Rating:  Summary: The real mystery is Patterson's popularity Review: OK... having said that, truth is I got hooked on Patterson a few books back when I realized how much I liked the detective he'd created, Alex Cross. But after several books with cartoon-character villains and ridiculous dialogue by his too-precious daughter, not to mention writing sorely lacking in description and procedure, I felt duped. Nevertheless, I decided to pick up the latest paperback and was stunned that such thin characters and another cartoonish villain was managing to be another bestseller. The "women's murder club" made me think of Nancy Drew and the idea that professional woman would gather that way, let alone dub themselves something that insipid, is beyond any reasonable suspension of disbelievability. Having been a crime reporter for a daily newspaper for many years, I know a little bit about what truly is ridiculous in crime fiction, and Patterson is at the top of the list.
Rating:  Summary: 1st To Die Review: I was disappointed in this book in that I thought the plot regarding the murders could have been more developed, as well as the relationship between the members of the Murder Club. As a female I thought that the foursome lacked the connection most women have when they develop friendships. I did however, think the author did a splendid job with the love interest for the main character, as well as his distinctive title.
Rating:  Summary: What a Blast! Review: I have not ever read James Patterson - I was always afraid of the gore. 1st to Die caught my eye because of the four women in the murder club - it sounded too enticing not to give it a read and am I glad I did! I was hooked immediately and cannot wait for the next installment. This was pure entertainment - never mind the plausibility - just read it for fun's sake, it won't disappoint!
Rating:  Summary: FABULOUS Review: Great and fast read, as usual for Patterson.
Rating:  Summary: 1st to Die by James Patterson Review: This book is dreadful. The worst instincts of James Patterson seem to have run amuck here. If I could, I would've given this a no-star. I can't understand why a man with writing talent would bother with this type of thing.The heroine is absurdly flat and uninteresting, the love story is a pain, the crimes are revolting and worst of all, the killer is boring and hopelessly derivitive. Ugh. I hope that contract pressure isn't pushing James Patterson into writing too quickly and trying too hard. I understand this is to be a series too, forget about it. I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I have enjoyed some of this author's earlier books and I am really disappointed in this dud. Perfectly awful.
Rating:  Summary: The Obligatory Double Plot Twist Gets Tiresome Review: There comes a time in some writer's careers when their penchant for being unpredictable becomes all too predictable. It happened to Ambrose Bierce--read a collection of his short stories and after a few, those great and unexpected endings become not-so-eagerly-anticipated. And so it is now with James Patterson. Readers new to his writing will probably be wowed with the endings; but his long-time fans will likely sigh with frustration at the over-familiar. Roses are Red was a terrific read, except for the last sentence--take a look at the reviews here on Amazon and see how many people that one angered. Unfortunately 1st to Die isn't the first to simply contain a few too many twists. And what is more, the twists don't really add up--in that way, Bierce is far the superior writer. I won't say more because to do so would ruin the novel, and most of it is a pretty good thriller. I didn't find the female characters quite as convincing as some of the other reviewers here, but the crimes were certainly shocking--if only the right villain had committed them! I haven't sworn off Patterson completely, but I'm certainly not buying any more hardbacks. I just finished rereading John Sandford's Certain Prey; Sandford and Patterson are a lot alike, but I think Sandford has maintained his quality through the years.
Rating:  Summary: This was a refreshing change from Alex Cross Review: All in all, I really liked this book. I think that James Patterson needs to let go of Alex Cross and put his focus here. This was a great book with a wonderful plot that kept me interested from page one. I could not put this book down. This was written In Mr. Patterson's easy to read style and was a very fast read. I think that this was one of his better books that have come out in the last couple of years. Rather than relying on the old and worn out character of Alex Cross, Patterson creates a new set of characters that are just as interesting and a lot less predictable. I would recommend this book to all, especially if you are looking for a book that will grab you from page one and keep you interested until the last page!
Rating:  Summary: 1st To Die Review: This is an excellent book. As usual James does it again. You will always be in suspense. I love suspense and mystery and this book has it. The best part is guessing who done it. I don't want to get into the story, because I might ruin it for you by telling you the plot and I don't want to do that. I just hope that Mr. Patterson will do something else with this character. I would like to see this police woman/Detective in more cases and possibly work with Alex Cross in a case. I love strong and positive woman.
Rating:  Summary: Signs of weakness Review: This book has a great premise, and although it's hardly original, Patterson does make it seem so. It's a very sad book. Well, how could a book about the deaths of newlyweds NOT be sad? And patterson touches upon this sadness in a very good way. he doesn't let us linger or wallow in it, but just gives us a sense of it with one or two sentences, then moves on. However...although the plot is good, that is really all it has going for it. The writing is shallow, lacking the depth which was present in his early works, and his characters are just stereotypical and cliched. Even the nice twist about Lindsay's disease wasn't handled very well. Just a cliche, and we didn't really care, because we knew nothing serious was going to happen. the title "1st to Die" is just screaming out to you that there's going to be a series of Lindsay Boxer novels, with the next title having something to do with "2nd" (Chance, as it happens) 3rd, (my guess is "Time Lucky") etc. So we know she isn't going to die. So it just kills any suspense or sympathy, because we know she'll get better. Patterson claims that living up in a house full of women gave him a good background for writing from their perspective. If so, it doesn't show. Lindsay is slightly stereotypical, and just a cliched woman in a man's world. She fits the old time view of women, as all they care about being shopping, gossip with friends, etc.. But it just doesn't ring true. Patterson shouldn't write women. This book's conclusion is his most complicated since Jack And Jill, and when Patterson get's complicated, it falls apart. I dont read his books to get complicated endings and for him to dazlle me with his deception, i read them because they are relatively uncomplicated thrilers. This one was until the end. The one redeeming thing about this novel is it's excellent plotline. The rest of it, though, is a bit below average.
Rating:  Summary: Electrifying Plot!!! Review: The pace of this book is electrifying. It has the combined minds of the Women's Murder Club pitted against an ingenious serial killer who targets newly married young couples. This is Patterson's best book since the likes of 'Along Came A Spider', 'Kiss The Girls', or 'Cat And Mouse'. I was beginning to think that he had lost something -- but this reaffirms his greatness. He is back. Buy it!