and well being because they have read the research themselves and know that there is another choice. Suzanne presents an excellent summary that most people will understand about why most doctors don't offer alternatives to traditional hormone replacement and in fact are confused themselves. She has done her homework, and will help you to present a solid arguement for natural hormone replacement and to find the sort of doctor you need to get your health care needs met. I think that a more thorough work up than just a few blood tests are necessary to evaluate cancer risk as well as hormone levels, but I do a multi level work up that involves cardiac, immune system, hormonal and dementia prevention as well as sexual function assessment. Recommend this book to friends and to your doctor. Dr Tedde Rinker, Stress Medicine Consulting, Burlingame California.
Rating:  Summary: HRT - SYNTHETIC OR NATURAL IS NOT SAFE OR NECESSARY! Review: I had alot to say about this book and Suzanne Sommers's belief system about menopause but Jonathan Raymond, Washington D.C. March 16, 2004 beat me to the punch. He said it all most beautifully and accurately. All I will add is that I and the women in my family have opted for natural alternatives such as diet, exercise, vitamins, herbs, good skin care and a very positive attitude. We are all healthier and happier than before the change and are not falling apart or shriveling up. Please do not buy into the belief that menopause must be treated as if it were a disease - it is not. It is just another life phase. HRT is not safe whether it be synthetic or natural. I recommend that you instead read "No Hormones No Fear" by Trisha Posner.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks Suzanne for sharing your experience! Review: Suzanne has once again made her life an open book, and what a beautiful book it is! Yes, she's gorgeous and her family is great, but it's also how she looks at things -- many celebs with easier lives than hers have held lifelong pity parties. I told a skeptical young woman at a party the other night that Suzanne's book will make life easier for her someday -- just wait and see! People just don't seem to get the difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic ones like Premarin and Prempro. (...). Saying bioidentical estradiol is like Premarin is like saying all cars are like Fiat's -- it's just not true! My only reservation about The Sexy Years is that the book makes it seem as if the only way to go bioidentical is through compounding pharmacists -- a great way to go, for sure, but a little far out for those of us who pick up our prescriptions at Walmart. (...). If you "don't feel like yourself," there is a way to experience The Sexy Years!
Rating:  Summary: Don't Listen to Mr. Jonathan Raymond! Review: This is mainly in response to another opinion on this site about this book. It's an awesome book! Suzanne Somers is not trying to make all women go through natural HRT. She's sharing her experience and how it has changed her life. It's an option that frankly I knew nothing about! It's awesome to know that there are people out there, like Suzanne, who will do research on something to better themselves as well as others. Suzanne is an educated woman with a PhD. And now because of this book, women can speak to their doctors about the alternatives and discuss what is best for them. The Sexy Years is a great book for all women. If Jonathan Raymond knows so much maybe he should do his own research studies to contradict what medical professionals are saying about natural HRT. Buy the book, you'll be greatful you did.
Rating:  Summary: Amen... Review: to those here who at least read the book before spouting off. And reviews written by MEN about a subject that affects only WOMEN in this way? Give me a break. Maybe if the medical community, which seems largely made up of men more interested in how their [reprodcutive organ] works than how to help women going thru this life altering change, could concentrate a little more on helping us, this wouldn't be such an often debilitating condition. The biggest benefit to reading this book is that it at least offers alternative choices to women searching for one. No one should blindly accept what anyone tells them about their own bodies - do the research, ask the questions and then determine the best choice for YOU. I don't need men telling me how to deal with or arm myself with knowledge about something they will never experience.
Rating:  Summary: Not just for women! Review: Suzanne Somers explains that males go through their own version of menopause, called "andropause" - so this book is for men, too - and also for men who want to better understand what women go through during this time. What I like about this book the most is its straight-forward, no-nonsense approach. We do have options - and isn't it good to know what those options are? By putting it all out on the table this author is empowering us to make better choices. I like that she is living life by example. You go, girl! :-) -Lisa Marie Coffey, author of "What's Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love."
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book for Men Too!, Review: Most people only know of Suzanne Somers as an extremely funny performer who starred in a sitcom with the late John Ritter. Now she has written an intelligent book that explains hormone imbalance symtoms that most woman have to endure. Not only has she bravely battled and survived breast cancer, but she has remained beautiful.