Rating:  Summary: Please read this may change your whole life. Review: First of all I have never been impressed with Dr. Phil. The man seems to think he is an expert about every subject. Well, with weight loss he is NOT. I am in my thirties. I have tried every diet imaginable. I have followed them to the letter. They did not work. (For me.) I think the most horrible thing a human being has to go through is to be overweight. It is the most incredible prejudice I have ever seen. You cannot get a break anywhere. THe biggest fallacy about about being overweight is , "YOU EAT TOO MUCH AND YOU ARE IN-ACTIVE!" Really?!?!?! I have had a weight problem since I was a little girl. I call it metabolism. For years my mother took me to the doctor for weight loss. They couldn't help me. I used to not eat and GAIN weight. As I got older I went to the doctors myself. No doctor ever believed that you can be significantly overweight and not eat like a "cow." Please excuse the expression. I argued it was metabolic. They said it is impossible. There is no such thing. Yet, I also argued and stated that the thinnest people I knew ate the most and still were thin. Do you know what they said? "Oh, well that is because they have a GREAT metabolism!!" Really?!?!? I thought it didn't exist! I have tried everything. Even as everyone else -low fat. At first I lost some weight then put it back on and then some. There is a reason for this. When you do low fat to the extremes you lose muscle mass. Eventually your body thinks it is starving and it holds on to the fat and then some. You will notice you aren't as toned anymore. Dr. Phil has some good points. Positive thinking. PLEASE!! Who doesn't know that one when you are trying to change anything in your life? Exercise. Well, this is a given. I am on a program now that I can honestly say is working!!!!!!!!! My blood pressure is now normal and I am losing weight. I have so much more to say about this subject. When I was a child I had a half a sandwhich for lunch. and a small dinner, no cookies, chips and candies and still had a problem. PEOPLE BELIEVE ME, NOT ALL WEIGHT PROBLEM ARE FROM OVEREATING!!! 99% of the doctors I have had know NOTHING about nutrition. Do you know they have about 2 weeks in college with nutrition? Boy, doesn't that make them the experts. I am on Somersizing. I am not getting paid for this and I have no connection with Suzanne Somers. I just believe in her program. I am living proof. I don't like Atkins diet because it is not natural to not eat fruits and veggies. I know you are allowed limited amounts. WHen I first saw the somersizing program I thought it was crazy, just another fad. But it works for me. That in itself is a miracle. Pick up a Somersizing book. Study it-as I did. Draw your own conclusions and decide.If I saved one person out there that would be everything. Feel free to email me if you want to talk. cindyerica@aol.com I know a lot of people will criticize what I just said quite frankly I don't care. I know what I am doing and that is what matters. REMEMBER PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS OVERWEIGHT DOES NOT MEAN THEY HAVE AN EATING PROBLEM. There are different body types and different problems. God Bless.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Phil Misses Big! I'm Staying on The Pathway! Review: I've admired Dr. Phil for his no-nonsense, common-sense approach to problems solving, and I often find meaningful nuggets to keep in his books and programs. However, he falls short for me on The Ultimate Weight-Loss Solution.While I agree that facing up to my behavior and its effects is a necessary ingredient in successful weight loss, it is not the key factor for me. I have found that the only thing that will bring lasting change is reforming the way I think, the way I feel. I must learn to feel instead of numb out in order to understand why I eat. I need to learn to nurture myself while setting healthy limits on my eating, spending, people-pleasing, overworking, and stressing-- in order to have health and happiness. Laurel Mellin has written a magnificent book, and has worked with her colleagues at the University of San Francisco to develop a program called The Solution, based on her work with the very successful Shapedown Program for obese children and families. Since starting this work four months ago, I have reconnected with myself in ways that I never thought possible! I have gone through loads of painful emotions, taking them to the curb and finally letting them go... I feel lighter emotionally, and the scale is beginning to reflect that happy circumstance as well! I highly recommend "The Pathway," by Laurel Mellin-- and the entire Solution program. Get on the pathway to health and happiness...and let Dr. Phil take the other road...
Rating:  Summary: A Keeper!! Review: I have been following the 7 Keys for the past month and I can say that the results have been astounding. I have heard before that by cutting out one thing in your diet you will lose weight but i never truly believed, probably because i would cut out one thing and add something else just as bad. with the keys i learned in Dr. Phils The Ultimate Weight Solution i found the answers i needed to not want to find a substitute. i began to understand that i was not only hurting myself- something i had not given a lot of thought to- and i began to realize that many of my habits were there because i rationalized them in my mind. both of these realizations came from reading Dr. Phil's book and truly accepting the lessons he teaches. the Ultimate Weight Solution is not a diet book even though i have lost weight (about 12 pounds so far!!), it is book about behavior and how you change your behavior to support a healthier lifestyle. i am very happy with the results with my weight as well as the results in my home and in my mind. i feel much better about myself as a person and i owe Dr. Phil a big thank you for all that he has done. I think the book should be read by everyone because it is so supportive of a healthy lifestyle, which people in America seem to be lacking. I know that the book helped me and it can help you too.
Rating:  Summary: Direct and To The Point Review: This book makes you look at the person who responsable for taking care of you... YOU! I am not finished with reading it yet. However, I do feel that I am building a set of tools to help me manage my health as well as my weight. Good Luck and be ready to take responsability for your past actions.
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate? - Please! Review: I'm a licensed healthcare professional specializing in eating disorders, including obesity and I took an interest in what Dr. Phil would say that was helpful for such a misunderstood problem. After reviewing the book, I kept looking for something definitive that would give a new slant about a very old problem. The result was not much different than an obese patient of mine heard from her physician after he weighed her. He said, "Have you ever tried eating less and exercising more? That's the ultimate? Even though we would all like it to be this simple, it is not. What I have found that is truly helpful for my patients is "The Pathway" by Laurel Mellin. This book and method helps people learn how to self-nurture and set effective limits that cause all excesses to fade away: overeating, overworking, overdrinking and others. This method is not a quick fix, but it has substantiated results of merit and there's still nothing to compare it to, and that includes Dr. Phil's new book.
Rating:  Summary: The Fat Phony for Pavlovian Oprah Fans Review: Another hit for the gullible Oprah crowd... have a fat guy in stretch pants tell you how to lose weight. Just more proof that a significant percentage of Americans are phony, People-reading, superficial, self-absorbed idiots.
Rating:  Summary: Oh please! Review: Wherever there are women with a problem, Dr. Phil comes to the rescue. Now he thinks he can be Donahue and Richard Simmons all in one. Don't buy into this crap. He's just trying to cash in to the huge diet industry and it looks like he's doing a great job. Go to the gym and get it over with.
Rating:  Summary: Read the book and reap the benefits! Review: After watching the Friday special about Dr. Phil's program, my husband wanted me to order this book so he could read it. Since I missed the show, I didn't quite get on the bandwagon. After seeing some of the first few shows, I decided to order the book especially it if would get my husband to read it. (It will be a miracle since he does not read books.) Off my order went to Amazon. In the meantime, I found the CD version locally and bought it to listen to at the gym while I work out. After the first CD, I was interested in hearing what Dr. Phil had to say. I listened to each CD twice. The book arrived and I began reading it. Nope, husband hasn't read it yet since I won't give it to him until I am done. My vote is in favor for Dr. Phil and his method of getting real about the issues of weight loss. This books allows you to recognize where YOU have problems, then puts it in simple terms and methods to change your particular problems and habits. No, this is not an overnight miracle or magic solution, but it is a real concept to utilize in getting your life back and getting the facts to take all the steps to weight loss. This book is giving me some much needed mental support to lose weight. I am participating in a program, but wanted all the support that I could get. This book makes me realize I can do this with the support of my family and friends, and by changing those habits from the past. So instead of downing the book and its principles, read it first, do the worksheets in the book, and see what a difference it can make in your life. Great job, Dr. Phil! Thanks for taking on this issue in a loud voice and getting everyone on-board with your show and website.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing New Revealed Review: I watched the 2-hour show with Dr. Phil and Katie Courick, got nothing, borrowed the book from a friend who had purchased it, still got nothing. Dr. Phil seems to be a man who will do anything to make a quick buck. Everything revealed has been said before - by someone else. I find it ironic that someone who looks like it wouldn't hurt to shed a few pounds of his own is lecturing to Americans on being overweight.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Phil's weight loss book. Review: Perhaps others are missing the point of this book. I think it shouldn't necessarily be viewed as a weight loss book but a motovotional book. Dr. Phil's tough approach is what some people need. For me, the book takes on more of the psychological issues of weight loss, rather than giving you a fail-safe way on how to actually do it. Deal with emotional issues first, then losing the weight should come naturally. I have found that, personally, using this book along with the methods in another called "Fatass No More" has been the push I need to get the weight off. So, my opinion is, don't knock it till you try it.