Rating:  Summary: Very exciting Review: Similar to "The South Beach Diet" and Wittgenstein's "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" in the sense that it attempts to achieve a weight-loss solution by scrutinizing the inner structure of our linguistic architecture and then, in a nod to Bertrand Russell and the Bloomsbury circle, ventures deep into our cultural subsconscious, challenging some of our most cherished notions and asking us perhaps that most vexing of questions, "Should I really be ashamed of my weight at all?"--and answering with a resounding, "You bet, you fat slob!"By the way, I prefer "Eight Steps to Weight Loss Slavery," by Al Mussolini.
Rating:  Summary: No more fat farms or diets! Review: Dr. Phil believes that being overweight is caused by using food to deal with emotional problems and having a lifestyle that supports unproductive eating. I have lost 22 pounds as a result of reading this book and finally understand why I eat when I should be taking care of my feelings. This is the first book that made the connection for me -- I have read many, believe me. So Dr. Phil, your book is great. I also recommend Optimal Thinking-How To Be Your Best Self which many reviewers have mentioned. Optimal Thinking has empowered my best self to take charge of my life and to understand each specific emotion and ask the best questions to get the best solutions for myself. I can fire my therapist now. These two books are all you need to take control of your emotional life, be your best and stop using food to put a band aid on problems.
Rating:  Summary: Oprah's lapdog isnt saying anything new Review: Dr Phil(Oprah's lapdog) is an annoying guy. This book is even more annoying. If you're that overweight that you need Dr Phil to tell you the same thing your mother has been telling you all along, then i suggest you get mental help.
Rating:  Summary: Will this book result in long term changes? Review: I appreciate Dr. Phil's direct, straight forward style of writing. The recommendations are ones that have been presented many times before and following them will certainly result in weight loss. As a dietitian that has been in practice over twenty-five years, I understand most people know how to lose weight. The difficulty is "making themselves do what they need do". Finally, we have some understanding why someone can know all they need to know about losing weight, yet find it impossible to follow through with their good intentions. It is because our eating is contolled by the "feeling" brain, not our "thinking" brain. We eat to feel good, to numb-out, to entertain ourselves, somewhat "mindlessly", and to calm ourselves, as well as many other reasons. How do we change that "automatic eating" response? By retraining the "feeling" brain. We do this by increase our skills at nurturing and setting limits, in a loving, responsive way. Learn more about this by reading The Pathway: Follow the Road to Health and Happiness, by Laurel Mellin. As a Certified Solution Provider, I have had the joy of seeing many people reach their Solution and turn off the drive to overeat along with many other excess in their lives. You can too!
Rating:  Summary: NOT THE REAL SOLUTION . . . SAD TO SAY Review: Everyone knows that will power and diets don't work, so I can't BELIEVE that Dr. Phil is doing what has been done 1,000s of times and has failed. I recommend The Solution, a program that has been shown in research at UCSF and University of Chicago to really work. What I like about it is that there are no diets or drugs, but people lose the weight and even years later, the weight stays off. It's based on acquiring two skills, nurturing and limits, and they turn off the emotional drive to eat, drink, spend, smoke, so it's not just one problem you solve, but the whole range of them. Dr. Phil, please read The Pathway: Follow the Road to Health and Happiness. Laurel Mellin, it's author and creator of The Solution was just on Oprah, too. If you use these skills, you won't even want those Dr. Phil diet bars and you certainly won't need them. IT'S WORKED FOR ME and I'm grateful for The Pathway.
Rating:  Summary: Who wants more? Review: If you've never read one thing about weight loss, then go ahead and get up to date with Dr. Phil. But for the rest of us, let's go a little further and address the problem on a whole new level--one that feeds our spirit, not the common message out there that encourages blame and guilt. One suggestion, The Quest for Peace, Love and a 24-Inch Waist does this, so do the many books that inspire mindfulness, healthy body image and self love vs. our current self loathing, body-obsessed attitude. Instead of reading more of the usual on diets, search in a new direction to inspire lasting change.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Phil Has Sold Out! Review: I've seen this in other reviews, and let me stress it again - there is nothing new in this book! Come on, Dr. Phil. As a psychologist, you should know better than try to sell a bill of goods that's been sold before. If you want to tell people to lose weight, at least give them something new. Also, try shedding a few pounds, too. Might make you look more legit. Americans, wake up to Dr. Phil - a pop psychologist who fixes nothing in the long run.
Rating:  Summary: Close, but no cigar Review: Being a weight-loss counselor reading Dr. Phil's book, I found many things that I very much agree with. As I was reading, I found myself hopeful, because I think he's right-on in terms of many of the underlying reasons that we overeat. Unfortunately, however, he never actually provides the tools to do what he's asking people to do. Rather, he sticks to relying on people changing simply because now they "know" why they overeat, rather than providing the tools and support structure to really change those deep-down, core expectations of inadequacy that cause so many of us to overeat. Because of this shortcoming, I will continue to recommend "The Pathway", by Laurel Mellin, to my weight-loss clients who need more than just "knowing" what to do to change their fundamental beliefs about themselves in order to lose weight.
Rating:  Summary: It is interesting! Review: I like this book for several reasons. Dr. Phil has a great tell it like it is writing style. This makes it a more personable and interesting read. It is not like reading diet books that only depict statistics and case study after case study. The book contains self-assessments throughout the whole book. You begin to find out things that you never knew before or that were covered up by other bad habits. The price for these assessments (audits) make it worth it. It is not someone telling you to follow a program but someone who is recommending that you switch your behavior. Isn't that the whole secret behing wt. loss? I agree that portion control, exercising, and good nutrition are the keys to losing wt. and being nutritionally sound. This also leads to positive attitudes too. However, this is not original in thought and this is just common sense. I do not agree that throwing out the recommended foods (many starches or carbs) is the answer. It shows that you cannot resist temptation and that if you did, you would pig out. One needs to learn how to stay away from these things with the alteration of behavior. Isn't this the point of the book to learn to eat properly and avoid self-defeating behaviors? It is not good to deprive the body of foods that it needs. Everything has to be in moderation but it is still needed. There is nothing left to eat if you throw out all the cold cuts, pasta, cereal, bread, ice cream, etc. What would I eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Why should I keep lean meats but not cold cuts? Turkey Breast is a lean cold cut! This is not always practical based upon our individual needs. I have 2 children who are 6 and 4. They have very fast metabolisms and as kids they are supposed to eat more starches for energy. This balances their meals out. If I give them just proteins, they are going to miss out on spaghetti, cereal, peanut butter and jelly on bread. C'mon now! These are kids' meals. I do not have to have everything that they have but I am not going to remove food that is needed for them. Dr. Phil said the kids will get used to it after a while. I will go so far as to say, that getting rid of junk food and fast food is a good thing. However, anything else is ridiculous. I found the chapters very long winded and the book could have mentioned all the main ideas with less pages. I am on Weight Watchers and a lot of what the book has; is part of the WW plan. They can work together easily. I do like his point that I do not have to measure anything. However, I need to measure according to Weight Watchers in order to gain portion control until I can make it a good habit without measuring. I agree with this. You have to learn to do it well by using a technique. After practice, it will be integrated into your everyday habits. All in all, it is a decent book to assess why you are overweight and how to go about changing that problem. The book is geared for individuals and the way to help everyone lose weight using basic strategies and individualizing them. His personality definitely comes through in this book. I do know that this book is an interactive book and this is refreshing. I wish that he did not call it a weight loss situation. Usually, after you lose weight, you think that the book is not needed anymore or that you can resort to old eating habits. It should be called a nutritional book instead. People will view this as a lifestyle change instead of just weight loss. This is half the battle. I recommend this book, if you need to analyze yourself for the hows, whys, wheres, whats, and whens for your weight loss problems. It can really work if you are honest in the self-assessments.
Rating:  Summary: This weight loss solution works! Review: If you agree with Dr. Phil that excess weight is caused by medicating emotional problems with food, you can start on the road to recovery. I have lost 18 pounds since I read this book and have gained insight into why I eat when I should be doing something else. Another book, Optimal Thinking-How To Be Your Best Self helped me to understand the difficult emotions I couldn't deal with and gave me easy roadmaps to overcome them. These books provide different perspectives, but the sum total is that I can now put my best self in charge of my life and resolve emotional problems. I feel powerful!